When I was 12.... a HORROR STORY

The last time I CRIED in a Beauty shop, I was 12.... come to think of it the last time I had an ASYMMETRICAL BOB... I was also 12....

Guess who cried in the beauty shop today? - guess who went in for a TRIM & came out with an


OKay... I didn't all out BAWL... but my eyes did tear up after she HACKED the left side of my hair off...

I asked for a TRIM... I think I am going to start calling my girl KATARINA...

I went back and forth this morning...should I trim it? should I not? But seeing as I have been going to the SAME GIRL... with the SAME HAIR STYLE for over a YEAR... HOW COULD SHE SCREW IT UP?

I am the kind of person who will BITCH about it on here...but I would NEVER say anything to the "stylist" because I wouldn't want her to feel bad....

But today my mouth dropped open when I saw what she had done & said "wow...this is waaaaay too short..."

Her suggestion... we leave the right side as is.....

What the hell was I too do? My face is WAY ...WAAAY too round to try to pull off a PIXIE do... so I agreed... I told her we would leave it...but If I hadn't learned to love it while I was in Argentina...she would have to fix it... (hows THAT for putting my foot down?)

She told me NO CHARGE as I crawled out of the salon.."Um, thanks?"

I got in the car & called Bjørn & proceeded with my hysterical breakdown... "SHE BUTCHERED me!" I look like a 60-something ARTSY FARTSY...trying to be something I am not... woman.... " Whhhhaaaaaa....

My darling husband?
"Well I guess I won't have to worry about anyone hitting on you while you are gone!"

"Hey I know.... why don't you dye it MAGENTA for the FULL EFFECT?"

Sometimes my DARLING HUSBAND can be a total ass...

I tried to look up some photos of UGLY ASYMMETRICAL BOBS... but they were all pretty cute... please keep in mind I DO NOT look LIKE PARIS or any of the cute celebrities who have this hair style...

So now the dilemma... I feel like I CAN NOT go back to the stylist even if I DO end up getting used to the new UNASKEDFOR do... I mean, can I?

After she WHACKED the left side of my head off, can I really trust her? - shit... I am back to square one... NO HAIRDRESSER in NORWAY.

I am too upset to take pictures today... but I am sure you will catch a glimpse of the hair in my pictures from ARGENTINA..

I still have NO IDEA what we are going to do when we get there..(Argentina)... but a little birdie told me we would be WHITE WATER RAFTING... woo hoo!! Still, it would have been nice to have an itinerary right?

I SHOULD have set up a couple of guest posters while I am away... ANYONE? ANYONE? (if so, email me within the next 7 hours before I lose Internet for a week)

If I happen to find a computer I will try to post... Eeeek... I am so nervous & excited & PISSED all at the same time...

OFF TO PACK... Catch you from Argentina ...(I hope)


MoMo 2.0 said…
I am so sorry! Anyone that does not feel so sad for you must be bald! :o) But I am CERTAIN you are WAYYYYYYY cuter than Paris Hilton!
Have a great trip! If all else fails, buy a cute hat in SAmerica!
MsTypo said…
Is it Jon and Kate bad? *eek*

I'd offer to guest post for you but i leave in... crap about seven hours. Umm.. i need to go pack!
Roxane said…
Oh no! Bad haircuts are the worst. I'm so sorry :(
Nicole said…
Wait!! Are you sure it is bad bad? Like, maybe you are just so shocked and upset you can't see that it is a really cute cut right now??? If the shock has worn off and it is indeed a bad cut, I am so sorry. I once sported a Don Trump combover for a bit, so I can relate. Of course I was like, 5 and I had cut my own hair. And then there was this one time, when I wanted to go blonde and I ended up with green hair...

Gah. Hair disasters suck. It is something that bonds us as women. Every woman has at least one hair horror story and no matter our differences, we can all sit down and talk about our bad hair dye jobs and bad hair cuts.
Corinne said…
The ONLY time I've been to a Norwegian hair dresser she butchered me. Well, my hair, but it might as well have been me! I was glad I had a jacket with a hood, because I walked out of the shop, turned the corner, pulled my hood up and NEVER went back.
Brenda said…
Last year, the very day, the very hour I heard my Mum was accepted in a nursing home -a very scary process - my hairdresser turned my hair completly Smurf Blue - all over - no kidding - then bleached it so many times I ended up a brassy redhead with sores all over my scalp .... I hate to even recall it. A different hairdresser somewhat fixed it next morning.

I do feel for Tressa - it is verrry hard to accept.

Have a wonderful time in Argentina anyway !!
Sandy said…
Ugh.. I hear your pain. I had a horrific cut two months ago, I came home and cried for quite some time. I like you never say a thing.
Hope you have a wonderful trip.
What scared me the most from this post was that you would be out of net connection for a weeeeeeeeeeeeeek!?!?!

Have a nice trip and don't forget to charge your cam..... and the sun factor.... and all that..... and yea: Welcome back home.. and just to remind you; Happy TG! :-)
OMG I'm so sorry! I'm sure it looks fine! That is my worst nightmare here in Germany because my girl doesn't know what trim means!! Have fun and safe travels.
LadyFi said…
I sympathize - I really do! Most of my haircuts are bad ones... Unless I spend over 500 kr!

Guess I could do you a guest post if you want...
Darling - you ain't touching nothing until I have a look! By the time you come back from Argentina your hair will have grown a cm and it will feel a lot better.

That hairstyle looks so good on you - it'll be back to 'normal' in no time.
JEDA said…
My stylist is German, and I was so happy when I found her, I did a little jig right there in the salon. Then she actually pulled out a round brush and--get this--USED it while she was drying me. I figured a full-on tongue kiss was called for.

I don't know what it is about Norwegian stylists, but I've never been happy with what they do to my hair. I'm so sorry you were ruined right before your trip. I'm sure you'll make it work somehow.

Have a great time.
Michele said…
Seriously, is there a more lonely feeling in the world than knowing you have to break up with your hairdresser? First you have to manage the shock of the (hair) betrayal, and then pick yourself up as you look into the dismal future of finding a new stylist, trying her out, seeing if you click... I don't wish the experience on anyone. I'm so sorry. Now, get yourself to Argentina and drink so much that your hair looks even on both sides. :-)

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