Just needed a breather.... Tag...

Needed a few days off because I am T I R E D... I wish i could say I have been doing something constructive... but they were really just mental health days...

Thank you to all of you who have asked about Bjørn... I will be making rounds to all of your blogs... just trying to get caught up.

Bjørn is doing great... he will be in the hospital until next Monday as long as no other complications pop up.

His arm appears to be healing... & he is just finishing his antibiotics....

He told me yesterday that he hopes nothing goes wrong because "it has gone so SMOOTH this time..." What? Whatever...

So during my time away from my laptop I was tagged & received 2 awards....

TAG...Donna from Email From The Embassy tagged me for Around the World in 80 Clicks. I’m supposed to share 5 things I love about being a mother. Then tag other mom's around the world...

5 things I love about being a mother...

1.Everything about Dane..

2.Everything about Eva

OK.. I know that sounds like a cop out... but I love everything about these 2 amazing little people...
My children are the my greatest accomplishments....

1.) I L O V E the sound of them laughing...I love the giggles & the inside jokes they don't think I

2.)I LOVE that they both still like to cuddle with me..... deep down... i also like that they fight about who gets to sit on my lap... who gets to lay next to me etc. (I know I am sick & twisted... who wants there kids to fight over them.?)

3.) I LOVE that my kids are F U N N Y... i know you all think your kids are funny. but seriously, my kids are like SIT COM or BBC funny. Dane & I went on a 40 min. walk last night & he had me laughing about 30 min of it...

4.) I love watching my kids & wondering what they are going to end up doing... I know that both of them will be able to be or do anything they want ... that just amazes me...

5.) I LOVE that although they can both be little shits at times, I K N O W.. that they are both kind & caring little people....

What's not to love about them & being their mommy?

Moms I am tagging......
Song for Whoever -Florida

Mads & Kelli -Denmark

Simple Answer -Jordan

RML -Germany

Florida Girl In Sydney -Australia

(drum roll....) Awards.....

Which made it all the sweeter when Stacy Nyikos nominated me for a Lemonade Stand Award for great Gratitude/ or attitude. Yippee!! Virtual Lemonade Stands. I love it.To accept the award I have to share the Lemonade by --1. Post the logo on my blog.2. Nominate 10 blogs with great gratitude/attitude.3. List and link my nominees.4. Alert them of their nomination on their blog.The 10 blogs I nominate are as follows --

1.)Kelly over at Song for Whoever. amazing lady & also real life BFF... (still sounds like I am in HS.)

2.)Wibeche og Rune such a positive blogger with an ADORABLE family...

3.)sues2u2 ... Just know if we had the chance to meet, we would be fast friends...

4.)Sugar Boogers & Tantrums ... sweetie.. cute little babies...

5.)Shelle-BlokThoughts FUNNY girl... & I LOVE her photos... always amazed with her talent!

6.)Ritch in Love nice twist on being a step mommy... cutest family & the girl has amazing taste.

7.)Bird, Frizzy and Yaya my bubbly buddy on the other side of the world...who just seems to "get me" even though we have never met.

8.)Buried With Children- one word... WOW.. how does she do it all & stay funny with all those babies?

9.)The Perlman Update... another, I know we would be friends in real life... an amazing read..makes life in Norway sound BORING...Jill is always up to something.. & where she gets her energy...no idea.

10.)Em over at Life, Liberty and the Pursuit... an amazing writer...& real momma... she writes what I think...love it.

I am also giving all of the above this cute little award..

Wibeche og Rune Awarded me this little cutie... THANK YOU... Wibeche is just on the other side of the fjord.... hopefully we will have the chance to meet one day!The month of April has been named Tell 'Em You're A Fan Month. So, let your favorite blog sites know that you're a fan!
Now, here are the rules:
1. Leave a comment or an email for your favorite blogger telling them that you are a fan of the site.
2. Feel free to copy and paste the award, or you can get the code at Sited and Blogged to present to your blog friend or post on your site when it is awarded to you.
3. When you receive more than one fan, put the number of fans you have received under the image.
4. The more fans you receive the better!So, what are you waiting for...tell someone you're a fan of all their blog...HAVE FUN


Betsy said…
So glad to hear that Bjorn is doing better. I hope that all goes well for him to go home on Monday.

Many blessings,
Debie Napoleon said…
Glad to hear that Bjorn is doing well. And it's nice to read about a mother who simply adores her children.
sues2u2 said…
Yeah, don't ya love a patient who says this was easy when it wasn't? Bet the hospital stuff love him. I am really happy to hear that he's doing better. I know how hard it is to wait when you can't help.

Love the post. The pix of you & the kiddos is wonderful & I secretly love it that my son loves to set next to me in church (he's waaaayyyy too big to sit in my lap!) & that both of them will fight over me. Good times...

And Thanks for the awards! That is so sweet.
LadyFi said…
Wonderful to hear that your husband is doing so much better.

And what adorable kids you have!

Get a good rest if you can!
Jen said…
Oh thanks for the award. You are too sweet!
Your children are adorable! They have eyes that makes it seem like you could literally fall into them!

So glad to hear your husband is progressing, and hope he gets to come home next week.
jmt said…
Hi there. (I'm blog hopping today...commenting on a blog and then picking someone else who commented and visiting them...and then picking another commenter...etc.) I think what you said about your kids is so incredibly sweet. I love stumbling on blogs like this that make me remember just how much the headaches are worth. So thank you. :) Happy Wednesday.
Unknown said…
I'm so glad that Bjorn is doing better and praying that that this will be the end of the problems with his arm..

That is such a lovely tribute to your kids.

Great photo as well...those blue eyes just pop !!!
Karen said…
So glad to hear that you are all doing better. Especially Bjorn.
Doriana Gray said…
I blogged today - thanks for the Tag :)
Jill said…
Awe T - you're too kind!! I'm glad to hear that Bjorn will be heading home next week. I can't imagine how much you want this ordeal to be over... I know I would!!

I still have to do my tag from Donna - though I just can't think of 5 things right now. Major brain fart!

Kelli Nørgaard said…
My fave is #5!!! Yeah for mommies all over the world! I will write my tag this weekend!
Ash said…
You're too sweet - thanks, so much!! My blogging has taken a backseat to life these days, so I really appreciate the love!

Very glad to hear the Bjorn is on the mends. And that shot of you and the kiddos - gorgeous.

Hope your weekend is treating you well!! Em
What lovely kids you have!

Joy <--stopping by from SITS roll call
Laura said…
Thanks so much for the love-- I've been on holiday! But I'll be back soon!
Such a lovely post...congrats for the awards :-)I'm happy your husband doing better :-)

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