Talking about S E X with your children.

I am watching an Oprah re run with Dr. Laura Berman...

How to talk to your kids about SEX.

The episode is about a mother buying her 14 year old son condoms... & talking to your daughter about masturbation.

Ummm... N.O. and N.O. ....
I realize I have a little time on my side... I have a 10 & a 5 year old... but I can see it coming
oh man... can I see it coming.

most Americans have a different view on SEX than most Norwegians/ Europeans .

Europeans/Norwegians are much more OPEN about sex in general but especially with teens & sex..

I have a lot to learn... I can't see me being more European when it comes to MY kids & sex. (maybe?...I do have a few years...)

Danes class was given the in depth"TALK" when he was in 3rd grade...

I was surprised because we were not notified that they were going to talk about this... (in the U.S. I am pretty sure that would be a lawsuit)

I guess it was OK because it saved me from having the "talk"...but it would have been nice to have a choice.

Dane rushed home from school...all excited to tell me about what he learned... he told me about EVERYTHING they talked about & then said... "& it feels GOOOD"

Of course I was fine with everything up until that point... I called Bjørn at work...

in my...I want to move home kind of rant...." can you BELIEVE they told him that it feels GOOOOD? WTF- I have the good mind to call the school & tell them what I think about them giving my 8 year old a sex talk & telling how gooooood it feels...." (I didn't)

Why did THAT push me over the edge? I guess I feel like it encourages the kids to TRY it...

it is sooo different over here....

I grew up with "what a nice girl does/or doesn't do" "Nice girls, don't call/chase boys"

"Nice girls don't crawl into the backseat with some random boy"
(you better at least be wearing his class ring - do they even do that anymore?)

Probably the biggest deterrent to keep me from going "BAD" was my big brother...the Senior, Capt. of the Football team..... I always heard the way they (the football team who LIVED at my house) talked about the "nice" & "not so nice girls"

The "not so nice girls" NEVER became the girlfriend...EVER... those were the girls that you messed around with at the baseball fields on a Friday night...NOT the girls you would take to the Homecoming dance....

On top of that... I knew that if my Big brother E V E R heard anything "bad" about me...He would kick my ass first..& kill the guy afterward... - the thought of my whoring around being brought up at the dinner table...- FORGETABOUTIT..... So although I was a PARTY girl... I was still a REALLY NICE girl...

Thank Goodness, Eva has a BIG BROTHER....

I have plenty of Norwegian friends with teenage children, who KNOW that their kids are having SEX & even allow them to have their girlfriends/boyfriends SPEND THE NIGHT.
I just can't imagine ever being OK with that...

So anyway the OPRAH show today was about the mother buying her son condoms because she could tell her son was thinking about having sex for the first time....

I think/hope I would be able to pick up the signs when my children THINK they are ready... I think I will be able to talk to them about it...(talk them out of it...) but going to the store to buy them condoms? I don't think so.... maybe I could send Bjørn.

& as far as talking to your daughter about masturbation... (my face is going red just typing THAT word) so that your daughter won't need to go out & be with just any boy.... Don't think I would be able to talk about that either.... joking maybe...but a serious talk about it...i don't think so,.

I talk about it with the BOY... But I usually like to say things like...

"Just remember...if you touch it too much you will GO BLIND...

"You better not being doing will grow hair on the palms of your hands & everyone will know..."

Don't worry...Bjørn is the GOOD parent... who assures him things are normal...& no...he isn't really going to go blind.

Do we REALLY have to have "that" talk?

Isn't it enough to teach your child to respect themselves & their body to keep them from making bad decisions?

So those of you who have been through did you handle it?

those of you who haven't been this... how do you think you will react? Are you ready to accept that it is just a fact of life? Would you allow your teenager (14,15,16) year old have a sleep over at your house


Corinne said…
Hey, I got a book about puberty and a talk about "that time of the month" and that was it. From receiving near the exact opposite of openness, I think there's something to be said about letting your kids know about sex and how to be responsible. I'm not a parent, so my views aren't going to make or break some kid's life, but I think being open and keeping things at an age appropriate level is a lot better than leaving it to someone else. I think you'll be able to handle it when the time comes. ;)
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh. I can not even imagine the school telling my kid that sex feels good! WHAT THE HECK! I mean, I don't want him to know that... for a very long time. Like till his wedding day! Such a great post : )
MsTypo said…
I learned about sex in the place you're supposed to learn about sex: the schoolyard! My parents have never so much as uttered the word sex in my presence and i'm okay with that.
Corrie Howe said…
No, I wouldn't let my children have or attend a sleep over with mixed sexes. (But, I have let them do church lock-ins where adults stay awake all night to keep the boys and girls apart.)

My teenage son doesn't want to talk about sex...didn't want to talk about sex even when he was younger. But we made him listen to us talk about the overall subject and our views on it.
Skogkjerring said…
This is funny cause I saw this same Oprah show and I was actually just today talking to my neighbour lady about our kids and sex. My girl especially have been asking some questions lately, which I've been answering- HONESTLY. As I told my neighbour, it's my job as their mother to tell them what they ask, if I don't, that means I leave it up to the schools or friends or media...and what does that get us? Schools telling your 8 year old sex feels good....well, it does but he didn't REALLY need to know that at 8. Thomas doesn't ask much about sex yet...he whistles at pretty girls and says, Oooo..she's hot or something but he hasn't a clue about the sexual acts...I was giving him a hard time the other day about whistling at some girl and he said, what? You talk about banging my dad....hahahaha...I know I*m gonna be persecuted for that one...but I do have a very open and honest relationship with my kids and the girls and I have been having some IN DEPTH coversations lately which he was Julia asked me if we had sex when they were at home...I answered no we wait until you are at school so we can make lots of noise...she just shut up immediately and I burst out laughing...hahahaha...again I know by reading what you write that I'm probably a little more European then American in my thinking when it comes to this, but I*m also realistic, things ARE NOT like they were when we were growing up and I would rather have prepared kids then unprepared. This by no means is any endorsment for them to go out and begin...they all know that I would prefer to see them wait but when the time comes they won't be seeking my permission so I just want to make sure they are as prepared as possible. I told them I have no regrets having kids young BUT if I could do it over I would maybe have waited...discovered who I was first..I said when you get pregnant you give up in many ways put someone else's needs ahead of yours's no longer about you and what you need, it's about someone else. I've explained with sex- comes responsibility. Having sex when you are ABLE to handle any responsibility that may or may not arise. Responsibility to make smart choices about protection, and responsibility and respect for themselves and their bodies..ugh..really our conversations are so much more in depth then I can cover in your comment space, but my philosophy is honesty all the way but taking into account ages and what they can handle hearing at what age. It's amazing what the kids know from their friends and you can bet I will be there with my two cents also!! They'll never be able to come to me and say, I didn't know this could happen...BULL LARKEY...But I also understand and respect that not every parent can be as open and honest with their kids as I am and I respect that some do not feel their kids should hear many of the things I talk about with my kids but for me I'd rather be the one talking too them about it then someone else and I won't put a brown paper bag over my head and say this isn't happening...cause it is..they grow faster and faster for every year...
Sues2u2 said…
I'm all for answering questions honestly but telling your 8 yr old how GOOOOD sex feels?!! Totally w/ you on that one. I probably would have gone running down to the school & gotten in tons of trouble!

No, I will not be buying condoms for my kids. We are already talking about abstinence in things like oral sex & vaginal sex w/ my 12 yr old who is so grossed out he can't hardly see straight although he's so girl crazy it isn't even funny.

Both of my kids know that the earliest they can date is 16 & @ that it has to be w/ a group. No getting serious until after some university & even then sex should be after marriage. Nope, not old fashioned a bit!
Sarah - Kala said…
I'm a traditional Catholic so Y'all know we discuss sex in this house as a gift from God to be shared with one's ONE spouse, and, to exercise self-control as best as one can (there is Confession for foul ups), which means hands off yourself and hands off the others. Period. And, we explain why. Catholics are not backward about sex, trust me. I think if more people understood why we teach self control (masturbation is selfish because you are only in for it for yourself; if you give in to it you will weaken your resolve to wait until you are married etc..). IF my kids start to engage in sexual relationships outside of marriage, I would hope they would be careful in protecting themselves, but reality is: I won't be there to know. Their conscience will be and it remains between them and God.
Before I get started I have to say that I love your Header! Adorable!

OK- Onto the S E X. Um, No is right. I have 2 boys and I am continuously reminding my husband that even tho they are 8 and 5 it is his responsibility to tell them to rise above the urges of sexuality. I would have drove INTO the school office like with my car if they told my kids it feels good...AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Betsy said…
My son is 11 and we still have not had 'the' talk. I have tried, but he is not interested. Thankfully we homeschool so he spends most of his time with other children who know about as much as he. I told my husband that soon he must have 'the' talk whether it is wanted or not.

I would NEVER allow them to do something in my house - ever!!!

On a funny note, when they were younger I would whisper in their ears 'You will not have sex until you are married' over and over while they were asleep. I figure it is there somewhere in their memory and will pop up at the right time. Silly, I know, but I figured it couldn't hurt. :-)
We are pretty open and honest about sex here. But we have to let them know that not everyone's family is as open...and it's not up to them to educate their peers.

We have had the question of when do you know it's right...and we just say...when you are in love...and when you are responsible for yourself. Meaning - you are only ready when you are employed...paying your own bills...and not living at my house!
I am LMAO at "if you touch IT too much you will go blind!"

Elisabeth said…
Okay...the thing is: your son (at the age of 8) likely already knew that touching himself feels good. Most children "discover" this at the time of potty training and to them, it isn't sexual in nature--it just feels good. They don't know the whys or hows of it all.

I'd be annoyed that someone other than myself told my child that sex feels good...however, that would be the answer to why adults do it, so it would have to come out in the end.

I am not dreading "the talk". However, I am hoping that I give a lot more information,support, etc. than I received (no matter how embarrasing it is for my children).

I am in support of birth control for children who think they want to have sex--and if I have to help my children see that this is the best choice until they have come out the other side of puberty a little more level-headed,(and hopefully child-free)then I will.
Jill said…
Thankfully I have a LONG way to go before we start talk about it...

I was very naive and never knew anything about it until I was almost 16. Seriously.

My husband is SO having the talk with them - the boy AND the girls. I like to make him squirm like that. :)
Anonymous said…
Well, as we all know, as soon as you attach something with a stigma, or a law if you will, that's the point when it becomes attractive (Even Paul says so in Romans 7:7).

Best to call a spade a spade imo. Sex is natural, fun, and goes with a lot of responsibility.
What A Card said…
Hmmm, I'm pretty easy going about sex, and I was initially taken aback by the thought of telling a 3rd grader that sex feels good. But I've been thinking about it, and you know what, I'm coming around. I mean, I'd guess most kids are smart enough to figure that out on their own, but I like the idea of not mixing sex up with a lot of feelings of shame or worry.

In my high school, I guess by your definition I was a not-so-nice girl. But no worries, I had plenty of invites to homecoming each year ;) I was far from slutty, though (at least in my mind, though I guess some would say any premarital sex is slutty!).

I would definitely buy condoms for my kids as it far preferable to having them get some disease or teenage pregnancy. However, I think that if you're old enough to have sex, you should be old enough to get over your embarrassment and buy condoms.

I would *not* allow my boys to have a girlfriend sleep over. Not because I think that'll keep them from having sex...I'm sure they'll find somewhere else! It's just too outside what's accepted in our society, and I would suspect the other parents wouldn't be comfortable with the arrangement. And that's not fair to the other parents to make that decision for them.

Sex is fun. It does feel good. I'd like my kids to grow up well-informed about it and able to make good decisions around it. To only be with people they love and respect, and who love and respect them. To be careful about STDs and pregnancy. To take it seriously, but also have fun. We'll see...I still have a number of years until they are old enough to think about it. I may become more puritanical as they become teenagers :)
Anonymous said…
My Polish Catholic parents chose not to talk to me about sex. And when it was brought up, it was an "evil taboo" topic. As a result, it took a long time for me to feel comfortable with my sexuality. Even today I have roadblocks. On the other hand, hubby's family was very open about sex and he loves sex. With 3 boys, the onus will be on him to have the talk....and I rather have it sooner rather than later. Third grade? maybe too soon..

BTW, I LOVE your new layout...the old was really cool, but this has a great contemporary feel! Well done!
Corrie Howe said…
You should check out this blog post from someone else I follow
peakfinder said…
Great post. I have a 16 year old son and it has been struggle for me to have "the talk". I grew up in a society where nobody talked about it but it was not a taboo subject either. Since my parents did not say anything about it, I was not sure how to approach it. Nevertheless, I managed to send the message across and I do think it is better to be open about it and inform the kids well.
Anonymous said…
It must be difficult being an american parent in Norway. The USA is the big cautionary tale, the boogeyman. "This is what things could end up like! If we don't teach them a relaxed view of sex."

When I was a teen, decades ago, it was not unknown for people to move in with their boyfriends/girlfriends at 16, and I see that it still is common. I suspect you have more shocks ahead of you.

But results are hard to argue with.

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