G is for GHOSTS...
although I generally refer to them as SPIRITS...
but Spirits didn't work for today's theme.. :-)

I believe... I know that I have loved ones around me..
I used to be really sensitive to it.. especially when I was young.. - before I knew anything about it...
then when I was in my teens.. I got a little freaked out.. '
and I didn't feel it very often...
but sometimes...

From the stories I have heard.. there seems to a lot of GHOSTS here in Norway..
and especially in our little town...
& NO ONE thinks it is weird...
cause they have always been around..

G. is also for GREECE..
I love GREECE..
Santorini in particular...

the following pictures are from RHODES...



Tracy said…
how lovely your 'f'amily is and I too believe in spirits since the human spirit is too strong to just die~
Your photos are absolutely gorgeous!
I am doing ghosts too!
I have always thought of Greece as the most beautiful place between the blue water and the white buildings. Just recently, I have realized how badly they are hurting with their economy. Still loving your colorful photos and thank you for the sweet comments on my blog.
Kim said…
I'm watching House Hunters Int'l and your episode is on. lol I know you said they edited it a lot, but I just wanted to say it's really cool to see you and your family IRL. You are all beautiful!
Anonymous said…
There are most definitely ghosts, spirits, residual energy..whatever you care to call it.
Kim said…
Oh, and your realtor is a hottie. My grandfather was from Norway and I've always wanted to go there.
Unknown said…
Thank you Kim.. & I can always tell when they re run the episode because I end up with 500 extra hits on my blog.. & FB...LOL
Laural Out Loud said…
This whole A-Z series has been so much fun to read- you are rockin' it! I've never been to Greece, but it's on my hit list. As for ghosts... lalalalalala, I can't hear you, lalalalala.
Gossip_Grl said…
I am not a real big fan of the ghost. Strange but I watch shows like paranormal activity and if I had a ghost I would hope it was a good one and a helper kind of ghost who would maybe help me clean while I am at work :)
Danny said…
Oh there's lot of Ghosts in Norway:) But I think they're mostly at the Lier hospital (Youtube: Lier sykehus) . Yees.But nice blog! Whats the coolest thing you've seen in Norway? ;)
Stephanie said…
I would choose Greece over ghosts! I've always been a bit afraid of ghosts.
klahanie said…
Ah yes, I could say something silly like I could see right through this one in regards to the topic of ghosts. Oops :) Seriously, I firmly believe there is more going on than just what we sense in this dimension, this reality. And Greece, a beautiful country going through some troubling times.
In kindness and happy writing to you,
momto8 said…
just tell the bad ones to go away!!
Sara Louise said…
I have never been to Greece and it kills me! Santorini is on my bucket list :)

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