Best of Both Worlds

You know you have been away from home too long when you feel the urge to write about food!
Yesterday was my baby boys 9th B-day... For a moment there I lost my mind and thought I could run out and pick up a birthday cake for our family dinner last night..... (Note to Americans moving to Norway... There are no Hy-Vees or Wal marts here where you can just run in & pick up a sheet cake).... Ooooo Nooooo... You need to be prepared! (which I usually am not...) As I realized I was going to have to bake a birthday cake and fast... What do I see but BETTY CROCKER FROSTING... This is a big big deal for me! I have seen chocolate frosting before but never Good Ol' American Vanilla frosting....
It was of course a MUST have... never mind the fact that it cost 50nok... ($10 US... for a can of frosting) Ran home baked a 2 layer cake... with Nugatti in the middle (Norwegian thing... where the best of both worlds comes in...) & Vanilla frosting on top. I must say it was the best friggen cake I have eaten in I don't know how long.... MMMMMMmmmmmm
It is always so exciting when you find American products in the store.... and they are always so random! Why stock Betty Crocker frosting but not Cake mix? Whole nother boring blog in its self.....


Debz said…
getting to know you - starting at the beginning. welcome to blogging - i too am new to the blog world.
Would love to try this cake you made - sounds freakin yummy

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