It was like catching every green light!
Guess I will start with the trip home yesterday.... It was like catching EVERY green light on your way to work.... Y E S.... it went THAT well.
Just as I was about to throw out an extra 100, to add a day room to our hotel stay, I came across the Holiday Inn in Elmhurst. B I N G O...
The kids and I flew into Chicago for an overnight before heading back to Norway... (Remember, this was supposed to be a family vacation before hubby decided to fall off of the roof.)
I was dreading the trip back because I had to get across town from Midway to O'Hare... Plus, I had to figure out what to do with the kids & 8 pieces of luggage until our flight left 8pm on Tuesday night.

it is your typical Holiday Inn... nothing fancy..but it was clean & the service... AWESOME.. Not sure what they are giving their employees in Elmhurst but they are some of the most friendly helpful staff I have encountered EVER...
Anyone who has children & a long lay over in Chicago ...check it out. The kids & I slept in...had a little breakfast & then spent the day at the waterpark. & All mommies know this is the best way to wear your little ones out. The kids were alowed to swim until 3 pm.... had an early dinner at the hotel & then had the shuttle take us to the airport around 5pm.
At the airport, I made nice with a couple of the ticket people at KLM and the kids & were bumped up to Business Class with ... 2 extra SEATS! BINGO.... BINGO...
For a very brief moment... I ALMOST felt bad for all of the other people having to sit on top of each other while Dane & Eva each had 2 seats to themselves... But I figured... I deserve this... gosh darn it. 10 min into the flight...Eva passed out..& didn't wake up until we landed in Amsterdam... Dane even slept for a few hours..
To my husbands HAPPY surprise... our flight landed at the same time as his in Amsterdam so he was able to spend his 4 hour layover in Amsterdam with his darling children... Yippee!
Flight into Gothenborg... perfect, on time... had a nice British lady help get me carts to get all of our junk out into the car.... Made it home around 9 pm... with my mother in law waiting there to see the kids... laundry all caught up... house cleaned... (normally that might of irritated me, but not yesterday... everything was PERFECT)
So now the BAD news... I went to download the photos off of my old camera.... from the Reunion in Chicago with Sean & the gang and they are GONE! As are all of the pictures of the kids in Chicago...bummer so now I ONLY have 759 pictures to share with you.... LUCKY you! (the photo above is from the new camera.... L O V E it!)
all green lights... i always say that makes me bob, when i catch all the lights just perfect, "i must be bob today"
looking forward to more pics
Can't wait to read more about your trip.
That hotel- wow. Good to know about (we are planning a Chicago trip soon).
and yes, i'm from Galesburg. I'm actually going there this weekend. :-)
It's too bad that the pictures are gone, but I'm sure the rest will amaze us.
So settle back in and then don't leave us hanging! :)
and the pool is how we wore the baby out on our vacation!
Can't wait to hear about the wedding...hint, hint...hint
I'm SO sorry you lost your photos. That truly stinks!
Can't wait to see the ones you managed to bring back home with you.
Welcome home! We've missed ya!
Welcome home!
Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
50 miles of Chicago