Would you want to know? - Such big plans....

Oh I had such BIGGGG plans this week...

Bjørn is in Dubai.. & you know what they say? "When the cats away, the mice will play..."

I remember the days of "playing" included weekends away with my girl friends.. & dancing on bars until the wee hours of the morning...

Nowadays...my big plans included a bath, shaving my legs & blogging... Which I didn't even get a chance to do...Whaaa....

I did however make a HUGE dent in the pigsty we like to call our basement... (I would show you pictures, but I am afraid the authorities would take my children away if they saw how bad it was....)

I also rediscovered my LOVE of ebay.... Oh yes, I remembered why I banned myself from bidding....

But seeing as it is only a few short weeks until I am in "the land of the round door knobs" I figured it would be ok to start a little online shopping... (start re filling the basement LOL)

(Is the U.S. the only country with round door knobs? - just wondering)

I wanted to blog & post pictures of Eva's birthday... I STILL have to blog about my vacation...Hello PARIS?.... (maybe over the weekend?)

Instead of focusing on what I haven't had a chance to do... I have had the chance to meet A LOT of blogging buddies IRL... (I feel like I should be posting pictures... but I always feel like a goof whipping out the camera...) I finally met Caroline from Return to Norway a few weeks ago.... our husbands get along, our kids get along.. WE get along... finally have a buddy here in Norway that I can swap kiddos with... her boys were here last night.. & she is taking Dane tomorrow... FUN....

This summer I have met 6...SIX American/Expat friends living in my area,which I met through me blog... (I never imagined I would meet so many real friends when I started blogging...)

& Getting together with even MORE blogger buddies in Oslo next week.. So excited... slowly but surely we are building a really great little ex pat community...

Oh Ok... & now for my RANDOM question....

Would you want to know if you had DEATH BREATH? -
(I'm not talking.. like you ate onions at lunch... I am talking.. something rotten ... (sorry, just threw up a little thinking about it...)

If it was my husband I would FOR SURE tell him... but when it is a friend or co worker.... (not like I would EVER be able to say...Duuuude... you have a problem no gum will fix) - this is a real problem with someone I have to speak to several times aweek.... & it is getting so bad.. I start gagging SERIOUS...)
Just wondering.. would you want someone to tell you if you had bad breath, or if you smelled bad or had lipstick on your teeth? ( & NOOOOO it is none of my friends in case you are wondering... : )

OK.. ya'll I have to get myself to bed before my head falls off... lets hope I have a chance to get around to my wildebeest legs tomorrow... : )


Lizzie said…
how fun you're meeting bloggers :)

and yes, i would want someone to tell me if my breath was killer. and i would tell them if theirs was that way if they were a close friend or family member. stranger? co-worker? nope. just walk away!!
Batgirl said…
Busy bee! :-)

I could tell someone very close, but a co-worker? No way. Just keep offering a breath mint and hope they take the hint?
I love meeting other bloggers! And I had no idea I would make such CLOSE friends this way!

As for the bad breath. I would want to know. And kinda not want to know. I would be sooo embarrased. Maybe you can offer mints or gum?
Corinne said…
I think I'd totally freak if a random person, or someone I didn't know well told me I had bad breath. But then, I'd accept a friend or coworker whom I was close to giving me the heads up.
Corinne said…
Oh, and I was going to say I have met a round doorknob in Norway, and it is not my friend. It is located in my father in law's house, in the bathroom, specifically. The problem is, it doesn't know it's supposed to turn. So you end up hauling away at that damn doorknob, the door won't open, it won't turn, and god forbid your hands are even slightly wet after washing. It's hopeless! And just when you start fearing that you're going to be That Girl Stuck in the Bathroom, and mocked at dinner parties for years, it relents and opens.

It's my own personal heart attack waiting to happen, I swear.
Frizzy said…
I would want to know if I had any of the above problems. Just hopefully someone would mention it in private and in a nice way. No notes, no exclamations, no "hints." People don't get hints.

Love that you've made some new friends. Sooooo important when living abroad. It was the one thing I prayed for over and over again. That person you could call no matter what time day or night and who just got you and all your quirks.
ACR said…
I have met some real good blogging buddies too! It's a fun way to meet new people!

Ahh, so jealous of your time to do what you want to do! I have been bribing my kids for 2 days now so I can get some photography & computer work done. I am looking forward to the start of school and the 2 whole hours a day I will get w/o feeling like a slacker mom!

Europe doesn't have round knobs? I have been to England, my whole family on both sides live there, and all their doors have long handles and sliders.
Lori said…
There is a tactful way of saying those things, but I would probably just try to walk away.
Scary Mommy said…
So much fun!! I've met so many bloggers that I just adore in real life. :)
sues2u2 said…
I would absolutely want to know. I also would offer a breath mint or some really strong gum. Maybe a tin of altoids would give the hint?

Oh, yeah, baby! I remember the times Hubby & I would come back to the states from overseas. No Target back then that we knew of, so Wal-Mart was our wonder emporium!
beaverboosh said…
Hey girl, is there an Oslo blogger fest or is a closed deal?
Anonymous said…
I'm sitting in the quiet section of the library and nearly choked trying not to laugh throughout this post. 'Land of the round doorknobs' - I love it! And the breath thing was hysterical, but I don't think there is anything you can do about it. My old boss had horrendeous breath -- like something in her gut was rotting. We used to have 1:1 meetings in a small 'huddle' room. I would never say anything to her... but then again, she was my boss.
Anonymous said…
Here's a clever way of telling someone, via You Tube, that they have bad breath. Check it out!


LadyFi said…
Ah, the killer basement eh?

Most modern doors have pointy door handles, but old flats and little country cottages have round door knobs.

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