Here comes the bride.....

What I REALLY wanted to say was
They all seem to be enjoying themselves....
THIS guy....doesn't he totally look like....
"Come on already ... HOW MUCH LONGER is this crap gonna take.... cause, really.... I do have something better to do."
I am sure I will have to edit this post when my sister reads it.... but what the hell.... I thought it was funny....
You also need to let everyone know you are responsible for her Sid Vicious hair ;)
Happy Birthday, Ali!!!
Happy birthday to your sister!
I found your blog by way of the Barefoot Foodie! I used to live in Trondheim and I really miss Norway sometimes! It is fun to get another American's perspective! So anyway, just wanted to say hi! :)
Happy Birthday to your sis!
I like the photo of the wedding party, the dresses are gorgeous!!
LOL, spikey hair kid ... that ones a classic!!
She looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL in her wedding pics!
Kelly wanted me to let you all know that it was me fixinf the Sid Vicous Hair & Make up.... Guilty... but she was kindda cool for a 3 year old... don't cha think?
happy birthday to Alicia!