Here comes the bride.....

OK... there went the bride ,about two weeks ago.... But who is going to check out that post?
What I REALLY wanted to say was
to my Baby sister who is 25 today!

I have a million pictures to post from her big day.... but I feel like none of them really do her big day justice....

Here are just a few shots of the precious couple ... & their big day

They all seem to be enjoying themselves....

EXCEPT maybe ...

THIS guy....doesn't he totally look like....
"Come on already ... HOW MUCH LONGER is this crap gonna take.... cause, really.... I do have something better to do."

I am sure I will have to edit this post when my sister reads it.... but what the hell.... I thought it was funny....



Amy said…
What a gorgeous bride and wedding party. I love the kid picture. Great hair! :)
Kelly said…
I want to see more!!!! You need to create a slide show and post it so I can check it out...I can't believe Alicia is 25 - UNBELIEVABLE!!
You also need to let everyone know you are responsible for her Sid Vicious hair ;)
Happy Birthday, Ali!!!
ROFLOL! That guy is hilarious! LOL

Happy birthday to your sister!
Thistlemoon said…
Looks like a beautiful wedding!

I found your blog by way of the Barefoot Foodie! I used to live in Trondheim and I really miss Norway sometimes! It is fun to get another American's perspective! So anyway, just wanted to say hi! :)
It's amazing how much she and Eva look alike. I am sure that you and Eva look a lot alike too...but I don't see as many pictures of you :-)

Happy Birthday to your sis!
Unknown said…
What beautiful photos and a absoloutely beautiful bride!!!

I like the photo of the wedding party, the dresses are gorgeous!!

LOL, spikey hair kid ... that ones a classic!!
Unknown said…
And a very Happy Birthday to your sister...
Simple Answer said…
You need to come on over to my site for some pie!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I am glad I got to see the pics before you had to edit that pic from her HEAVY ROCKER DAYS is TOOOO cute!

She looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL in her wedding pics!
running42k said…
Why didn't she wear her hair spiked for the wedding?
Unknown said…
She wouldn't let me get NEAR her hair or make up for the wedding... GO FIGURE!

Kelly wanted me to let you all know that it was me fixinf the Sid Vicous Hair & Make up.... Guilty... but she was kindda cool for a 3 year old... don't cha think?
emily freeman said…
What a beautiful bride/wedding. I'm such a sucker when it comes to brides. I can't get my camera off them. Strange brides, friend brides...doesn't matter. Congrats to your sister!
Debz said…
those (few pics you've allowed us to see-lol) pics are great. she looks soo happy! and so does the mister. but yeah, um, what's up with the grinch who stole the wedding fun - undies bunching up or something?
happy birthday to Alicia!
Sydney said…
What a beautiful bride she was!
Diane Mandy said…
I can see good looks runs in your family!
Wow, gorgeous bride! You are right, that pic of that guy is hilarious!! Typical men :)
The wedding was beautiful, and the gentleman in the picture? He reminds a bit of Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings.
Rhea said…
What a beautiful bride! I love the bridesmaid dresses' color. Very pretty.
Angie's Spot said…
Great pics! I love those bridesmaid dresses. Very pretty color. But, the pic of the "big hair" was gold!

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