
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or, less frequently, in the summer,[1] spring or fall,

Symptoms of SAD may consist of: difficulty waking up in the morning, tendency to oversleep as well as to overeat (check), and especially a craving for carbohydrates((check), which leads to weight gain(check check). Other symptoms include a lack of energy, difficulty concentrating on completing tasks, and withdrawal from friends, family, and social activities (check check check). All of this leads to the depression, pessimism, and lack of pleasure which characterize a person suffering from this disorder.

Hopping around the ex pat Scandinavian blogs.. you will find the CRAPTASTIC weather a general theme.....

Regardless of number of years you have lived here, winters don't seem to get an easier...

The W E E K S of little or no sunlight...the wet..dreary...miserable days...

& believe me.. it isn't only us foreigners who struggle with it... the common feeling at work is a heavy...sigh...ugh... another. crappy. day.

I have always thought it ODD that Norwegians starting with the Christmas parties in November... we are still going to Christmas Tree parties in JANUARY...

A HA... today I realized it... this is the only way people can cope through these miserable, miserable winters.... You have to have a million things planned to keep you from curling up in the fetal position & not moving for the next 4 months. (yawwwwwn)

I promised myself I WILL keep BUSY... I get through this winter funk doing FUN things with the kiddos... - Ummmm, I haven't planned anything yet because I have been in too much of a funk. HA.
I am going to the BOOK CLUB this evening with bottle of wine in hand. For the record it wasn't the hostess who said NO WINE.. (sorry if I implied that) everyone I asked if they were planning on taking a drink said no... it really is too much of a hassle to have a glass of wine here... (there is a 0 tolerance on drinking & driving...even one glass of wine)
Sunday we have THANKSGIVING...
Just need to find something fun to do for tomorrow.
Hope y'all have a great weekend


beaverboosh said…
Hey girl, too right! My normal monk's diet has transmogrified into a carb fest... never eat the damn things other than this time of year. My love handles are getting love handles (a bit more for mrs bb to hang on to, we spend much more time in bed in the winter). Soooo jealous of your Argentina trip, have a great one, and take on heaps of sun for me! BBX. P.S. Oslo gathering before jul?
MsTypo said…
What book are you guys reading?

What excuse to have for SAD when i don't live in the northern hemisphere? LOL
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh. I think that SAD is my problem too. Non stop eating lately. And feeling so glum it is ridiculous...
I feel your pain, moving here last year we had the most gray and wet winter I swear the sun showed up for 10 minutes. I need to buy a sun/mood lamp this year plus some drugs...okay I mean stay busier. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Lee said…
Sounds like me, but I think mine is Menopause...I hope some sun peeks out for you though!
Anonymous said…
This weather is a real drag. I seriously can't remember the last time I saw the sun. Where the hell is it!?!
Neat post! My husband actually went out and bought a couple of sun lamps that mimic the sun's rays. I wonder if misread my menopause mood swings for SAD!
Kim said…
I think that would be something I would suffer from. Especially since I am accustomed to southern, tropical weather.
LadyFi said…
Yep - it's the darkness that is so tiring. That is why it is so important to get out during the lunch break at work!

Still - soon we will have snow and cold and blue skies and frozen fingers. Yay!
Minnesota isn't much better! I find it worse for me because I leave the house at 6:00 a.m. and get home at 5:30 p.m.--and it's dark both ways. Ugh!
wine deprivation makes me SAD! ;)

i hope you hang in there and make it through the winter!!! feel better!
Mary Witzl said…
Having lived through seven Scottish winters (21, actually, if you include the Scottish springs and autumns, which you should), I have an idea what this must be like. But it is SO UNFAIR that I rather like that sort of weather and have to live in a sunny climate when there are those who would give their eyeteeth to live where I am but hate it. (Sorry -- long sentence there...)
Sarah said…
Just a little FYI - SAD is easily and inexpensively treated with light therapy. Lumie.com is a great vendor of world voltage products based in the UK. One pairs light therapy with another activity such as eating breakfast and reading the paper. The light therapy sessions last from 15-60 minutes and can make every day a sunny day! I'm a user and a strong believer.
Corinne said…
November is one of my least favorite times. It's so dark and gray and rainy. Then I get better throughout the winter with all the snow, and then in February I'm ready to throw in the towel, completely done with winter. Sigh, winters this long should be illegal.
Marie said…
Ah, this is sooooooooo true!! What we need to get us all through this SAD thing is a wine tasting club, not a book club ;-)

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