The Dirty Dozen...

Made it through another birthday party....This time much more Norwegian.. (read....easier) and I must admit less stressful. I was so "unstressed" on Sat. night, that I started getting STRESSED.
B-days are a MAJOR event in our house... (for me anyway) My mother was a big planner... my friends "Martha Stewarts of the Midwest", are big planners... and I am (was)a big planner.

*My son usually decides the theme of his party about 11 months before hand.
We talk about it all year...
*a few months before the big event, I will start having large amounts of crap sent to my mothers house... who in turn will wait to the last min. to send it over to me, paying around $150 to overnight my $5 Oriental trading party favours....
*I send the invites out 2 weeks in advance so everyone can save the date for my 6..7..8..year olds party. (Think I need to get over myself ?)
*Pull an all nighter finishing food, decorations etc... All of the games... are planned out...
bla bla bla you get the picture.

I remember the first b-day my was invited to here.... I was a bit shocked that we recieved the invite 2... 2 days before the party. When my son returned home from the party... I pumped him for allsorts of info... How were the decorations? What was the theme? Food? Cake? games? etc. Mind you this is a 6 year old boy, I am asking... BLESS

I would always get the standard reply... No decorations, Hotdogs, cupcakes, & NO ORGANIZED GAMES!

Lets face it.... these mothers just don't love their children...OBVIOUSLY!
(before anyone gets bent out of shape... K I D D I N G)
This year...we went a little more Norwegian.... not so much by choice... but because his b-day just kindda crept up on me. I have a new job, new house... bla bla... before I knew it, we were 2 weeks out, with no plan * blink * NO, PLAN. So I was going to have to go Norwegian on this one.... (Now.. I did still have crap sent from the states... but only the basics I couldn't get here...Lazer Tag Guns... Camo napkins... etc.) Invites I sent out 3 days before the party... our menue consisted of Hotdogs & chips... my HUSBAND threw the cake together the night before.. & I was in bed by 10 pm- (all time first) The next day... my hubby was running around in the back year making obstical courses for the boys to go through--- I have never seen him so excited about our kids b-day. Basically... he ran the entire thing.. I sat on the veranda with the make up girl.... (OK, so it was a little American... I hired a makeup artist to paint the kids faces because I was panicked about no organized games. ) and watched the whole thing. -- My husband has never been more attractive... Note to guys... women LOVE when you take charge of this kind of stuff... (they may not know it... but we do) The day rocked.... the party was supposed to end at 3:30 Our last little guest had to be sent home at 8:30 pm---- (no... you REALLY have to go home now...REALLY) I overheard a couple of little boys say it was the best party they had ever been to.... (better than my Harley Party? Or wild West? Waaaaa)
OK.. point to the story, I guess Norwegian mothers really do love ther children too... You don't get any extra points for doing MS cookies (MS -Martha Stewart) that will be eaten in a moment or dropped on the floor. & Maybe... Just maybe my husband has been right all along...


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