I'm Turning Norwegian.. I really think so... think so

OK you have to sing this to "Turning Japanese" by The Vapors... catchy little tune from the 80's.

It seems everyday I resist a little less... and I'm turning Norwegian..
Examples of my Norwegianism... (yes kinda like a Bushism)

The sun is shining... and I feel like yelling it from the roof tops... THE SUN IS OUT... THE SUN IS OUT!. Which of course means I need to be outside doing SOMETHING... You can not be in the house when the sun is out....

In KC... I could give a big shit.... if the sun was out... and Oprah was on... forgetaboutit....
Sun was out & needed retail therapy... I was off to the mall.
Because I have never lived in Alaska or Seattle... I just took sunshine for granted.

Here I feel like I need to savour every delicious drop of light.... because you really aren't sure when it will disappear or if it will return.

RETAIL THERAPY? I used to enjoy my days at the mall--- swinging by on my way home for work, hitting the sales at Jones store... or better Marshalls..... or buying $500 worth of crap from Target just because.... but in Norway I DREAD shopping. I only do it when I MUST..

I am learning to cook.... not because I ever wanted to ... but because it is too bloody expensive to eat out here... and we have 2 choices.. Chinese... (not the good American kind of Chinese food) or Pizza.... & Paying $90 to take the kiddos to Pepes... NOT FUN..

HOT ROLLERS... (not in an 80's crazy sorta way...) I am down to using my rollers to maybe 3 times a week... & only when I am going to work & want to look a little more polished.

Mind you I have been "doing" my hair since I was in 3rd grade... blow drying... curling... spraying... Not a usual thing to do here... Most people let their hair AIR DRY naturally... (I haven't gone that far yet... but I am sure it is just a matter of time)

Speaking of natural.. & hair....I am letting the hair on my legs grow longer than my husband... just cause I can. (So totally kidding on that.... but wanted to see if you were paying attention.)

TV... We moved into a new house... and have been waiting for over 2 months for the cable guy to come out & hook up the cable. I ... ME... actually suggested blowing it off until after summer... Who needs TV when we can be outside? Bless, my kids still wait everyday for the cable man to arrive... we haven't had the heart to tell them we are waiting till after summer.

Of course being the bad mommy that I am... I get my fill of The Hills & Grey's Anatomy off of the internet.... but I have given up Oprah & Dr. Phil

GOING FOR WALKS... not just because my car stopped on the Freeway, & I fear for my life...... but because I want to. I have been fighting...bitching ... moaning for the past 2 years about having to " tur" (go on a walk) Norwegians LOVE to do the family walks on the weekends...

I KNEW I was turning Norwegian today when I went on a walk this morning after dropping the kiddos off... and was just in awe of how pretty everything is... (I am soooo not a nature person)
The picture above is the view from my neighborhood....it really is beautiful----the water, the sun, the trees... sigh...

K, Before I go to work, I am off to be a little bit Norwegian (sit on my veranda with my cup of coffee, listening to CC Cowboys while I hang my laundry out to air dry.)


Anonymous said…
You are not NORWEGIAN! You are my American sister damnit!

glad you started one!

Unknown said…
: ) Love you too!
Debz said…
Gorgeous view! I will admit that I did throw up in my mouth a little when you said you were letting your leg hair grow. THen I just swallowed it back down cause I felt my own leg hair bristling against my arm. (i;m not a contortionist, I am sitting cross legged [or as we used to call it back in the days of who gives a shit about being pc] Indian Style. ANyway, gotta shave my legs
Anonymous said…
This made me chuckle. We Midwest gals know how to "do hair"! I moved to Haugesund in 1993 and they didn't sell hot rollers or curling irons so who made their husband travel to Copenhagen in search of styling equipment but me!

I don' really use them anymore because the humid weather knocks the curls right out so yeah after almost 16 years in Norway, my hair is pretty au naturel. But just to be clear, I still shave my legs!
Sarah From France said…
I'm curious but why don't you like shopping in Norway?! And I agree, the hills was a good tv show! :)
All of this is very interesting!
Sarah From France said…
I'm curious but why don't you like shopping in Norway?! And I agree, the hills was a good tv show! :)
All of this is very interesting!

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