WHY?...sometimes I wonder....
Let me just say I miss my hubby.... How I managed him being gone for 3-4 months at a time I can't remember...
I miss having him come home so I can ask all of my dumb WHY.. questions...
So, sorry y'all... I will have to dump them all on YOU until he gets home for me to BUG.....
So as I am running into my office this morning I happened to notice a little girl trapped in the back of her car.... wearing her formal Norwegian dress... Hmmmmm
Upon further inspection I noticed it wasn't really a little girl trapped in the back of her car.. it was just her picture on a sun screen....
WHY? it was kindda creepy ... (SOOOO creepy looking, I took a picture - I am too lazy to download the actual pictures)

Just wondering WHY someone with like triple FFF boobies would go out in public BRA-LESS ?
WHY WHY WHY.. unless your freaking house was on fire & you had to run out of the house in the middle of the night.. I don't understand it...
( I was once trapped in Turkey without a bra...but that was only because I was life flighted off of a cruise ship with an appendicitis, but even I bribed a nurse to go out & buy me a bra before I left the hospital... buts that a whole nother post... anyhoooo)
So back to BRA LESS triple FFF... wearing grey sweatpants (y'all KNOW how I feel about sweatpants... Hey you... hungry butt! ) She wasn't in a crisis... she left the house like that... (kicking her boobies the entire way....)
OK...I will be the FIRST to admit I am NOT a FASHIONISTA... I probably play it too safe too often....
but a few of these things today made me scratch my head and say Hmmmmm?
Why would a BEAUTIFUL... drop dead GORGEOUS Scandinavian Beauty wear
NERD Glasses? SERIOUS... I know the Big black frames are kind of trendy but..
Big Black framed glasses... with the WHITE bit in the middle?

I am sure they probably cost a fortune... but WHY?
(I remember my mother asking me why I would wear Dr. Martins & the other big black sole shoes we wore back in the 90's.... WHY? Why did we want to look like we were stealing our grandmothers orthopedic shoes?)
WHY would someone wear "footies"...(you know the little white tennis socks?) with high heeled sandals?

(not digging this picture...-but I think you get the point...) Let me just add it wasn't a young, trendy girl... the lady was older than me... I just had to ask WHY?
WHY hasn't someone told stinky breath that they have stinky breath... (I would N E V E R be able to do it...I guess I will have to suffer....)
Finally.. WHY would someone download a ring tone for their cell phone, that sounds like people having sex? -
Sure, I understand it if you were ummm.. 15... giggle giggle... maybe up to 22... but why would a 40 something man geeky man do it? (I guess cause he is a creepy geek?)
Why would you have that ring tone on your phone, & then take that phone into a meeting? Hmmmm..?
& then when you phone started MOANING...why wouldn't you turn it off?
Just wondering... C R E E P Y...
(& what did I say you ask? ---- "Mmmm, NICE ring tone...")
I miss having him come home so I can ask all of my dumb WHY.. questions...
So, sorry y'all... I will have to dump them all on YOU until he gets home for me to BUG.....
So as I am running into my office this morning I happened to notice a little girl trapped in the back of her car.... wearing her formal Norwegian dress... Hmmmmm
Upon further inspection I noticed it wasn't really a little girl trapped in the back of her car.. it was just her picture on a sun screen....
WHY? it was kindda creepy ... (SOOOO creepy looking, I took a picture - I am too lazy to download the actual pictures)
Just wondering WHY someone with like triple FFF boobies would go out in public BRA-LESS ?
WHY WHY WHY.. unless your freaking house was on fire & you had to run out of the house in the middle of the night.. I don't understand it...
( I was once trapped in Turkey without a bra...but that was only because I was life flighted off of a cruise ship with an appendicitis, but even I bribed a nurse to go out & buy me a bra before I left the hospital... buts that a whole nother post... anyhoooo)
So back to BRA LESS triple FFF... wearing grey sweatpants (y'all KNOW how I feel about sweatpants... Hey you... hungry butt! ) She wasn't in a crisis... she left the house like that... (kicking her boobies the entire way....)
OK...I will be the FIRST to admit I am NOT a FASHIONISTA... I probably play it too safe too often....
but a few of these things today made me scratch my head and say Hmmmmm?
Why would a BEAUTIFUL... drop dead GORGEOUS Scandinavian Beauty wear
NERD Glasses? SERIOUS... I know the Big black frames are kind of trendy but..
Big Black framed glasses... with the WHITE bit in the middle?
I am sure they probably cost a fortune... but WHY?
(I remember my mother asking me why I would wear Dr. Martins & the other big black sole shoes we wore back in the 90's.... WHY? Why did we want to look like we were stealing our grandmothers orthopedic shoes?)
WHY would someone wear "footies"...(you know the little white tennis socks?) with high heeled sandals?
(not digging this picture...-but I think you get the point...) Let me just add it wasn't a young, trendy girl... the lady was older than me... I just had to ask WHY?
WHY hasn't someone told stinky breath that they have stinky breath... (I would N E V E R be able to do it...I guess I will have to suffer....)
Finally.. WHY would someone download a ring tone for their cell phone, that sounds like people having sex? -
Sure, I understand it if you were ummm.. 15... giggle giggle... maybe up to 22... but why would a 40 something man geeky man do it? (I guess cause he is a creepy geek?)
Why would you have that ring tone on your phone, & then take that phone into a meeting? Hmmmm..?
& then when you phone started MOANING...why wouldn't you turn it off?
Just wondering... C R E E P Y...
(& what did I say you ask? ---- "Mmmm, NICE ring tone...")
Ugh, why would she ruin a cute pair of heels?? I don't get some people!
Next time you're in the States, stop by Wal*Mart. Any Wal*Mart will do. It will add to your list of Why's. And it will reinforce the fashion rule that CERTAIN THINGS SHOULD NOT BE MADE IN ALL SIZES.