Update & Thanks!

Yesterday, after speaking ro Bjørn, I was going to hop on the computer & post my

"MAD AS HELL" post...

Thankfully my American Dr. friend called me as soon as she received my message & talked me down.... she tried to explain things to me...

Basically Bjørn has a Staph infection... "Gul"... the yellow kind... (that doesn't make sense to me either...) But he is on heavy antibiotics & will be in the hospital probably from 1-2 more weeks.

I had my whole list of things I was mad about yesterday.... WHY & HOW did he get this STAPH infection... he has had to have been walking around with this infection for the past 10 months... (any wise medical person please correct me if I am wrong...)

WHY didn't they find this when he went to the Dr. 2.5 months ago? instead of shrugging their shoulders & sending him home?

WHO thought it would be a good idea to let his scar RUPTURE?

Additional things that upset me.....

After surgery he was put in a 4 man's room.... now my firend explained to me that it wouldn't be dangerous for Bjørn.... just for the other guys in the room..... *crickets* ( i would be PISSED if I was Mrs. other guys in the rooms wife...)

Ummm ok....

I have to stop being MAD... & just pray that Bjørn is going to stand up for himself & demand some answers..... I have to pray that they are going to get this infection cleared up & we are going to get him home & his arm is FINALLY going to be fine...

So now the THANKS...

thank you for all of your sweet, wonderful comments.... thank you for allowing me to WHINE, although we all know there are a lot of people going through much worse things than me....

last night after I decided to not write me "MAD AS HELL" post... I decided I needed a break from blogging/facebook. So today was going to be my

"We are all fine-C-ya Soon" post....

But I awoke this morning & checked my inbox....

sweet comments with a lot of Love.... another follower &....OH CRAP an

Anonymous comment

(anyone else tense up when you see ANONOYMOUS has been by?)

"Love Boat.. THE FINAL CHAPTER...": I just read your "Love Boat" saga...and I may go crazy if I don't find out how it ends. What did your mom say?!?!

Man.... I am such a TEASE... I promise I am going to finish this story or that story.... I give you all of the crap parts of Rome & then never go back & tell you the good parts/ or the WHAT YOU SHOULD do parts.....

A-HA... a reason to WRITE so I am going to try to write about HAPPY things for the next few days.... just to get my mind out of this FUNK... (including the funky TEXAS-Norwegian Ho-down which was my wedding.... sounds classy doesn't it?)
I am off for a fun filled day with my adorable children.... (as they scream & rip each others hair out upstairs....) We are going to the movies... Sweden for shopping... & then to the hospital for some quality time with pappa... (we can't touch him because of the infection...) so basically we sit on the other side of the room & yell...
Ooooo & I started booking our summer vacation to get my mind off of things!
hello EURO D I S N E Y for anyone living in Europe... they are having a deal for UK residents 40% off & kids under 7 are FREE if booked by April 15th...
a special THANK YOU goes to my buddy Paul magicdarts who let me use his address to get the deal...MUAHHHH ! (love ya doll!) Paul is a dear dear friend from back in my Germany days... just started blogging but has his fingers all over the place as a writer... go & give him a little bloggy love ...
Did you make it down here? WOW thanks! I go from not thinking I can write anything to BLABBING on & on & on & on....
much love, T


MoMo 2.0 said…
Hang in there.... I just pray you get some help and support while he is in the hospital since you have 2 little people to worry about too!!!

We are all sending hugs across the continent to you!
Corinne said…
I've been keeping an eye out for an update! We wish Bjørn a speedy recovery. I'm just glad he's getting the treatment he needs...even if it did take FOREVER to get a diagnosis. I hope he can get on with his life after this and you guys don't have to worry about this again. Hugs!
Laura said…
Texas Norwegian Ho Down-- classic.
What A Card said…
What a relief that he's doing a little better, and I hope he speeds through his recovery! And what a relief you're feeling a little better. This must be so stressful for you...sometimes I feel so far from my family when they are just a 9 hour drive away. Hang in there, I'll be thinking of y'all!
The Blonde Duck said…
I'm glad he's getting treatment. I'd be mad too that they just let it go!
Sarah - Kala said…
Prayers for healing and health! I'm frustrated for you, for God'sakes! How utterly awful and how angry I'd be, too - it's so understandable. Although, when you describe your visits as shouts across the room, I had to chuckle. ANother frustration, I'm sure. And, if he had staff that long, what about the exposure to you and everyone else under the sun as he walked about that long with it??? And, will you need to deep clean your house now? Just questions, 'cos I don't know any mroe about staff - and less than you.
Hugs from Maryland,
Ronda's Rants said…
My beautiful grandson had MRSA when he was a baby...it was scary and he did have to stay in the hospital...but he is fine now...no lasting scars! I will keep praying for you and Hubby!!
Sending love and hugs!
Batgirl said…
Yellow staph? Ouch! Not sure it'll make you feel better, but it's apparently the source of more than half of the infections "few" patients (5 %) who are operated in Norwegian hospitals get.

If I remember my old training correctly (worked in an assisted living place once, where a resident was a yellow staph carrier - not that they told us for the first month!!), it only transmits through contact with the affected area/fluids from the wound.

At least it's good news that they've figured out what's wrong. Can't believe it's taken them this long though. Just hang in there, he'll be right as rain in no time :-)
kel said…
Visiting from SITS.. Hope you Mr. is well taken care of. Staph infections are nasty but treatable! He should not be in a room with anyone else though!!! geez!

ps. I enjoyed your blog!!
Julie said…
I just read about your hubs. Prayers being sent for a super speedy and complete recovery.
Anonymous said…
Hi Tressa,

Sorry for the "anonymous" -I am a computer failure !! and do not have a blog - and do not know what a url is !!! Let me know a better choice and I will stop the anonymous.

That done - hang in there girl. You certainly have had your share of stress and downright worry lately. But, as you know - there are many "out there" who are thinking of you and somehow trying to send comfort through cyberspace.

Venting is good - very good and your friends understand - so go for it whenever needed.

Add me to the list of those praying for you and Bjorn. In the meantime - take care of yourself - literally - be kind to you and enjoy the love of your hubby and wee ones.

All the best Tressa,

Brenda (Guelph!)
Rebecca Jo said…
WOW.. I totally understand your frustration! I'd be fired up too!!!
Doriana Gray said…
Thank you for visiting me today and glad that you found out what is wrong with Bjorn and hope they can fix it quickly. I read your whole blog last weekend when I was lying flat on my back sick in bed...hence I didn´t comment. I really love reading about your life!

sues2u2 said…
I just read up a bit on different staph infections. Let's just say that Bjorn has the ugly one. It is treatable but like you I'm very surprised that they've put him in a 4 man room.

Rant & vent away. Sometimes it does help & if that's what you need then do it. This is all about you, baby!

My thoughts, prayers & heart is w/ you all. Stay strong. It's hard but you are very strong!

As my Britt friends & I do-
Karen said…
I am so happy that is sounds like your sweetie is going to be getting better finally. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Big Hugs to you today.
Unknown said…
Poor Bjorn ...a poor you!! This is something that neither of you needed!!

I will definitely be praying for his quick recovery.

It boggles my mind that they put him in a shared room. Just hope that the medical staff practice good barrier techniques..as in changing their gloves and washing their hands before going to another patient !!

I was absoloutely horrified, when my granddaughter was in hospital here in the US, to see a nurse, change one baby's diaper and then walk over to take my granddaughter's temp, without washing her hands or changing her gloves. I stood up, got in front of her and yelled, 'Don't you dare touch her without washing, etc.' I'm just glad I was there when it happenned!

A really good way to spread infections !!

And don't worry about 'whining' , etc...sometimes it's really good for you to vent and what better place to do that than here !

Big *HUGS*
Robbi said…

Hang in there. I hope Bjørn has a quick and smooth recovery. Like Anonymous, I would also enjoy hearing the rest of your Love Boat saga and about the Texas-Norwegian ho-down.

Ha det bra
Lacy Kline said…
Hopefully in a couple of weeks this will all just be a bad memory. Hang in there. Can't wait to hear about the Norwegian Texas Ho down.
@TiffanyRom said…
Just wanted to stop and let you know you and Bjorn are in our thoughts... what a year it has been for you.

Sending lots of comfort and healing vibes!

Tiffany & Heather
Betsy said…
Wow, I am so sorry for what Bjorn is going through - and you too. Our experience with the European socialized medical care was not great at all. I will pray that he is healed quickly and soon this will all simply be a bad memory!
Sorry to hear about your husband's staph infection. It takes a while to treat, but I think staph is treatable. Not sure how yellow staph compares to MRSA, but MRSA seems to be all over the hospitals in the US and it is a tough one to treat. Hope he feels better soon and that you get him home with you where he belongs soon!
magicdarts said…
At least now you have some kind of understanding of what's going on - so glad I could help in some small way with your holiday booking - thanks so much for the mention!
hexe said…
Glad that your are feeling better and sending along my well wishes to your husband. Can't wait to hear about the Texas Norwegian hoe down :)
Debz said…
Glad that your able to put it all aside and get on with life, your a better woman than I. I would still be ranting. But I tend to hold onto things a little longer than probably necessary.

I hope everything works out for Bjorn and his infection. But I wont harp on the idiots who missed the diagnosis previously.

Have a great day!

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