When I was little...our summer vacations were about 3 months long & we spent pretty much EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. at the swimming pool.... We loved it.. thats what we did... (I don't remember being bored...)

Sometimes if we were LUCKY, one of our parents would drive us down to ASTROWORLD for the day...

& some summers we would make the 17 hour trek to my grandfather's HOG FARM in Ill... & catch the 4th of July parade... (in a town of maybe 900 people it was always a BIG deal....)

BOY are summers now, WAAAAAY different than I remembered.....

Last night Dane got a call from his godfather who wanted to know if he wanted to go sailing for the next few days...

After 2 weeks of CRAPTASTIC weather.... (seriously...rain,rain & more rain & highs in the 50's) The sun FINALLY popped out & they were headed to sea...did

he want to go....

OH YEA!.... SO I packed little Thursten Howell up & sent him to sea for a few days of swimming, sun, seafood....

What a summer this little guy has had....

Last week he spent the week at an overnight camp in Oslo.. called "Camp Little America" - (I thought this would be a camp full of other half American kids....) It wasn't.. in fact. Dane & his friend Leiv were the only two American kids....

He had a BLAST....

It was a REAL AMERICAN Camp... it was all AMERICAN ALL OF THE TIME.... ...

They did arts & crafts... learned camp songs, canoe trips & lots & lots of American food...

Moost of the kids were there to improve there English skills... Very COOL...

Camp SONGS....

So in addition to the sail trip/ the week at summer camp... he saw & did a lot of really cool things....

Riding a mini chopper in Holland

Berlin Wall

Being "French" in France.... (why he thinks this is being French...I have no idea)

Shopping in Paris....

Teaching mom Texas Hold 'Em.... sleeping in a tent...
Being a little smartie almost everytime I ask him to take a nice picture with me...

I think Dane would agree he has had had one BUSY summer..(6 weeks) & has been one LUCKY Duck.....


He DOES look French.. I get it - he's trying to be snooty. Snooty French. Love that Beret on him. He really looks just like you too.
sues2u2 said…
What a great summer he's had! Does this mean that summer is almost over for you guys too? School starts next Wed down here & I CAN'T WAIT! Yippee!!
Betsy said…
He is adorable. Makes me think of my guys who are around his age. They are getting to the age where they don't even want to give me a hug - and they would die if we hugged in public. Glad he has had such an awesome summer!
Frizzy said…
I want to have his summer vacation if he doesn't next year. LOL
globalgal said…
Hi there, delurking! I laughed at your Astroworld comment - that was ALWAYS the highlight of my summer as a kid in South Texas! BTW, your feedjit says I am from San Francisco but I am really in China. Unfortunately blogspot/wordpress blogs are blocked here, so that's why there is only 1 visitor beside your China flag at the bottom of the blog. I'm here on a VPN. I'm a fellow expat.
I want to go to camp. Is there an adult camp? With wine?
Kelli Nørgaard said…
times have definitely changed... A LOT!!! Just going to grandma's to ride four wheelers was my summer highlight and I did not know any better then to think that was not the coolest thing on the planet!!

That camp looks amazing! What a cool thing they are doing for the Norwegian kiddoes!
Corinne said…
We spent our summers sweaty and dirty from playing outside and jumping into everyone's pool around the neighborhood. It's so different with the bipolar weather out here! Dane looks like he's had an awesome summer--and I bet the rest of the family has, too!
BenLand said…
wow.....that is so cool!
he is a lucky duck :)
Anonymous said…
Good post.....
Great blog.....
Good photos.....
Thanks for sharing.....
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Kelly said…
Too funny! I remember being dropped off at the pool every day of the babysitting for Carol! My kids have done so much this summer too....makes me want to sell them when they tell me they're bored; that or drop them off at a community pool!
Anonymous said…
No wonder your kids are so cute your adorable yourself!...

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