Happy Birthday Pirate!

OK so this post is a little late in coming... but mamma has had her hands full.

As promised a post about Eva's CLASSY Pirate Party.

Before we left for the states... the kids (DANE) got the idea to have Eva's B-day party at Chucky Cheese's. Unfortunately, the only Chucky Cheese's I knew of, had been closed down (probably by the health department...N I C E.) So I promised we would do something fun... even better.

But as luck would have it.... when we arrived to Kansas City... they had built a BRAND NEW Chucky Cheese's by my parents house.

After changing the date & locations a few times... we agreed that we would have the Pirate Party at Chucky Cheese's.

My girlfriend Margot (Martha Stewart of the Midwest) offered to get a party planned for me before we came over to the States.... but because Eva was dead set on having a Pirate Party & not something cute & pink like mommy wanted... I said not to bother... I would swing buy Walmart buy some goodies & a cake....

(Can I just say in the 9 years of being a mommy, I have never just popped in to Walmart to pick up junk at the last min.... I am all about baking the cakes, cookies.... planning the theme, the decorations, invites etc.)

Margot asked me several times if I SURE this new Chucky Cheese's was open because the website said it was not.... "OH YES.... Of course it was... " I had gone in and talked to the girls... Although it wasn't "officially" open... they were there training, but we were more than welcome to come up with all of the kids, play games, have Pizza.... they would even put Ice cream in the freezer for us... YADA YADA YADA....

At 5:45 (15 min. before the party is to begin) Margot calls me to say the CHUCKY CHEESE'S is CLOSED.... C L O S E D... What the %&#% Lying Little /&%¤... Wait til I get a hold of the little brat working last weekend... Mmmm hmmmm.... But in the mean time...

I have 10 children on their way to a closed Pizza place, & ice cream melting all over my childrens laps. To make a L O N G story short... I run screaming into McDonalds...begging them to let me have a birthday party like RIGHT NOW.... & the whole thing turned out great...

OK... Not a party I would have planned on having...but Eva thought it was AWESOME....

And Bjørn has been asking me for the past 9 years.... "why don't I listen to the kids & do what they want... instead of what I think is the perfect party"... I save a ton of work & the kids end up thinking I am the best mom ever..... Maybe he is on to something.
*** Did a 40 min walk at the beach today.... & when I say "Walk" I mean climbing rocks... running on the beach.... I am pretty impressed with myself. 2 days in a ROW... the big test will see if I can get my butt out to walk/Hike after work....


Rhea said…
Good for you for getting a walk in.

And, just listening to you all about Eva's party had me stressed out. Too many last minute problems. lol Love the classy pirate comment though. hehe As long as she had fun, it was a success!!
Lauren W said…
That's so fun! I'm glad that Eva enjoyed it so much :) It's funny how much kids don't care if things are "perfect". Anway, way to go on that walk!
A friend of my mom's gave the girls a gift card to Chuck E Cheese for Christmas. It still sits in my wallet. I wonder if it can become like the fruitcake that we pass around to unsuspecting souls each year. Cause I surely don't want to have to use it...
Jill said…
Wow... I can't remember the last time I was in a Chuck E Cheese.

Fantastic news that the McD's was open and ready to have a party. Spur of the moment parties can go either way... thank goodness yours turned out great!

Sweet photos too!
scargosun said…
B-day party on the fly. You rock, Mom!
Simple Answer said…
Your kids are sooo very cute!

Good job getting out to walk!
Debz said…
Chuck E Cheese employs satans minions. I try to stay as far away from places like that as is humanly possible. You did a great job to save the day though, but maybe you should just listen to Bjorn next time birthday planning comes up - he might be right at that.
I love the pics, boy do they look like they had a great time - at Mickey D's no less - you can feed kids much cheaper on a dollar menu (lol).
Kelly said…
How stressful!!! Thank goodness for good ol' Mickey D's!! It looks like the birthday girl had fun (and what a great turn out!!).
Way-to-Go!! on your hard-core exercising...Keep up the good work!!
@TiffanyRom said…
It looks like it was a blast!!
girl, the parties that I remember from my childhood that were the MOST absolute fun parties ever were spent at wait for it....BURGER KING! LOL Sounds like they had a blast...what precious pictures!

Yay for you on the walk/hikes!! We are rocking it!
Allison said…
So happy the party turned out nice! I always want to be in control with my daughter as well!
Anonymous said…
Nothing wrong with rushing out for last minute cakes & pop.

What's Chucky Cheese normally like & what food do they do? I've heard the name but never been in one.
running42k said…
The kids will look back fondly on that party.

Plus keep up the walking.
Unknown said…
OMGosh isn't she just the cutest thang EVA(pronounced ever BUT since it is also your dd's name it works well)! My lilest bean would love a pirate party

TY for stoppin by my blog blog world
Anonymous said…
It sounds like the party was a success after all! Woohoo :o) and congratulations on the run. That sounds really tough. Good for you. Your body must be saying 'thank you'! Keep it up!!
~Trish~ said…
Hey there, I saw your comment on Z's page about living in KC, that's where I live! Well south of there but close enough!!!

The pirate party is too cute!!

:) a fellow SITSista
Anonymous said…
OH I feel for you. Its stressful with those birthday parties. Z's 2nd bday is coming up....now seriously, why do I need a big party for a 2 year old???? Do I? I hope not.

So you lived in KC....I love visiting KC. My cousin used to live there and I would drive up to visit him a couple times a year. Oh the barbeque.......yummy.......
MaricrisG said…
OMG! Talk about good Customer Service. I would have been ticked off too! Yikes! I'm glad you got it all figured out at the right time. That would have been a disaster! Great party!

Oh how I wish I had listened to my girls, let them have some choices. I am proud to report that I am doing much better with my future grandaughters.
Scary Mommy said…
Your kids just adorable. Sounds like a success!!! I love pirated kids- too cute!

Good job getting that walk in!
Stacia said…
You are a mom who thinks on her feet!
Great job with the party. And it's true, kids tend to like the less planned parties better!
Unknown said…
pssst....i left you a lil something on my blog
andreawilliams said…
great pictures! lookslike so much fun.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
sounds like a blast!! Something to remember for many many birthdays t come!! Of course, each year you do a COOL party, you set a precedent for next year! LOL...
and the Chuck E Cheese thing cracked me up! Could the health dept have closed them due to all the PEE found in the ball bath?!? LOL...

And I am ALL FOR a meeting sooner than later! if there is a chance you are coming to DK, tell me when and where and I will be there! :o)
Kelly said…
Make sure you stop on by today...I left you something...
Unknown said…
The only Chucky Cheeze near us, is tucked away in the corner of a strip mall. It looks really run down and sleazy. I went to one party there and swore never to go back again...it was not a pleasant experience!!

Glad Eva had such a good time :-)
Angie's Spot said…
Wow, congrats on pulling off the party despite all the challenges! I would have been banging on the foor of the CEC for hours until some twit let me in to wail on them for a while. Glad the party was a success. And congrats on getting a walk in. I need to be doing some of that myself. Pronto!

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