First Day of 4th Grade...

Today was the first day of 4th Grade for Dane & missed it....

I had to work this morning & was gone before he woke up.... Whaaa.... ( I LOVE... LOVE ... my job... but today... I was kind of wishing I was a SAHM again..)
And although I left instructions for Bjørn to take a picture before Dane went to school, I guess I forgot to leave instructions on HOW to take the picture....

By HIMSELF... on the way out the door... etc.
(ooo, do we think someone is PMS 'ing?)

& what is the deal with Eva's hair?
HELLOOOO?....first day at the new preschool... they are going to think we let her run around like a wild animal.... (In all fairness, Daddy is only working with one hand ... So I guess I will have to let it slide...)
Fourth Grade is the first day of school I really remember. I had just moved to Houston..It was in Mrs. Wiegel's class that I met one of my oldest & dearest friends.... Michele, who would be my Maid of Honor & RCCL sailing mate...
Thats where I sat with Ellen...(not my oldest or dearest friend, but her mom makes for some interesting blogging The crazy neighbor..../ Thanks mom! )
I always LOVED the first day of school... the build up... the new clothes... the school supplies, new lunchboxes... (remember how COOL our lunch boxes were?) riding our bikes up to school to find out who's class we were going to be in... and then spending the next week planning who we would sit with... be friends with....
Here it is just kind of BLAAAA.... No BIG DEAL
I wasn't even sure when school started today! Bjørn took Dane to school at 8:30 only to find out that school started at 9 :15.
(I swear, I looked EVERYWHERE to find the information but I guess they had it in the newspaper one day while we were gone!)
& Although Dane did get a new teacher this year (THANK GOODNESS!) they are in the same classroom... with the same kids.... doing pretty much .... THE SAME THING
.. it is kind of like coming back after Christmas break instead of the first day of school.
I'm not sure how many years this will continue...hopefully they will mix things up before the kids start high school.
Has school started back in U.S.? How crazy are things in the states? I didn't notice any huge changes while we were home... but they had stories all over the news today, about how schools in the U.S. are having to cut back all over the place... 4 day weeks because they can't afford to put gas in the school buses... Kids having to WALK to school...
(sorry, I am kind of old school.. & ALWAYS had to walk or ride my bike)
I am wondering if any of you are feeling the crunch... or is this just the media blowing it up to make a good story?
Pictures of School years gone by.... SIGH......


Kelly said…
:( That sucks you had to miss the first day; even if they don't make a big deal about it!!!
Cameron & Emmy started today also...I'll be putting up pictures when I get home later.
Even though Bjorn isn't the professional photographer you are, he did an okay job!!
Awwww I know I sound like a broken record, but your kids are so beautiful!

Yes, I definitely need a partner in this whole losing weight process! Thanks! We can do it, girl! :)
Lauren W said…
Ok, your kids are gorgeous. Those blue eyes, wow!
Also, it's funny that you ask about my header, cause I actually got the idea from you. I used scrapblog to make it, I saved it as a jpg, and then I went to where I cropped it down to the size I wanted. From there, I just saved it to my computer and posted it on my blog :)
Unknown said…
Great pictures! Your kids are beautiful! We don't start until Sept. 2nd...we've been doing the usual running around of school supplies, umiforms, etc. Soccer starts this week, though-YIPPEE! I haven't heard anything like what you saw on the news while you were here...
Anonymous said…
Awww....they are cute...even with her wild hair (it looked good to me). I remember my 4th grade. I had Mr. Hayes and I thought he was cool because we made rockets in his class. He was a sarcastic guy too...I admire that in people.

I think here in St. Louis, MO....the buses are picking up more than one grade to conserve gas. So, the kids might be on a bus with kids they wouldn't normally interact with. But otherwise, I don't think anything has changed here.
Sydney said…
your kids are so stinking cute! eva looks like a mini-you and dane looks like a mini Bjorn!
Anonymous said…
I have very fond memories of going back to school as well. I loved picking out all my new school supplies.
Fourth grade was the year I was in Catholic school. And I was the tallest in the class. Taller than even Naldo Peeples and his afro. And by 5th grade I was at my full height. And then. Everyone got way taller than me.

We haven't had any cuts to four day weeks or of the buses. But a few years ago, they took days off because of fuel shortages.
Don't we love the first day of school, no matter where we live! Sorry you missed it, but you have those great pictures!
Jill said…
I love the photos... they're just fantastic.

What a bummer that you missed his first day of school. :(

Hope Bjorn's feeling a bit better.
Ahhh, they grow up so fast. I return on August 25th, and so does my #2 daughter. I also have taken a picture of my girlies on the first day of school, sweet memories. It's true about the cutbacks, sad but true. I also love the first day, I'm looking for a new pair of school of course.
Anonymous said…
Time flies. We had our orientation day today (since we are new-old to the school (he went there when he was 4 for a few months and now we are returning for 1st grade) So he met his teacher and the other new kids. First day is tomorrow (I'll be the mom who cries).

I hope he had a great first day, he looks ready to go.. He's also so handsome!
Diane Mandy said…
Kids where I live started back a couple weeks ago, which doesn't make for a very long vacation. I am happy you had a nice trip to the U.S. Sorry you missed the first day of 4th grade.

I agree with the panel. Your kids are gorgeous!
Kelley said…
I do love Chicago, at least so far. Check back in five months with the winter.

I'm sorry about missing the first day of school. I know that the school I worked out in Louisiana had problems, but nothing like cutting the school week down. The schools down there have already started, but in Chicago they haven't yet.

Have a good week! Thanks for stopping by!
MoMo 2.0 said…
I hate that you missed it, but he looks like he had a pretty great day! Enjoy these moments because they pass so quickly!
Rhea said…
I'm sorry you had to miss it! Going back to school is always bittersweet. Mine start back tomorrow. I enjoyed hearing about YOUR 4th grade memories. :o)

And, no real gas issues here. Our schools are still the same as usual. In fact, our gas went down a little...
Unknown said…
I know I've said this before, but you have model beautiful kids!!

Haven't noticed anything different re the bus schedules but they have made cuts in other ways. We have a budget crisis in NV. We were told that there would be no cuts in the education budget, then a couple of weeks later they started slashing it.

The school that I volunteer at, started back a month ago and so far we have 30 kids in each Kindergarten class. They've been pushing back the date at which they have said that they are going to assess whether we need another kindy teacher. All part of the budget cuts..

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