10 K & a Norwegian Thanksgiving

I'm BAAAACK.... Sorry, I really do have the best intentions of writing every..(almost) day..but sometimes LIFE gets in the way....

it was ALMOST American... except for the fact we all had to work on Thursday & Friday... so it made for some tired kiddos...

Our friends Leanna & Thomas invited us over to their home where Leanna made it feel just like home... Turkey, Stuffing, & the BEST Pumpkin Pie! (I never eat pumpkin pie, but this was FAB!) I made the mashed potatoes & green bean casserole (You can't even imagine how hard it is to find Green Beans here in Norway...how weird is that?) i also made my famous "Fat Girl Fantasy" a chocolate trifle... Yum...

So what was I most thankful this year? Having a wonderful American girlfriend who made it feel like we were home... hard to get into Thanksgiving without your family...but Thomas & Leanna are like are extended family here... Thanks again for an awesome Holiday!

My famous trifle... Thomas was LOVING it!

being away from "Home" on the holidays we have to cope as best we can!
You Know they are going to LOVE me.... Muah...
OK so about the 10 K. YES... I walked 10 kilometers today! YEA ME.... (that breaks down to 6.25 miles...) Umm hmmm...feeling pretty good right about now.....
I have to get my tail in Bed... as a new week FULL is about to start... I am going to have to fill y¨'all in on the MONTH of Christmas here.... Christmas isn't really a month but it sure feels like it here... The Christmas Parties start in Nov. & won't end until Jan. We have something EVERY week.... sigh... I need to start taking pictures of the Christmas decorations...nothing like the states but Norwegians go all out inside the home... Christmas Curtains/drapes...changing the lamp shades...we are talking ALL OUT....
And finally some more worthless Norwegian Trivia... Did you know that Diana Ross has 2 Norwegian sons? Mmm hmmm.. I was thinking about that today while singing along to "Upside down your turning me...." (I know you are thinking...THANKS for sharing that!)
Hope you all have a great week!


10 K impressive!!!!

I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving!

Can't wait to see those Christmas decorations!
Mammatalk said…
Ooh, I want to hear more about the Diana Ross trivia. Two Norwegian sons?
Wow! They really do go all out for Christmas. And I thought we were pretty festive here. I just don't know if I could hang with christmas curtains unless they were a solid color. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. You have a wonderful family.
Anonymous said…
Wow! You go with your 10K self!!!

Glad you had a good thanksgiving!

And Diana Ross? Who knew?
Debie Napoleon said…
Love the trivia - keep it coming! Congrats on the 10k - walking or running it's a big deal.
Cristin said…
Can't wait to see those Norwegian decorations!!
Jen Sue Wild said…
Looks like you had a ton of fun!!
Congrats on the 10k way too cool!!
Anonymous said…
Looks like it was starting to get out of hand, good thing you had blackmail pics :)

Looking forward to the decoration pictures!
MsTypo said…
Way to go on the 10K! :) Glad to hear you had a good thanksgiving.
Skogkjerring said…
Wow, really impressed with your walking! It's important to keep that up during the holidays so you can eat all the good food without guilt!!!
Looks like Thanksgiving was successful! What is trifle? Sorry if that is a stupid question..hahahaha..
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Looks GREAT!! Very much like it is supposed to on Thanksgiving! :o) I am so glad that you have friends in Norway to celebrate turkey day with!!

And 10k....girl, keep it up!!!!!
Diane Mandy said…
Looks like you had a blast!
Simple Answer said…
Song. stuck. in. head. ugh.

No green beans? huh.
Khadra said…
Happy belated thanksgiving!!!
Frizzy said…
Some of my most memorable holidays were spent away from family and with new friends we had made in Europe. In situations like these your friends quickly become your family. Looks like you had fun. I would have been happy to mail you a box of canned green beans and fried onion topping. I would die w/o them.
Robin said…
One of my favorite Thanksgivings happened in Canada. I was so touched that my husband's relatives would go to the trouble to celebrate a holiday for me. Plus when you are away from home you can really miss the little things.
You rock! You give me inspiration..way to GO!!! Ok, time to get my fanny off the couch!! :)
binks said…
10k? Wow, I can barely walk up my stairs to my computer. If I keep reading, maybe you will give me some inspiration to get off my fat rear end.
Not today though, I am a little out of sorts.
WheresMyAngels said…
Omgosh, that is funny. Your singing that is!! hee hee

Green beans, wow, thought they were like everywhere!
Tiff said…
You go girl on your long walk!! Love the pics btw..lol...glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! :)

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