I have a Kick A*S Blog!

I got an award!

I have a Kick A*S Blog... at least Therese thinks so... Hugs & a great Big Thanks Therese!

Therese at The Musings of a Mom gave me this award,

So here are the rules:

* Pick 5 Bloggers that you feel are Kick A** Bloggers* Let em' know in your post or via email, twitter or blog comments that they've received an award* Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back toKick A** Blogger Award* Hop on back to the Kick A** Blogger Club HQ to sign Mr. Linky then pass it on (which you can also get to on the above link)Pretty simple, right? The award goes to:

Jill - The Perlman Update the most energetic mommy I "know" . This girl has adventures from all around the world & makes living in Norway sound B O R I N G.. She has a BEAUTIFUL family & is a whiz at posting from anywhere to keep us updated.

Laural over at Mamasphere ... the girl is just F U N N Y ! She was nice enough to play along when I had mortified Monday & I have been hooked ever since! Sorry I couldn't make the link a little nicer... but go on & click it... you know you want to... http://mamasphere.blogspot.com/2008/07/most-embarrassing.html

Deb - Postcards from the Edge A straight shooting gal who tells it like it is... and makes me LAUGH.... I am all about the humor.

Scary Mommy another funny girl... I often stalk her... I love the stories about her kids... & I feel like we are on the same page as far as parenting... check out her proudest parenting moment..

And finally...
Rhea from Texas Word Tangle cause GOD BLESS... that woman has her camera EVERYWHERE! She has an activity for her boys almost everyday (which makes me feel like a horrible ,lazy, mother...but that is another post) ... and because Rhea, like no other ,can rock the pink cowboy hat


Laural Out Loud said…
Thank you!

It's be funny or drown around my house, lol.

I've only heard of one of the other blogs, so I've got some reading to do!
Jill said…
Oh Tressa - You are TOO kind!!! I've loved reading you since the moments I laid eyes on your blog... yay for you and yay for me!

I even read all but one of the blogs you named... must go check out the other winners!

Now I just need to get to my reader - a big feat for the weekend!

Scary Mommy said…
awwwww---thanks!!!!! What a nice way to wake up!! I love reading you too. Thanks for thinking of me :)

And finally a cool looking award!
Rhea said…
Awww, thanks Tressa!! You rock! Congrats on the award and thanks for sharing it. :o)
Debz said…
i would like to take this opportunity to thank all the little people who made me what i am today... fat and unemployed. good job little people!

thanks for the bling!

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