Just a little funny...

A ha... I found a few pictures on my I-phone...

Too bad the photo I had of SOMEONE using LEE Press On TOE NAILS... was on the old camera... & the fake toe nails are lost F O R E V A....
(are fake toe nails a new thing? Or am I just that out of it?)

Anyway... back to my picture

On our flight over to the states... Eva was refusing to put her seat belt on. I explained to her that she had to have it on, or the pilot wouldn't take off.

She finally agreed, but only after I agreed to not pull it too tight....
Eva: "because if I put it too tight... my legs will fall off!"
me : Huh?
Eva: "Look mommy...see... ?" then she points to the picture on the seat in front of her...


Kelly said…
Poor little thing!!! Nothing like thinking Mommy's going to do something to cut off your legs!! So funny!!!
I haven't seen the press on toe nails, but I have seen people getting acrylic on their toe nails and coming back for fills...to me, Yuck!
That picture is hilarious! Smart child.

But fake toe nails? That is strange. Very, very strange...
Jennifer said…
OMG that's funny! It totally looks like the legs are off! And press-on toenails!? I wish you had the pics!!
Jill said…
Digging the photo. I always laugh at those photos on the airline info cards. Especially the ones that say,
"If you can't read the instructions on this card, please notify a flight attendant"... as if...
Rhea said…
What a funny post! Fake toe nails and legs falling off. hehe Love it!
Amy Clary said…
:) Ha ha ha! That's such a terrible and funny story. Children really do look at things differently than us grown-ups. :)

I enjoy your blog
(visiting from MBC)
Very fuuny stuff- the kids always have a wonderful way of looking at things.
Angie's Spot said…
That is hilarious! They interpret things in such funny ways.

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