2 glasses of wine & a shopping trip...

2 glasses of wine & a shopping trip... guess who isn't sooo SAD anymore.

Thought I would just have a little sip while I was making dinner...OOPS... ( I SWEAR...I do not have a problem.)

Bjørn is dropping me off at the book club... with all
of the sober girls...should be interesting..Hee hee hee...

I went to the the store to return a pair of jeans for Dane & ended up buying my Christmas Party outfit. YEA me!

Last year I did the whole LONG. FORMAL. BOOBS SPILLING out...

This year I am doing black satin pants...those ROCKIN shoes I bought in the states & a really CUTE formal-ish top...

I'm planning on having a GOOOOD time at my Christmas Party this year& not worrying about SPILLAGE .

Hope y'all have a F A B U L O U S Friday night...(funny what a couple of glasses of wine will do for ones mood, no?)

TOMORROW? Planning on taking the kidlets for a day out in Oslo...



Wine and shopping! Now there is a combo I could go for!!
Skogkjerring said…
Of course you will make it through the winter, we all will...we can not lose faith...we American Viking Women (and men) are strong...that's why we are here in the first place...have a smashing night and take pics of your new outfit, sounds great...
MommyLisa said…
Totally crazy. I saw your comment on Hotflashes and Hormones and thought...ummmm, is this my friend Nettie? But you are not.

My friend Nettie met a boy at a party in Norway and married him. She lives in Stavanger.

I lived in Norway - almost married a Norwegian...

Glad to find you.
MsTypo said…
You can't go wrong with a day of wine and shopping! :D
Anonymous said…
Hehe, hope you had fun at the book club :)
Mmmmm shopping and drinking! 2 of my fave things!
Have a great weekend!
How sad is my life that my first thought is...I wonder what book they read??! So ummmm...what book did you read??
Corinne said…
I had a rough day today, and am so glad there's some beer in the fridge! Tell the girls I lift a beer in toast to them, and you!
that's more like it!!

haha, have fun!!
james canon said…
good story........!!!
Anonymous said…
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!
Mammatalk said…
I love my book club, but a little wine does make it interesting!
Hopefully your book club isn't at a book store. I went to a book store drunk once and bought all kinds of books I later had zero interest in reading.

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