365 -27 Makeup trends for 2013

What's hot for 2013?

Bright colors on the eyes...
time to ditch your brown & black eyeliner & add a little color...
greens...plums... & blues -
my personal favorite is plum... might need to shake things up & go a little green too..

Less is more...
minimal makeup has continued to be hot the past few seasons, and  will continue into spring 2013.
 A fresh take on the look incorporates an ultra subtle, rosy glow on your cheeks..
less bronzer..more blush

Full Brows (yippee!)
Another 2013 trend that reflects a more laid back, natural approach to beauty is a full, healthy brow.
I wish those OVER pluckers.. would put put the tweezers down..
one day... you will.be.sorry.


I just started working again and wore makeup all week for the first time unless we are going some where special...other wise I'm just eyeliner and that's it. Not sure how long I can get away with very little. I do like my brows trimmed but not thin....Happy Sunday!
Kelly said…
Does this mean electric blue mascara is coming back?!! ;P
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