Still looking for my "Happy Place"

OK... not sure I am allowed to copy something from another blog as I am new to this...(Can I?)

I have now FOUND my Happy Place... I have been sitting here by myself laughing until I am crying this is the funniest thing I have read in ages... & think I have now found my new favorite blog.... especially when I am in my "dark place". Have a look... OMG from

Jagged Little Fug
What happened to Alanis Morissette?

[Photo: Splash News]
She used to be kind of an edgy rocker type, or at least, someone who seemed sort of amused to get to play an edgy rocker type. Now she's your coworker at Kinko's who wears polyester pants and sensible trainers with her large vests, and keeps guilt-tripping everyone into coming to see her wicked-awesome Bangles cover band, Ovarian Love Bracelet, only to get them all to a show and then humiliatingly dedicate "Eternal Flame" to the dude who takes the passport photos. I've got one hand in my pocket, Alanis, and the other is covering my eyes. ZING. Thank you, good night! Tip the kid replacing the ink in Copier #2!
Edited to add: Yes, I know the rumor is that she's pregnant, but that's beside the point. I know plenty of pregnant women who don't wear that outfit. Particularly those pants. ESPECIALLY those pants.


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