Random Tuesday Thoughts...


Yea! Finally I get to play...RANDOM TUESDAY THOUGHTs.... cause it seems like MOST of my thoughts are RANDOM today....

*my goodness...am I BITCHY today... I called Bjørn early at work just to WARN HIM... everything is irritating me.. Seems like it is going around.. it must be the GRAY Rainy days... Everyone is feeling a little bitchy & blue.... lets hope the sun comes out SOON...

** I have a bunch of meetings tomorrow... will I speak up & say what is on my mind or back down to just get through it? I need to be better about standing up for myself. Believe it or not, sometimes I am WAY too nice.

*We get a lot of American TV shows here in Norway... months or even years after they come out in the states... the newest show to hit the Norwegian airways is "Dance your A$$ OFF" - I know where I will be Thursday night... bruhaaaaa

* Anyone know how we can watch AMERICAN shows on the Internet? - Living abroad you get a message saying you are not allowed to watch from your area.... suggestions?

* I really tried to LOVE Lancome's Ôscillation mascara...REALLY...

But after using it for several weeks... I DON'T.

"Ôscillation is the first vibrating Power mascara by Lancôme: 7000 oscillations per minute"

Although my lashes look good to begin with, by the end of the day, the mascara starts flaking off... not good
save your $34

*Although I wasn't CRAZY about Lancôme's mascara... I am CRAZY about the GÉNIFIQUE line. I started using it about 2 weeks ago... remember?

I haven't noticed a HUGE difference on my face, but I don't really have many lines yet...

Now my sun damaged chest? WOW... seriously... in about a week I have erased years...
"Today, for every woman, Lancôme creates our 1st Youth Activator - GÉNIFIQUE. Now, boost genes' activity2 and stimulate the production of youth proteins.3
See visibly younger skin and brighter eyes in just 7 days."

* I think book clubs where you can't have a glass of wine is lame. just sayin.... do you think I have a problem?

*9 days until I am on a plane to Argentina...jealous MUCH?

Off to get my beauty sleep... ciao Chicas


Amy W said…
Love your RTT and I am sooooo glad you stopped by my site so I could find you! I am very happy to see your review of the Lancome mascara... too bad about that, btw....but way happier to hear what someone thinks of the new genfique line. It's a lot of money to plunk down without hearing personally how someone other than the salesperson liked it.

Now, as a fellow expat who has no intention of ever waiting a year to see my shows.... check out my review of a VPN: http://bitchinwivesclub.blogspot.com/2009/10/abroad-and-in-search-of-american-tv.html
Doriana Gray said…
Oh, you´ve sold me on Genifique! Sounds amazing. And yes, that book club sounds just plain WRONG!
Lee said…
Love your randomness! Can't help you on the internet thing...not my thing!! Sorry!!
Betsy said…
Can you get hulu? I watch all my shows on there, but I don't know if it works overseas.

Yes, I am very jealous about your upcoming vaca. Sounds wonderful!!
1.) I just ordered Dior's Ionic mascara, I'll let you know what I think. I'm a mascara freak!


3) I am going to order GÉNIFIQUE asap.

4) Get your butt on Twitter!!!!!!!

How was that for random? :)
Melissa B. said…
You know someone named Bjorn? Seriously?? My hubby is from the Upper Midwest and is 100% Norwegian. I hear names like this often-his father immigrated from Oslo and was named Borger-and it's neat to hear that people really do name their kids that in real life. Do you bake sandbakkels for Christmas?
MoMo 2.0 said…
I feel bitchy too.. and I know it has to be this weather. I am trying soooo hard to be perky in spite of it, but all it does is make me even more irritated. Our poor vikings....lol

We all want to know..have you started packing for Argentina yet????
Jenny said…
I really like your new banner.

And I totally agree about a glass of wine being necessary at a book club!
Anonymous said…
Best site to watch American tv shows, and just a day later instead of a year;)
MsTypo said…
There's this thing called a Sling Box. You need someone in the States with good cable and good internet and you're set. Basically you get to watch their tv. :D

I used to be part of a book club - all they drank was tea. *sigh* A nice wine drinking bookclub sounds like a good plan!
American TV online.....well, I think I've tried just about everything out there, to no avail. Although, I see 2 new suggestions to try. Good luck and if you find something that works, please let us all know!

Looking forward to hearing all about Argentina!!
BJ_Mama said…
BOOK CLUBS minus WINE??? What's the point, sitsta?
I was quite bitchy a week ago but now we have pretty nice fall here in Switzerland:) Hope it's not too rainy in Norway...

too nice... yeah tell me about it!

Argentina... yes I'M JELOUS!

Have a lovely /at least not so bitchy/ day!
We found some on www.tv-dome.net
quality in the first few minutes is bad but it gets better.
Corrie Howe said…
I have days like this too. Usually my husband is the first to know it...even before me. But everyone once in awhile I can call him and give him a heads up.

Check out the purchase of a SlingBox. We did this for awhile for a friend in India. We put the Slingbox on our TV and computer and he was able to pull in a signal to his computer. It was kind of freaky when he started controlling our TV while we were watching it. But usually it wasn't a problem because of a 12 hours time difference.
Totally lame! And yes, very jealous - think of me when your shaking your booty on the dance floor and drinking red wine......
Kim said…
Argentina sounds wonderful! I could use a getaway right about now, so yes, I am jealous! :)

The slingbox thing sounds really neat!
LadyFi said…
Your new site looks good!

Can I come to Argentina with you, please?
Cristin said…
ANY club that doesn't welcome wine is lame in my book. Do you think I have a problem? Well, I probably do.

Anonymous said…
Was there a wine boycott that I am unaware of? I don't think it was ever ruled out. Actually, I have had a huge craving for Baileys... Anyway, I have a couple cots here and a double couch in case anyone wants to bring a few bottles tomorrow... ;)
Laura said…
Is that like electric mascara??? I think I'm relieved I haven't seen it in Australia yet... I don't know whether to be impressed or scared that such a thing exists! haha.

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