Only in Norway....

Only in Norway could my front door stand
W.I.D.E. O P E N the entire night
& nothing BAD happen... nothing gone missing.. the 3 of us are still alive & kicking.... lucky we didn't get any animals in the house...

then again ONLY in Norway... would your neighbors let your door stand
W.I.D.E. O P E N the entire night NOT come over to tell you... hrmpf...
They were probably wonding what the crazy American was doing... airing my house out?

I thought it was a little chilly in the house last night.... that's what I get for sending my 10 year old down to check things out.... my bad...

Hope y'all have a SUPER weekend...


I say the same thing about our little town. We have left the garage door up over night. We have left keys in the door over night. You name it, we've done it. And like you...nothing happened. : )
Melodie said…
Our little town is still that way.When we bought our old house it didn't have any locks on the doors or windows,still doesn't on the windows!Almost everyone in our town will tell you they hardly ever lock their doors!Sigh.. I hope it stays this way.
Lori said…
I used to live in the Bootheel of Missouri and we never locked our front door. I never locked my car either. And nothing ever happened.
sues2u2 said…
With all of the rattlers that are out right now not to mention the bobcat my neighbors saw on their property last week, I think my hair just got a little grayer.

Lori said…
I just tagged you in a meme...

Anonymous said… Americans!...We NEVER lock our door..but leaving it open..not an option, one night I was turning off the tv and there was a snake behind could have seen me jump a zillion feet...Now the Screen door IS NEVER OPEN...NEVER...and we Rattlers all over...thank goodness this was not one...:)
Bryce's momma said…
Nice one. I thought that we were bad leaving ours unlocked, but you topped that! lol Glad you r safew and no Norwegian creatures crawled or pounced on your heads in the middle of the night! lol
Anonymous said…
We don't even have a deadbolt on our front door - that shocks me. You need to get Dane a guitar or drum set. Es plays guitar and trumpet and we have neighbors dropping by all the time to tell us to close our back door and windows!
Jen said…
Wow, lucky you. I am so glad nothing happened.
It can be safe even in the 'burbs. Many a time I have left the house. With the front door wide open. Just the storm door there. Or the sliding glass doors open, with just the screen. Not on purpose, mind you...
Skogkjerring said…
Oh we have so done that before...I've waken in the morning to find the front door open or the back door...but we live in the middle of the woods with no neighbours looking into our house...but I was surprised too we didn't have a mouse family move in...or deer...or badgers..or something...probably didn't like the odor from the tennis shoes in the entry way..hahahahaha..
I use to could do that in my hometown when I was young, not so much anymore!
Jill said…
Oh wow... that would make me a tad nervous to have it open all night... though I'm sure the same thing would happen here - that is NOTHING!

You really can put a price on safety... :)

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