Happy Happy Birthday Baby girl!!!

Yes...yet another picture FEST...I just can't help myself....

Today, 5 years ago as Bjørn & I were headed out to celebrate our 8 year anniversary, we popped by the Dr.'s office.... She just wanted to have a quick look at me, as baby girl was now 4 days late....

Hmmm... I didn't realize I was making weird faces as I was sitting on her table, but luckily she knew what was going on....
She advised me to cancel our reservations & make arrangements for Dane to overnight with my mother... cause she was pretty sure baby girl was going to show up before we could make it to the main course.... shit...

Not that I wasn't ready to meet my little princess I was just hoping she would show up BEFORE or AFTER the 3rd....

Really sharing the August 3rd date has worked out really well for us....

It is a perfect excuse for both Bjørn & I take a day off work & spoil the family....

Princess woke up to a pancake breakfast....

We debated keeping her home from pre-school but she had invitations & cupcakes to pass out... not to mention the CROWN they let her wear ALL.DAY.LONG....

The birthday kid always gets to pick the dinner... (have I mentioned Eva is my SUPER EASY CHILD?)

Eva wanted PIZZA for dinner & not just ANY pizza... she wanted the frozen kind we get from the grocery store.... (whatever princess wants...)

Farmor (grandma) came over with even more cake....
I have had enough cake to last me until next year...

Then time for gifts....
Yep she got the outfit she had picked out at the mall last week....

I'm thinking WOO HOO... she is finally getting into girly things... but then she told her daddy she thought the jacket would look COOL on the MOTORCYCLE she want's for Christmas....
The neighbor asked her what she wanted for her birthday ... & she told them a SHOT GUN....

That is just one of the MANY MANY MANY things I love about Eva Gabrielle.....
You just never know what to expect...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL... We love you soo much!


Melodie said…
Eva is precious ! And congrads on your anniversary.Thanks for checking out my blog ~Melodie
Bryce's momma said…
Happy Birthday Eva! She is so pretty! Looks like she had a dreamy birthday!
Rebecca Jo said…
Happy Birthday to your Princess... oh my goodness - she looks like your mini-me...

Jealous of her Belle PJ's!!!! Why dont they make those in adult sizes? I'd totally buy a pair! Hehe!
sues2u2 said…
Happy Birthday, Eva! Looks like it was a really great day.
Jen said…
Happy Birthday to you beautiful baby girl.
Jemma said…
How sweet! How was the party by the way? She is adorable and congrats to you and your hubs as well on your anniversary!
LJensen said…
She is so cute! But watch out...They grow up WAY to fast! I blinked and my baby turned 13...Enjoy her while she is still cute !LOL
Aubrey said…
What a beautiful little girl!
Happy Birthday to your baby!
Joanna Jenkins said…
Happy birthday beautiful girl!!!!!!
Corinne said…
LOL! She sounds like she's going to be a pistol! I like the look of birthdays at your family's house...lots of cake and candy. Yum!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Happy Birthday to your baby girl!!! She is such a beautiful kiddo!!!!! Those eyes..............
What a great anniversary gift! She is a doll! =)
The housewife said…
Happy Birthday beautiful girl!

I'm struggling to find a suitable pressie for an Angel looking tomboy but I'll get there.....
Anonymous said…
Your daughter is just to cute! Love the grocery store frozen pizza birthday supper. Here's to hoping she will always be so easy. Although I'm not to sure about the shot gun :)
Oksana said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY,EVA!!!!!!! I wish you all the best in this world!!!!Tressa, she is so wonderful beautiful girl, that I am envy, that I have son. You inspire me to have more babies, I want princess.
Anonymous said…
Good post.....
Great blog.....
Beautiful photos.....
Thanks for sharing.....
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Kelly said…
Oh, how cute! Happy Belated Birthday, Eva!!! I think that wrapping paper gave me a seizure!!

It looks like she had a fantabulous day!!!

(BTW: happy anniversary!)

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