Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!

Something I forgot to share....I was planning on sharing this the day after the TIPI post.. Argh....I KNEW it! - my options...
(Kelly, I was thinking the sames thing...marsha marsha marsha..from my favorite bunch...)

But of course I got sidetracked..... Then MARSHA...MRS. IDONTHAVEABLOG left another funny comment which made me laugh & I remembered I had to share....

Marsha...why don't you have a blog? are F U N N Y! (or do you & the link isn't showing up?)

on the question should I be a dork & camp in the TIPI or not..
Marsha :o) said...

I would say C all the way.Sure, people may laugh and point, but there are benefits to looking weird.
1) If you have to tinkle in the middle of the night, you don't have to worry about wondering into a strangers tent

2) If you hear people make comments, you can run up to them and say my favorite line, "don't stare, it may be contigious"

3) Your kids will need something to tell their therapist when they grow up!

4) You can tell people, "please don't laugh at where I am from, I am a native of America."

5) Think of the cool opening line and Dane's "what I did this summer" essay. "This summer, while camping in a teepee, I learned that my mom is a dork, but I love her anyways!"

6) You could decorate it with a bumper sticker that say, "my teepee is bigger then your fishing pole"

7) You will have an awesome answer to the survey, "weirdest place I have had sex"

8) You will always have something to hang over Bjorn's head..."remember when I slept in a teepee for you?" Think of all the flowers and jewelry you could get!

9) Think of all the people taking pictures of your teepee and posting them online on their blogs. You will be like famous and stuff. And who knows, you may start the world wide trend! "Kid, what do you want for Christmas this year?" (said in Chinese accent) "A Teepee...just like that lady online has!"

10) Think of all of your bloggers who will be anxiously waiting for your return to see pictures.

The night I read this to Bjørn I couldn't catch my breath I was laughing sooo hard... Bjørn wanted to know if I was on "something".. -I WISH..but no...

Want another giggle? go check out this post... (adult content)
A Canadian in Norway
Picture This


Kelly said…
Marsha! Marsha! Marsha! She should have a blog!!!! Too funny!
Anonymous said…
Too, Dang, Funny!

I love the 'weirdest place you've had sex'!!
Karen said…
She is funny! The woman does need a blog.
WOW...the girl is creative...I'll give her that!
Anonymous said…
That is hilarious!
I Heart Faces said…

We just wanted to congratulate you on being our I ♥ Faces Fan of the Week! We truly thank you for all the fun you have added to our site and for being such an active participant. :)

~Angie & Amy
co-founders of I ♥ Faces
Angie's Spot said…
That list was GREAT! She really should have a blog!

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