my bloggy buddies....

BLOGGING....I'm not really sure why I started a little over a year ago....

my little sister blogs... ali explains it all... ... it looked like fun...
I thought it would be a good way to keep in touch with my family & friends in the U.S. (seriously never dreamed I would blog for more than a week or so...)

Slowly but surely "American in Norway" became my sounding board...

A way to get my thoughts out & not lose my mind...

When Bjørn had his accident last summer & Eva got few readers reached out...
"strangers" became FRIENDS... How do people that you chit chat on the Internet become friends? I dunno... but it happens... I had offers to meet me in Chicago to help me with the kids
( thanks Suzanne!) I had offers of care packages... I had words of support & virtual hugs...

Things I appreciate so much & didn't know how much I needed....

My blogging group of friends have gotten bigger & bigger... & I have started meeting my bloggy friends IRL....

This summer I met about 6 girls new to my area, from my blog ... they aren't all bloggers, (& I forgive them for that...) but they found me & we made a connection...

Yesterday I met yet another blogging buddy
Wandering the World who was visiting from Egypt... (Can not wait til you come back ... I'll Call you... no REALLY, I promise : )

Corrine Northern Natterings who is now like a little sister....
(WOW you should hear her Norwegian ... she is ROCKING it... you go girl....)

Crystal... who doesn't have a blog...but after a few beers has promised she would start...

We had a good ol' American style Happy the Scotsman in Oslo..
Sunshine, a big city & beers with new friends..

We may have just met each other in person but I felt like we have know each other for a long time...

Missing from the outing was Caroline from Return to Norway
my sista from another mista...
Can't say enough about Caroline... It was just an instant connection... & BONUS she now lives 5 min from me...

So a big topic of our conversation at Happy Hour was ....meeting other bloggers in a one on one situation....
Have you ever met another blogger & been SERIOUSLY LET DOWN?
Thinking you had a great connection on line only to meet in person & immediately want to leave?


JEDA said…
Look it! Ya'll are still talking about this meeting and befriending thing WITHOUT ME!


It's not that I'm jealous, you know.....I'm just worried is all...There are some real freaks out just never know...can never be too careful....
LadyFi said…
Wow - lucky you! I have not yet met any new blogging buddies - no, not one! (Although I have a few that I have known for years, before I had my blog...)

There are a few that I'd like to meet. But I also sort of like the fact that we haven't met.. because then we can't let each other down.

I miss Wandering around the World's blog - she hasn't posted for a month! Hopefully, this meeting will help her get back to her blog...
Scary Mommy said…
Ohhhh, dangerous question!

The people I've met who I've expected to like have been exactly as I hoped. But those I didn't expect to love? They pretty much sucked.
Suzanne said…
I've never been disappointed. I talked on the phone with one of my blog readers in Texas the other day and it was like old home week.

The only disappointment was that I wasn't able to meet up with you when you were in Chicago. Sniff, sniff. Although I'd rather meet up with you in Oslo!

Hugs to you...... you're a bundle of positive energy. And, you're real.

- Suzanne
Batgirl said…
Never met another blogger, but did have a couple of genealogy chat buddies who made sure I was alright when I broke off a 5-yr engagement (long story) and left the country within the space of 3 days. One called to check that I was OK after going back to the house for the first time after telling my fiance, and the other sent me a wonderful care package when I was feeling very low during my first months back home. So I've had good experiences :-)
Mary Ellen said…
I've met three bloggers in person, and another by phone, and they were all exactly as I suspected they'd be. We got along great, as if we'd known each other forever. I guess I don't read blogs by people that don't sound like they're fun!
I have had sooo much fun meeting other bloggers. It felt like we have known each other for ages. And the conversation - and laughs - flowed easily. No awkwardness here!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
sounds like a great night! And kudos to Corinne for her great Norwegian!!! :o) does that mean you guys actually speak norwegian when you are together? I am impressed!
Corinne said…
I had a great time! I was well on my way to clocked when you left, and Sverre arrived and got me another beer. It was a good thing we left when we did, or Typ0 and her hubby would have introduced to Clocked Corinne a lot faster than they probably would have liked. I just love meeting with everyone because it feels like we can really let loose around one another. I think most of us have had good luck so far because we tend to tell it like it is on our blogs, so hopefully there's not much more to find out when meetings occur. I'm looking forward to the next get together! We need to arrange plenty of space so Batgirl and JEDA can get their butts down to Oslo or Ftown!
Betsy said…
Sounds like fun! Wish we were in Norway this weekend!

I don't have a blog. :-( DH says no because of his job. I may have to work a little harder to convince him.
Jill said…
I've met several people who blog - at least 5 or 6 here in Chennai. One of them (who just moved back to DC about 3 months ago) is/was WEIRD... and once she left I deleted her blog from my reader.

If you ever make it out this way... let me know!!
I haven't met a blogger that I was disappointed in when meeting them in REAL life. I've loved everyone of them, and someday when I come out to Norway... I'll love you too!
Anonymous said…
I met Corrine and we spent the day in Oslo. I'm not sure about her but I had a wonderful time. She is amazing.. was my own personal tour guide. I was very impressed with her command of the Norwegian language, wow!! I haven't met anyone else yet and I'm back in CA right now but will be back "home" in Norway soon.
Roxane said…
Ive met 2 bloggy friends in real life and they were so wonderful!!!
That's awesome that you've been able to meet bloggy friends in rl. I haven't had the chance yet, but hope if I do, my luck is as good as yours!
MsTypo said…
Meeting up with you guys was awesome!!! Hubby and i had a blast meeting you guys, skold'ing, drinking, and having an great time. I can't wait to do it again! :))
L.R. M-J said…
Hei hei! I saw you once on my friend Scargosun's blog and just stumbled across you on another one I was reading...small world! Doing the expat thing in France as a Norwegian-American, I've been EXTREMELY lucky in the friends I've made through blogging, so no weirdo tales yet! We spent a week this summer w/my closest blog friend-now real life friend-at their place in a vineyard in the Loire Valley...nothing but good, nothing but good. The kids are adorable...and glad you've found some local friends, makes all the if only I could..wah! :)

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