Lady GaGa? no...James Gardner? maybe....

My sister suggested yesterday that I looked like Lady GaGa in the picture I posted yesterday... Um ya...I wish I could run around town in a leotard all day like the Lady... I know my sister & am PRETTY SURE she was referring to the blond hair & the eyelashes... ahem...

Thanks to A Canadian in Norway for sending me over to find out who I REALLY look like...

Hmmm, interesting.....
Paula Abdul I have heard before, but James Gardner & Whoopi Goldberg now that was a surprise...


Laura said…
That's hilarious!
Mary Ellen said…
You're in good company, there, but I have to say you look nothing like James Garner.

Gorgeous enough to be a star, for sure!
That is to funny, I'm going to have to try that now :)
Rebecca Jo said…
James Gardner???? What the heck??? No way! I do see the Raven Simone though!!!
Jessi said…
For what its worth, when I did this my lookalike was Ludacris (is that even how you spell his name?) by a large margin. I am pretty sure there must be someone that I resemble more than an african-american male hip-hop artist ;)
sues2u2 said…
That's amazing! I see Raven Simone in that pix & also Paula Abdul but the others? I love it!
LadyFi said…
You and Whoopi and James Gardner could be twins - or even triplets!
Anonymous said…
What about Tina Turner?
Kelly said…
Hahahaha...Paula Abdul....brings back memories!!
Robbi said…
Too funny. I think the program runs on the angle of the face (direction people are looking towards in all the photos) more than anything.

Ha det
Frizzy said…
Still loving how pretty you look. I know many women who would kill for lips and eyelashes like yours. FLAUNT THEM WOMAN!
Melissa B. said…
What a fun post! I'm going to have to try this...
Karen said…
That is funny stuff! I'm worried if I did that it would say I look like Chris Farley.

Anyway, I have to say you are much prettier than any of them. Just Sayin'
Scary Mommy said…
I KNEW you always looked familiar, and now I know why--- you are a DEAD RINGER for Whoopie. It's eerie, actually. ;)
Stacy Nyikos said…
It's all in the bone structure, right? Wonder what would happen if you put in a pic where you're smiling differently or from a different angle. Would you get Jame Gardner again???
Angie's Spot said…
Lady Gaga, maybe. James Garner...NO.

I've been meaning to try that website. I'm heading over there now. Thanks!
kleineklein said…
Congrats on being fan of the week at I Heart Faces. Your blog is super fun, and you are definitely way cuter than James Garner!

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