I ♥ Faces - SILLY Faces.

It is SILLY face week at I ♥ Faces

I REALLY REALLY wanted to refrain from using another HOT LIPS
picture..but I just could NOT resist....

Look at these cute SILLY little girls...

My mom sent over these wax lips from the states for Eva's Birthday party... the kids LOVED them...heck I love them... I am going to wear mine when I go shopping....

Head on over to I Heart Faces, & see who else is playing!


They ARE funny. I'd wear mine everywhere too :)
Suzi said…
Those lips crack me up!
Bethany said…
I love the lips!! Very cute :)
This picture is a crack up. Great shot!
Hahaha! So funny...we had something like these when I was little. :)
Roxane said…
Cute cute cute! I remember playing with wax lips :D
Bridgette said…
How cute!!! Love it!!!!
Sarah - Kala said…
Those wax lips are hilarious!
Frizzy said…
Hours of fun I see.;) What a great party gift. Heck what a great gift for every day.
Amy said…
What a great picture!
Heather said…
That is a GREAT picture!!
Anonymous said…
Good post.....
Great blog.....
Good photo.....
Thanks for sharing.....
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beaverboosh said…
Please send me some!
Anonymous said…
I have missed your sense of humor since I have not been here for a bit! You crack me up...Love the picture..Great lips...you get my vote!
Sandra Winn said…
What a fun thing to do! I'm lovin' the big lips so I'm glad you chose to go with them. :-)

Have a terrific weekend ~ Sandy

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