yet ANOTHER prayer request...

What a year.... just when I think we are D O N E... we get hit with another WHAMMY....

Say a little prayer for us....

Bjørn is having complications with his arm... & looks like they are going to take him in on Monday & open his arm up AGAIN.... Can I just whine a little now... & say (scream)

I am SICK TO DEATH of the "mystery" illnesses & ailings here....

Not sure what it is? lets just call it a virus... or i dunno... say that your body is healing itself... (from WHAT?)

About 6 weeks ago Bjørn noticed a golf ball sized lump under his scar.... it worried him enough to make an appointment.... What did the Dr. say? Hmmmmmmm... not really sure.... Hmmmmmm

took a few x-rays, but couldn't EXPLAIN anything to us.. ( in regards to what it may be...)
they did make another appointment to come back & check it a month later.....

by this time...(last week) the golf ball, had started getting smaller & moving closer to the surface... they told him he had probably had internal bleeding & it was working it self out... (if all of this sounds like it is coming from a QUACK... it probably is...)

I WISH I had taken a picture of his arm.... it was DISGUSTING... it looked like something from a bad Science Fiction movie.... a few days ago this..."THING".... BURST... (you are probably THANKING me for NOT taking/posting pictures of this "THING"....)

Bjørn now has a dime size HOLE in his arm...the Dr.'s are GUESSING that his body may be rejecting the rod they put in there this summer.... but assured him that all of the OOZING is a really good thing... me screaming now..... MY A$$ !!!
I don't see anything good about OOZING... (maybe it is just me acting like a little Princess again... but I don't think anyone should be OOZING)

a really good thing in MY Book... would be a HEALTHY arm,
9 months later...

I am hoping that I will be able to keep my big mouth SHUT.. & just be supportive... I know the last thing he needs to hear is that his doctors don't know what they are doing, & NOW would be a perfect time to move HOME....

For those who have been following me & all of my prayers requests /sending good vibes....

**Petter is home & doing "fine" it was some sort of VIRUS...(theres that word again...) but so far so good.

** Hanne, I tracked her down in Florida... her son Jakob was to finish treatment on the 23rd of March & they were hoping to bring him home to Norway. the prognosis isn't good... but we are all praying for a miracle....


Leah said…
I'll be thinking of you guys, and sending good vibes. That sucks!
Roxane said…
Oh that sounds awful! I can't blame you for wanting to come home. I'll be having a word with the Big Man upstairs for you :)
Ash said…
Ugh, I'm so sorry for this.

Maybe just a little trip to the U.S. for a second opinion?

You guys are in my thoughts - Em
Rebecca Jo said…
Oh my... I didnt realize this was still going on.... Keep us updated.. I'll pray...
The housewife said…
Sending lots of positive thoughts your way - and to little Jakob.
sues2u2 said…
That oozing does Not sound pleasant. I know, big understatement! Our thoughts, prayers & hearts Are w/ all of you (other special requests too).
Anonymous said…
WOW...there a lot of medical mysteries there, huh? I'm so sorry....I know that has to be frustrating. I would think he should be totally healed in 9 months as well....but I'm not a medical doctor...I just play one on blogs. I'll keep him and the others in my prayers.
Ronda's Rants said…
I am disturbing for him and you!
I will keep you both in my prayers and thoughts!
Oh I'm so sorry to hear this...I hope he will be better soon and the doctors will find out what is this...Keep us updated, until then, you guys will be in my thoughts...Sending you masse masse love, Evi
Frizzy said…
This doesn't sound fun for either of you that's for sure. I think you should really worry if the ooze has a bad odor. The little I do know about such things tells me when ooze smells bad that's not a good sign. If it's clear and has no odor I think you're safe. Hope that helps. I'm no doctor just been around enough to learn those are signs of infection. Also, can he ask to see a specialist about healing it faster?
Robbi said…
I'm so sorry Tressa. I hope they help Bjørn once and for all. Thanks for the update on Hanne & Jakob and Petter. I'm sending prayers to all of you.

Heather said…
OH, sweetie, I am praying right now. I'm praying for healing and strength and ANSWERS. Hang in there...
Suzanne said…
COME HOME.....I'll meet you at the airport and drive Bjorn directly to the University of Chicago Hospital. Or Mayo Clinic if you wish. I am not kidding!

- Suzanne
Khadra said…
wow, a hole?!
Good luck :(
oh my! prayers for you going out right about... NOW... that is just a horrible sounding situation!

keep your chin up!
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry! You certainly haven't been able to catch a break this year!

I hope they get it figured out.
Janet said…
I will say a prayer for you too. One thing, I would have a biopsy done. Always better safe than sorry.
Corinne said…
Ugggghhhh.... I really, really hope this gets resolved ASAP. You guys have been through enough this year. I've got your family in my thoughts.
Batgirl said…
A hole?! Wow. Second opinions are a good idea. My sister was told she had a virus on the balance nerve - turned out to be a tumor - benign, thankfully - it was her regular doctor who kept the pressure up and got her in for an MRI. The specialists seem to require a doctor to share your concerns here before they'll listen. Sending loads of positive vibes your way!!
Unknown said…
I'm so sorry! You really need a break from sickness and deserve it! You'll be in my thoughts!
Tim said…
You are right NONE of that sound normal.

We are praying for Bjorn that all return to normal with his arm very soon.

Love and Prayers,

Donna said…
So not fun. I know what it is to be sick and far away from home. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope his arm heals quickly.
A hole is not good. Not at all. I hope that ya'll get some real answers.

And just out of there a chance ya'll will move "home?"
Kelly said…
Oh, Tree! This just sucks!! Is there anyway you guys can start going to your American MD friend over there? It would probably make you more comfortable! I will definitely be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

RE: Hanne...if you find out that their stay has been prolonged, let me know. I'll make the trip up to J'ville.
LadyFi said…
I'm thinking of you! I know how frustrating doctors can be.. my husband broke his leg and foot two years ago, and still can't walk properly... Damn quacks!
magicdarts said…
You're in my thoughts - hope you can find a specialist to help get this sorted, stay strong!
The Blonde Duck said…
I hope everything works out! Sending good thoughts your way!
Astrid said…
You've already thought of it surely but I'd like to say it anyway... Get a second opinion. My family's medical history has taught us not to just trust blindly in what any doctor says.

Father in law just saved his eyesight thanks to dr number two. If he had continued with nr 1 he would have had one eye less.

So hang in there, be positive and don't feel bad for seeking another opinion to be 100% sure...

Virtual lurker-out-of-the-closet hug!!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
girl, your cup overfloweth.....
praying for some peace and quiet to come your way!!!
Anonymous said…
i thing you realize that you f... up the UN statistics about norway to be the best in just anything and everything, do you have something like malpractice suits there, or just demand diagnosis or referral to someone who can do it? you live in the most undeveloped country in europe, understand that.

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