Throwing away my skinny clothes....

I finally did it today... I threw away my SKINNY clothes... & it actually felt pretty good.

I found myself trying to make deals with myself.... Oh this is classic... & if only I lose so much weight... I can wear it again... But no.... it all went in the bags to go to "Good Will"

These clothes are from BEFORE I got married... when I was the thinest I have been in my adult life.

Last time my closet had a cleaning like this my little sister made me throw away all of my clothes from College... (2 years ago... I know... I am a LOSER)

Oh believe me... I plan on losing weight... I promised Ramblings of a 30-Something Year Old Single Girl & my best friend from High School Song for Whoever that I would get going as soon as I returned from the U.S.

I went for a 30 min walk through the forest today...(a girl has to start somewhere right) when I decided I was going to purge my life of everything cluttering it up.... too small clothes, crap given to me that I don't like or want... & the weight I have put on this year-----

Gosh, If I say it out loud here, I am really going to have to do it right?

I decided to throw all of my old clothes away... because
A. they probably aren't THAT cool anymore anyway... &
B. Not fair to expect for myself to get my butt into all of the stuff I have been holding onto since before I had my kids....

I promised myself if I get that small again... than darn it, I deserve to go out & buy new clothes. RIGHT?

I have started reading Dr. Oz's You staying Young... (I think that is the name of it) So far so good. I am just looking for a way to feel better.

Anyone else read the book?

I felt good that I got myself out of the house & did something for ME before heading off to work... & my closet already looks better....

My goal is to feel & look AWESOME for my next birthday... (Feb.) & I want to do a weekend trip to somewhere FABULOUS... (they announced $80 flights to Prague & Berlin from our new airport...) So this is what I have been up to today.... Good lord, I hope something exciting happens soon!


Lauren W said…
Good for you! I recently went through and did the same thing. As hard as it is to let go of all those clothes that remind you of what you used to look like, it's such a freeing experience (in my opinion). Keep up that great attitude :)
Jill said…
I did the same thing before we packed up our stuff from Israel. I'm tired of schlepping stuff around that I never wear.

Of course, it wouldn't have hurt to have "something" when our stuff arrives on Thursday. Oh I can't wait to change my clothes!

Good luck on your journey! Keep us posted!
Anonymous said…
Yaay for you! I need to clean out my closet as well. Good luck and I'm so jealous that you can just take a weekend trip to ANOTHER COUNTRY! I'm sooo jealous!
Sydney said…
I'm getting read for a closet purge myself. Wish me luck! It's my weekend project!

And walking for 30 minutes is a great start to feeling better and getting in shape! Keep it up!
MoMo 2.0 said…
We will help keep you motivated.. and I think your reward trip should be to Denmark, so I can meet you!! :o)
scargosun said…
Good for you! I am not exactly sure what I need to do first b/c I feel like all those to do's are pliling up and will fall on me. :)
Brittany said…
Great blog, found you on MBC.

I wish I could do this...I like talking about doing it...but it never works out.
Anonymous said…
Woohoo! A trip to Prague would totally be motivating to me. We lived in Germany for four years and went to Prague (got a chandelier too). It had to be in the fall or winter. Absolutely beautiful architecture, and when we were there everyone was pointing out the fact that they used one of the bridges there for a really cool Mission Impossible scene (Tom Cruise).

I've heard of the Oz book and my MIL has given us two or three of them. Must crack them open.

Happy half-birthday from another February girl!
S Club Mama said…
Good luck. I know losing weight is super hard. I've been trying to shed my baby weight - and I've done alright (50 lbs so far and only about 8 to go). BUT I did realize that fitting back into my wedding dress probably isn't going to happen (it's close but my chest is just a bit...lot bigger since I had Moose).

But it does feel good to get rid of junk. I still have some clothes I need to get rid of!
Laural Out Loud said…
Way to go! It's so hard to throw out the skinny clothes, but you're right- if you get back to that weight, you totally deserve new clothes.

I have something for you on my blog. Come check it out!
I'm so glad we are on this train together! Cause I'm telling you it is SO hard. That is awesome that you cleaned out your closet! I did that a year ago but it's time to do it again. It's liberating and sad at the same time.

My birthday is in March so maybe we can all go somewhere fabulous together! Woo! Now if I can just save some $$$...that's my next goal. Baby steps. Ha Ha! :)
Kelly said…
Yeah, good for you!!! I'm proud that you got up before work and went for a walk!!
I have yet to throw out my skinny clothes...I keep telling myself, "one day....". But you made a really good point, by the time I get back into that size will these clothes still be in style (for example that southwestern style blanket skirt?!!!). So may be I'll get my cheap, fat ass into my closet and do some purging!!!
You know, Orlando is a really cool place to go on a cool trip....
Suzanne said…
I did a big sweep about a year ago and I continue to get rid of unwanted/unused stuff. I'd rather give it to someone who really needs it or wants it. Are there Goodwill's or the equivalent in Norway?

Prague sounds like the perfect place for a birthday celebration.

Hey, did you ever get the bathroom furniture?

- Suzanne, The Farmer's Wife
running42k said…
Keep those walks up and you will be fine. Exercise and eating right, it is as simple as that.
Debz said…
ah yes, the deals. those are the same deals i make with myself right before i make an egg and cheese sandwich. damn i'm hungry.

glad to have you back!!!!!!!
Annette Piper said…
You know I was only saying the same thing on Monday. I tried on clothes that were too tight - they went in a pile. I tried on clothes that were old, loose and made me look frumpy and they went in the pile too. Hey if I get fit and fabulous I'll deserve to go out and buy new clothes - and so will you!
Rhea said…
My mom's reading that Dr. Oz book right now.

You walk in the forest and on the beach? I'm so jealous. I need to see pictures. I wish I had a forest and a beach neaby.
The housewife said…
Bwahahaha I just went through the same thing yesterday (throwing away my skinny clothes).

Today I went 'shopping' but got so pissed off that I didn't have that same tiny little waistline that I had before my baby girl - so I didn't buy a thing.

Promised myself to do situps every night before bedtime.....
A said…
Stopped by courtesy of Blog Around the World. Good luck with your efforts and congratulations on taking the first step!
Unknown said…
As what I thought was a positive thing. I hve been buying things in a smalle size, intending to get down to that size.

Sighhhhh ... that's no turning out to be as easy as it used to be, so I
ve decide to buy things in the size I am now and give them away as I shrink.

I'm not throwing away the smaller stuff though as I AM going to get here... eventually :-)
Ritch in Love said…
Way to take a stand! Seriously! Good for you! This summer I decided to take a huge step and clean out my closet too. Ahhh the memories of having skinny thighs!
Angie's Spot said…
Throwing away my skinny clothes was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I was delighted to add some new pieces to the wardrobe this year after losing some pounds. I've got a long way to go, but know I'll get there eventually. I'm sending good vibes to you on your journey of success!

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