Remember me? A-Z challenge

Remember me? - ya, the one who seems to drop out of the A-Z challenge? .. ya well, I haven't--
I plan on having a SUPER BLOG FEST (with myself, this weekend)
As y'all know, I had my BFF from HS for a visit over the weekend... now I have been in Oslo all week for a meeting... so a little hard to blog...
But I will be back... posting all of the pictures I have been taking all week.. & telling all about my adventures during the past week... including being the middle. of the Anders Behring Breivik trial...
oh yes... it all happend a block from my office.. & the trial is a block in the other direction... which means.. international media everwhere...    be back over the weekend... (after some quailty time with my family)


Anonymous said…
You've been busy. Never'll catch up.
Shauna said…
I just found your blog, and I like it! I am your newest follower ;)

Lynn Proctor said…
i have looked for you everyday and missed you--take you time :)
Sara Louise said…
Have a fantastic weekend! See you back here soon :)
Mary Aalgaard said…
You are busy.
Enjoy it all.
See you later.

Play off the Page
Caroline said…
Loom forward to hearing all about it! T'was lovely seeing you again - vi snakkes XX
LeesOnTheGo said…
Sooo, I'm here in America catching up on all my favorite HGTV shows & I think I just saw you on House Hunters International....was that you & your family? How exciting!

LeesOnTheGo said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
oh well, at least you tried! Hope you are having some good quality time with your family. Waving from Larvik :)
Anonymous said…
Hello there!

My name is Malte Zeeck, and I am with I really enjoyed reading your fantastic blog! I think expats in Norway and around the world could really gain some great insights [and have a few good laughs] on this page. The quality of the blog in general is very convincing, which is why I would love to feature you and your writing on the Recommended Blog on Norway section on
Not only do we feature and link to your blog prominently; we also would like to hear from you directly in our questionnaire! We have also designed a link badge for your blog.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact me via email:
Malte Zeeck

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