B is for BEAUTY...& BERLIN

Day 2 of the A-Z challenge...  todays letter is B..

B is for BEAUTY

Beauty is a BIG part of my job..
I work for a large Scandinavian Cosmetics/Skin Care company as a sales manager.

I LOVE my job... .. if you were going to create a job JUST for ME..
this would be it.
I love people.. I love make up & I love to travel... which I do often with my position.
the challenge is to find the PERFECT balance between HOME and WORK.. sigh..
which I work on every day.

B is also for BJØRN..
my Norwegian husband
(Bjørn means BEAR in English)
with really BLUE eyes...
and B is for our BILINGUAL.. Babies

We have traveled to several places which begin with B... such as Bulgaria..Burma, Barbados,Bangkok  and Belize..
but not sure where I have those pictures saved.. :-)  So I will have to re post our pictures from BERLIN.

B is for BERLIN

Did I mention that I once lived in Burlington IA? ..


Nikki said…
Thank you for your sweet comment! Which part of Norway do you live in? This was a great post, I liked the little facts about you and your family! I'm following you now, it's nice to meet you too!

Nikki – inspire nordic
Anonymous said…
That is a whole lot of B's! Good luck!
Witha said…
Very cute post! Love it

Visiting from
Jen said…
Loved your "B" post, the pictures are just lovely.
Joyce said…
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I loved the years we spent as expats and will enjoy following along here.
I love reading about your adventures. I just read several of the "how you got to Norway" posts. Did you ever finish the story?
Unknown said…
Thank you so much for visiting my A to Z post for B. It is nice to meet you too, and see your B E A U T I F U L family!

Norway is not that far away from Sweden. Who knows, maybe we could actually meet one day. I am trying to get my jewelry business off the ground. I have a lot of ideas, but there is a lot to do with two school aged children (7 soon 8 and 10 years old.)

Here is my e-mail address is:

adornment [at] live [dot] se

Best wishes,
Unknown said…
BTW, You are First Commenter on that post and get an extra link. I am following your blog on Friend Connect too.
My sister's good friend moved with her husband from Tulsa to Stavanger, Norway. We are friends on FB and she is having a great time learning new things and getting to know Norway!

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