Going back to school BITES (in Norway)

I always get kinda (VERY) BUMMED at back to school time in NORWAY

I get HOMESICK for the United States....

I remember my days at school....
I LOVED school... not the learning bit... but the social part of it...

I loved everything about going back to school... In elementary school, they would post which class room we were going to be in for the year...

I remember peddling my bike as fast as my chubby legs would take me... in anticipation... what teacher would I have? who would be in my class? "Oh please please please let Michele be in my class... I hope we get to sit together...."

And the weeks leading up to school & all of the shopping... back to school clothes & supplies.... All new outfits... all new supplies.... I loved getting a new "Trapper Keeper" each year...

& every year you could look forward to moving up a grade... 3rd grade...4th grade.. & finally 5 th grade where we "RULED THE SCHOOL" I remember being REALLY excited about being in 5th grade...

I loved picking out an outfit for the first day of school...new lunch boxes & a new start to the year...

Back to school was always a big deal... & I liked it that way....

Back to school in Norway? Not so much... (I don't know how things work all over Norway... but this is our school district....)

The kids are in the same class, with the SAME KIDS & the SAME TEACHER for 3 years... (they did get to change rooms this year WOO HOO )
There are no big back to school sales...
there is no supply list...
there is no nothing......

NO CLASS PICTURES.... (this makes me REALLY sad....)

TO be honest... I didn't even know when school started today... (we go through this every year...) Other school districts did at least send a letter telling the kids when to show up... we didn't... (its my fault because I am supposed to check the newspaper daily IN CASE the put the information in there.... ) - I did try to check the schools website, but it hasn't been updated from last fall... Hmpfffffff....

SO here is my 5th grader.... first day of school... no big deal for anyone but Me....


Wow. I love to learn about other cultures. I find it very interesting that they stay with the same teacher and kids for 3 years.

I hear you about the sales...I would totally miss that too.

Im lovin the Yankees jersey and his eyes look so beautiful!!! ;)
Corinne said…
That's odd there's no school pictures...Sverre had pictures done while he was in school. I bet it is the school/PTA association or whatever is closest to that. You should totally order Trapper Keepers from Amazon (amazon.co.uk ships to Norway cheaply!). Who knows, your kids may start a new trend!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
that is odd about the school pics because we have them in DK! Hauled all the first years down to the big auditorium room for pics within 2 hours of them arriving at school.

But I do think it is a big deal too!! Hope the first day of grade 5 was GREAT!
sues2u2 said…
Oh, your baby is so grown up! That's too bad about missing out on all of the fun back to school stuff. It's part of what makes it fun to go back!

Hope that Dane had a great day (& you!)
The housewife said…
Aw he looks so handsome....
Frizzy said…
I know the first day of school is different than when you grew up but I have faith that you'll help them experience as many of your back to school memories as you possibly can. Plus, just think of the reduced anxiety about who will be in your class they have to go through. That alone could be a benefit not a drawback.
Frizzy said…
Oh, I was wondering if you could make your own version of a year book for his class and become the hero. I know that here in the states the elementary teachers are asking different mothers to take a page or two to add to the album and the teacher or volunteer puts the entire book in a spiral notebook pictures memories and all. Kinda fun that way too. Plus, more personalized.
Jen Sue Wild said…
Ok thats just crazy that they dont sent a letter or something..

I hope you all had a great first day!!
Roxane said…
Oh Norway would have been perfect for me! the uncertainty of the first day of school made my belly ache for all of August LOL ...
LJensen said…
He looks so cool in his NY Yankee's Shirt. In Louisiana all public schools wear uniforms.

My Danish husband says they had the same teacher and class for all of primary school, not just 3 years.
Jennifer said…
Woah, but the school shopping is the best part of going back to school! ;-)
oh that makes me sad for you!! I can't imagine not having a class picture!

Love the hair-do!!
LadyFi said…
I think it's great that the kids are in the same class with the same teacher for three years. My daughter is too for Years 1-3. Even so, she is so nervous about starting school tomorrow, even if nothing has changed, not even the classroom.

Staying in the same group and with the same teacher is so much better for most students - giving them a sense of much-needed security and confidence.

So, that's probably why they do it in Norway too.
Wow, he is getting SO big!!!
I say that like I've known him his whole life, LOL. But I just mean compared to all the pics from the last year or 2! What a cutie. :)
Jill said…
Wow - they don't even tell you when school starts? CRAZY!!

Dane looks so grown up... I can imagine having a tear or two when you sent him off ... especially after seeing the photo of him much younger! :)
Mary Ellen said…
My kids had the same teacher for first and second grade, but all new after that. I wouldn't mind keeping a good teacher, but sometimes I was grateful there was a new one.

Sorry back to school isn't fun in Norway!
Well he LOOKS so cute and ready to go to school! :)

My kid didn't want to get all excited for school like I wanted him to... pfffttt! as if!
Anonymous said…
Hope your first day was a big success. The kids around here are starting tomorrow. Fifth grade is a hard one but you are my smart kiddo, so, study hard and LISTEN to the teacher. We miss you and are thinking about you. Love MorMor and Gramps...Fudgie too!!
Skogkjerring said…
Yeah, my kids started yesterday, no new clothing, some new school supplies but that is it. We just assumed the time to show up was the same as last year so the kids left at the same time as last year. You're right, same classes and teachers. I think Thomas said he got one new teacher. Sarah started videregående, så her schooling is new but she didn't want any new clothing, they had gotten some things over the summer and that was good enough. And yeah- class photos is a sad thing, in elementary school they take 1st grade photos and 7th grade photos. In Middle school it's 8th grade photos and 10th grade..and that is it. Sorry it was such a bummer day for you but hope the kids had fun seeing their friends again :-)

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