L is for ... the LITTLE THINGS...

L.. is for so many things.. like LOVING.. and LAUGHING....
but it is also for all of the little things,
which make life worth LIVING..

Some of my favorite "little things"

a little note left my son left me on my car before going to work

packed by my baby girl..

Or trying to have my coffee ready when I get up.. :-)

 A glass of wine on our veranda after a long work week.. :-)

Hope y'all have a fantastic weekend! :-)


That coffee looked a little weak.
The wine on the other hand looked delightful!
I found your episode of HH International and I am going to take your side 100% here. You were very sweet, very cute (as were the kiddos and the hubby) and not at all demanding. If anyone was an ass, it was the narrator of the show with her constant comments about your "demands" and how picky you supposedly were. I have seen the show many times and wanted to punch the people for their pickiness and you weren't even close!
I would have been way worse. Way.
When we bought our house, it had the original garbage disposal which frankly, sucked. I had a new one installed the next day. It also had stainless appliances which were so-so and we have updated them to French door fridge and better quality LG stainless. I didn't go for Viking and I didn't break my husband so I thought I did ok. We become accustomed to things a certain way and I have no problem with adapting to some things but there are certain times when convenience outnumbers price. I love my heated car seats, my good salon, my shopping budget, our weekly dinner/drinks date nights and other such luxuries but if you work hard, as we do, you deserve it.
Please do not give another thought to people who say mean things about you.
Joyce said…
I love the note inside the sandwich. And the brown water which gets an A for effort. So sweet.
Sally said…
It's the little things that mean such a lot - aawh.
Lynn Proctor said…
awwww truly the best---the little things
Sara Louise said…
the little note and the car window scribble would melt my heart! what great kiddos :)
lol, was that note IN the sandwich? So precious.
this is mind blowing post thanks for sharing

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