K is for KELLY..Komodo Island

K.. would have to be for KELLY.. one of my BEST Friends in the entire  world.

I met Kelly my Jr. year of High School -
 when I moved
This was my THIRD  High school... this time in Wilmington,Dela-where? 
 I remember eating my lunch in the bathroom for the first two weeks until my mother threatened to call the Principal...if I didn't go into the cafeteria....

Anyone who has had to move, especially in High School or Jr. High, knows that going into the cafeteria is the WORST part of starting a new school... Where are you going to sit?

When I finally braved St. Marks lunch room... I quietly took my tray & sat at the end of a long table... with a bunch of girls I didn't think would mind. The details of almost 20 years has blurred in time... but I know that this was where I had my first contact with Kelly.

She came over to the table to asked me to sign her Student Council petition...& invited me to eat lunch at her table, thus... saving me from being branded a "dork" for the rest of my years at St. Marks...
(come on, I know it sounds mean...but we were in HIGH SCHOOL)

That was the first of many times Kelly would come to my "rescue". Oh the stories I can tell from my years spent in Delaware.... Although I say we were bad... we weren't really... we both had a desire to see what lay out in the greater tri-state area... Philly, New Jersey, New York....(oh the places our crappy cars took us.) & we both liked boys in uniform.
We spent our summers together working as lifeguards, going to the shore & cruising South Street . She helped me hear the difference between words like Bin & Ben... (I still had my Southern drawl at that point) & she made Delaware bearable...even fun for me.
Kelly came to spend the summer with me, while I was living in Mannheim Germany..
We backpacked through Europe
& dated Best Friends.
My boyfriend & I broke up..
Kelly got married.. and I was her maid of honor
I haven't seen Kelly in 8 (- EIGHT- ) years..
But this K post comes at the perfect time.. cause GUESS WHAT?
can you tell I am just a weee bit excited?

She is in Prague at a conference.. and is just going to pop by Norway on her way home...
Promise to take loads & loads of pictures...


Komodo is one of the 17,508 islands that make up the Republic of Indonesia. Komodo island is particularly notable as the natural habitat of Komodo dragon, the largest lizard on earth, named after this island

The Komodo Dragon is HUGE.. and although they appear to move slow...
the Park Ranger who brought us out to the Island assured us, they can out run us.. & rip our legs off to boot..
So don't do anything STUPID. :-)

The Dragons were running wild over the island  - pretty amazing when I think  back.
I can't seem to find any pictures from my afternoon on the island
Only VHS tapes..?  Hello?
I don't know what my deal was back then, why did it have to be one or the other?
Video or still photos?
Perhaps that is why I insist on always having  a camera with me now...
I missed so many great shots back in the day...

OK.. off to get everything ready for my friends visit!
Have a fabulous Thursday.


Sally said…
How fantastic to have kept a great friend from your school days. I bet you two won't stop talking and laughing on her visit.
Anonymous said…
Have a wonderful visit with your friend.
rach said…
Thats great that your friend is coming to visit tomorrow! what perfect timing for this post!! I saw a bbc documentary not too long ago with komodo dragons on it....a man on there who works with them is down two fingers from the dragons...yeesh!
Lynn Proctor said…
what a wonderful story--so happy you two will be together again!
Gossip_Grl said…
What a nice story and hope you have a great visit with your friend.
Tracy said…
That is wonderful that Kelly is visiting! Gosh, I bet both of you are excited. I found my 4th grade friend on facebook after 25 years of no contact ad we picked up where we left off...have a great great time!
stupid dragons

how fun that your friend is coming to see you after so long! you will just pick up where you left off, I assume
Sara Louise said…
I met my best friend in the cafeteria on my first day at a new school too! Except I was in 7th grade, not 11th, but still, that's crazy.
Hope you and Kelly have a blast catching up :)
It's wonderful to have a best friend like that. Have fun meeting up with Kelly again. I bet the moment you see her it won't feel like 8 years have past since seeing her last.

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