D is for DANE & Dublin...

D is for one of my absolute FAVORITE things on this earth....
My pride & joy... my first born
Dane at 12
Dane at 2

I know most parents think their children are the most awesome in the ENTIRE WORLD...
but mine?.. well, they really are.
Dane is special in so many ways...
he is an old soul... wise beyond his years.

.kind and giving..
loving and loyal...
He has my wanderlust and love of photography... 

Dane thank you for being you... I love you so much  :-)

D is also for DUBLIN...
I fell in love with DUBLIN many years ago... I love the PEOPLE.. the MUSIC..the HISTORY and
 of course, the PUBS..
We are fortunate to find serious CHEAP flights and can take off for weekends away...
LOVE it...

Additional D info?...
I have lived in  Danville CA,   Des Moines IA, and Delaware.. (Wilmington)


Sally said…
It's so great to be proud of your son. He seems to be a young man to be proud of.
Beautiful pictures. Seems like D is a great letter for you.
Also, you've won an award on my blog. check it out.
rach said…
I am loving your letter series! What a great kid your son is! I hope when I have kids I have one as kind and loving as dane seems! and Dublin is great especially when you get a really sunny weekend! (you should check out the southern part of Ireland next!)
Anonymous said…
Well Darn it all...what a great "D" post. So nice that your young one is a kindred spirit for you.
Gossip_Grl said…
Great D post! I love visiting the beaches of Deleware and it is actually on my list of somewhere I would live after retirement
Mary Aalgaard said…
You have such a gorgeous blog. Great photos. Lovely tribute to your son. I'm getting a wanderlust just looking at all these fabulous places!

Play off the Page
Ach du lieber said…
Your son could definitely pass for Norwegian. Great looking kid!

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Yours is truly beautifully done. I shall follow, if you will lead.
Ach du lieber said…
Correction, after reading your other posts I see that he IS Norwegian. My bad. Love those blue eyes.
Lynn Proctor said…
what beautiful pics and such a handsome son---my daughter is an old soul too :)
What gorgeous eyes Dane has, he'll certainly break some hearts when he's older!
Wagging Tales
Anonymous said…
The pictures are amazing! You make me really want to travel.
Sara Louise said…
Loved the Ds!
Dane is my sister-in-law's brother's name and I've always loved it, and you know how I feel about Dublin! Now I'm homesick for a pint and some fish & chips :)
Laurita said…
You post such gorgeous photos. I agree with you on Dublin. That's where my parents live. I love it there.

Your boy sounds like a treasure.
Susan Kane said…
Y'all sure fit in with the Norway genes! Dublin is a great city, with lots of history.
Anonymous said…
i love this for so many reasons, not the least of which are that (1) my son is named dane and (2) (related) we lived in copenhagen for two years and visited dublin twice. the memories are awesome!

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