All good things come to those who wait....

Is that how the saying goes? I have been waiting...and waiting...and waiting and it feels like things are finally starting to come together for me here i Norge.
It was just a really nice week overall.
My mother in law was talking about a cousin who she ran into...he owns a Ad/Graphic Design studio.. they do all kinds of stuff..printing, mesa's etc. I started pumping her for info neither she nor my husband knew too much. (I have been talking about graphic design /photography for ages... if I could go back & do it all over again... I would go to art school... (I have my degree in Political Science) ANYWHOOO. I was really interested in finding out about his company. So yesterday... I just called him up out of the blue and asked to meet him. (I met him a couple times 12 years ago.) Went to his office and ended up spending pretty much most of the day with him... he showed me a lot of projects he was working on... his programs where he works his magic... all of neat printers..slicers etc. I was in hog heaven. He asked me if I was interested in helping out... YES YES YES!
I have a full time job where I am happy... it is management...well paid, great environment BUT.. there is nothing creative, or very exciting. With a new house & a big trip to America planned it is nothing I can walk away from..
This however is an opportunity to get my feet wet in the biz.. learn LOTS and see if this could be something I want to do... YIPPEEE.
I have been talking about it non stop for the past 24 hours.
This time last year I was MISERABLE.. hated it here, and would have been willing to take a job at the local hot dog factory if it would get me out of the house & pay....
Just feels like everything is finally coming together... job, family, friends, etc.
Wonder when things started changing? It feels like once stepped out of the dark dread...and started trying to make a life for myself here, things have just started to fall in to place.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Diane Mandy said…
Sounds like a great opportunity. I hope it all works out for you!
moni said…
I just found an intersting blog, i am married to a norwegian but we reside in Florida and we have 2 beautiful girls ages 14 and 12 years old. We married in Norway 16 years ago. We might move to Norway after school year but I don't know if I will be able to learn the language and the culture, the weather can be a big difference, How is Bergen in winter time.I know it will take time for me to settle, and I want to work over there, I already spent 4 times there in vacation time up to 2 weeks but not longer than that. Please, let me know are you currently working?? how many years do you live there?? Thanks for your cooperation.

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