Can I just say....

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new camera..... Eva this afternoon.... off to a wedding reception, will post tomorrow... just had to tell you about my new camera!


Jill said…
So... what kind did ya get??
Unknown said…
Beautiful picture!!!
Angie's Spot said…
Gorgeous pic! I'm playing catch up today, so be prepared for comment deluge. :-)
Debz said…
thats a beautiful little girl - you have a matched set ;)
Anonymous said…
Beautiful picture!
Kelly said…
Camera vs. great subjects?! I'm thinking the latter. I'm with Jill, what did you get?
your children are seriously breathtaking! What kind of camera is that? I really want to buy a new one!
Kelly said…
08/31/08: Come by my blog...I've got a little somethin, somethin for ya! I'll stop stalking you one day....
running42k said…
Awesome picture but you had great subject matter.
MoMo 2.0 said…
new camera or not, Eva is absolutely beautiful!
Mom said…
She is beautiful, awesome picture!
Sydney said…
Love both the pix you've posted with the new camera. I'm officially jealous. Must get a new camera. Maybe for Christmas.

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