365 - 5 FRAMED...

My main goal for 2013 is to get organized...
Y'all will hear that often this year..

But I am 100% the my disorganization
is the root of most of my problems.

I am taking baby steps..
trying to complete at least one task each week.

My tasks include.. organizing each and every room in the house.
bedrooms, closets, office,basement, craft room.. etc.
when I notice something that needs to be cleaned.. (finger prints - I will clean it them)
and anything else that really  BOTHERS me..

I have a REALLY bad habit.
As you know.. I LOVE to take pictures... I probably take over 100 every week.
yet... I never do anything with these pictures .. besides post them to facebook.
I never print them.

Another bad habit..
I LOVE to buy picture frames...
but because I never print pictures.. I never fill the frames...
so there they sit..
in their intended spot.
(yes, I know I am a FREAK)

So this afternoon after Eva & I cleaned 
EVERY INCH of her room...
getting rid of BAGS & BAGS of toys, books and clothes..
we sat down and filled her picture frames..
she was sooo happy...
and asked me to print more pictures for the rest of the house..
It really takes soo little to make children HAPPY... 

EVA's picture frames.

well at least it is a start ..right?

What are some of your resolutions for 2013?


oh I love it ... looks great. I have three frames that have been hanging in our bedroom for what must be a few years now... need to get some pics in those! Thanks for the reminder :)
Susi_Snaps said…
Love those frames. I am the same way. I take tons of pics and never do anything with them except online. I really need to print more of them and scatter them throughout the house. Good luck with organizing... maybe you can stop by here after you are done and give e a hand!!! ;)
Unknown said…
LOL Susi... BELIEVE me... I doubt I will ever be THAT organized.. LOL
I'm doing the same going room to room! I'm half way through my office in fact I need to get off computer and get busy! Love the pictures and frames I need to be better at that too! Happy SundaY!
Sara Louise said…
And it's a great start!

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