Have y'all been wondering where I have been? No? Ummm ...OK.. then. Just in case a few of you were wondering... I have been working my tail off doing all of my year end stuff... & Spending time playing in the winter wonderland which is NORWAY... this evening it is -22c. (-2f) & IT IS COLD... I had big ol' plans for a post about how AWESOME 2009 was... but once again, not sure I will get around to it...(my BEST posts never actually make it to my laptop.) Anyway... until I get to the super awesome post...thought you might like to see a few shots of Norway in the winter.... Sunset today at 3 pm--- the days are getting longer yippee... We have been doing a lot of cross country skiing this weekend. The kids are skiing pretty much everywhere...I am sure next week there will be 100 kids skiing to school... (must admit I STILL love seeing it...- how cool is it to SKI to School?) Eva was getting a little help from pappa down the big hill... Our house is starting to lo...