Little things mean a lot....

I have been throwing around a title for this post all day....

I thought about.... "it all adds up".... "SHUT UP, getoutta here..."
"don't hate me because I am SKINNY"

OK people get THIS.... I stepped on my new scale today to .....ready?...ready?
A SIX (6) pound loss in one week!
(this is where you are supposed to say..."SHUT UP...Getouttahere!" are you serious?
Yes I AM! this is where I say... "don't hate me cause I am SKINNY..." (OK I have a LONG way to go... but I am off to a rocking start!
I am going to try to refrain from making this a "diet blog" (2 people stopped following after last weeks post...Hmmm...maybe they are only interested in my jet set lifestyle? (jet setting across the border to get groceries in Sweden) So I will not bore all of you skinny minis with my new "lifestyle" but if there are any of you interested in kicking it in & working with each other...supporting each other & getting in shape...leave me a comment & I will send you over to my "diet blog".. (yes I did start one...)
I am afraid to say this out loud... I don't want to jinx myself...
but i think I may have found MY answer to weight loss..... this coming from a girl who has tried EVERYTHING & been on a diet since I was 5... ( i kid you not...)
Oh believe me, I have said this about many a diet----atkins, weight watchers etc.... but this time...I think REALLY I may have found it....
This is the time for all of you "little" girls to leave a nice little comment & go about your blog reading because this will probably BORE you...
I downloaded a hypnosis tape last week & people... IT IS WORKING... of course Bjørn thinks I am CRAZY... but it worked after the first time I listened to it.....
This past week I have quit drinking diet soda... (I had a 1.5 lt a day habit...) & seriously not eaten an ounce of crap... & have not WANTED an ounce of crap this week.
I have walked EVERYDAY this week...because i wanted to...not because i felt like I had to... Sat. I did a 2 hour hike up the Mt. & today i walked 5 miles while listening to my ipod.... I know... I no longer know myself.....
For the past few months I have whined about how I just didn't know how I was gaining so much weight.... I don't eat fast food, I go on walks (which is a total change from when we lived in the states...) How could I possible be getting so big?
ALL OF THE LITTLE THINGS add up!... all of the snacking at work...cookie here, candy there, too much of the good stuff.... they were all little things but they made up a great big thing...(my ass....) just these little changes have made such a big difference this week....
Thanks for letting me brag a little... I feel like a million bucks today...(funny how 6 lbs can do that!)


Linda Sue said…
I wonder if they make hypnosis tapes to grow legs longer, I want that! Congrats that is a whopping lot to lose in only a week- YAY, we be clapping and happy for you- well done, you!
Feel frisky!
MsTypo said…
Hypnosis huh? Hell i've tried EVERYTHING and if its working for you i say go for it. Heck, i may even try it since my my cravings have always been my downfall.

Congrats on the 6 pounds!!! :)
Dr. Wifey said…
SHUT UP...Getouttahere! are you serious? LOL (sorry, couldn't resist) :) i would love to read your diet blog as i am trying to shed some lbs and get healthy as well - 40 lbs gone this year!
That is sooo cool! And I am all about whatever works. I think I have tried everything except hypnosis. Might have to look into that. The last cruise we were on - there was a hypnotist who sold weight loss stuff.

And you lost followers?? That can send one to eat a cookie for sure! :-)
Anonymous said…
Thats great! I know that is such a goood feeling!! Now--where did you say you got this hypnosis thing from?
Anonymous said…
oh you diet blog me over here too!
Shawna said…
Congrats! I think I need to go buy some hypnosis tapes!
Khadra said…
Yay! Congrats!
My husband text messaged me from his WW meeting (he does it at work and I do the online program) and he lost 7 pounds last week. You guys make me jealous!
Anonymous said…
I think that's great!! I'd like to tell my friend about the hypnosis thing...she's just starting on walking routine and is (was...) trying to kick the soda habit.
Mind sharing your blog link or the name of the tape with me?

Thanks in advance!
Liza said…
..."SHUT UP...Getouttahere!" are you serious???

Seriously though, that is awesome!! I would love to join you, I have more than a little to lose (hanging head in shame).
good job for you! I'm excited to keep reading about your progress!
What A Card said…
Congratulations! What an encouraging start...I wish you luck!
WheresMyAngels said…
Hey girl, maybe it was the same two people who quit following me!! lol

Actually some people actually read their follow thing, not me, I go by my side bar blog listing. It is just fun to have the pictures on your side bar !! lol

Good for you on your weight lost. I belong to a weight loss blog you can find on my sidebar (Bubbleroverhaul, something like that, lol) We either lost all our followers, or the admins took it off. Not sure which.
WheresMyAngels said…
Now you got one back ;)
Debie Napoleon said…
WTG on a great loss! I admit to being envious, because I think I gained those pounds while on my cruise.

Now to find someone to make my brain think skinny.
Mammatalk said…
Good for you. Sounds interesting. And, love the "little things make up a big thing" comment. Isn't it always that way? LOL.
Jill said…
Get out!! That's awesome! However, I know where your six pounds went... darn it!

Fantastic that you found something that works. I'll be wanting to hear all about your strategy in about 6 months!
Rhea said…
Congrats on your weight loss! Every bit counts and it feels good. :o)
c said…
That is awesome! Way to go... I'd love to read your other blog, too... I found you while clicking through a few other blogs. I love norway! Can't wait to read some more of your entries.
Jen Sue Wild said…
This is wonderful news..I need to shed a few pounds.. I would love to rad you diet blog.
Anonymous said…
(Skinny thing shirking away) Nah, congrats! That's awesome. I have always been the uber skinny girl (and believe me people it isn't all it's cracked up to be!! try shopping juniors clothes at 20+ yrs old!) I struggle to gain weight and it's hard so I can't imagine how hard it is to stop gaining.
I think it's awesome you found something that's working for you. And you definitely need a support system to help you keep at it.

Anonymous said…
Congrats - glad you found something that works for you. Another tip is to get yourself a dog: then you are forced to go out at least three times a day in all sorts of weather and this keeps me (at least) trim and happy.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
In my english lesson yesterday to my "danes learning higher level english", I introduced idioms and one of those was "Feel like a million bucks"... I need to print your blog and bring it in as a real life example!!
I am so proud of you...
I am heading over to read the diet blog now...
The housewife said…
Well done - you go girl!
Scary Mommy said…
Six pounds is AWESOME!!! I need to go buy some hypnosis tapes. Now!!
hexe said…
Congrats and if it works and it isn't illegal then don't question it!
KimmyJ said…
You better spill the beans about how to get this hypnosis - I need it, pronto!
Robbi said…
I need to lose weight, would love to visit your diet blog.

Klem fra Robbi in Lake Tahoe
Jodi said…
Congratulations! You've gotta do what works for you! 6 pounds is a good motivator!
Laural Out Loud said…
That's awesome! I'm willint to try almost anything right now- maybe hypnosis is worth a shot. As for getting the link to your diet blog- yes please!
Tiff said…
Yea...congrats on loss!!!! So what tape is this again??? :)
Cristin said…
Good for you!! ... and I'm jealous.... Hynosis? Really? I'm so curious about that... I always assumed it wouldn't work on me...
That is really COOL...congrats!

I'm going to have to check into that!
Congratulations! What an awesome beginning!

Can you share the link to the tape you downloaded?
I'm so proud of you!!!!!!
PS Count me in on the diet blog! I'm a diet-a-holic. :)
binks said…
Spitting green!

Glad the hypnosis is working for you.

Nope. Still jealous.
LORI said…
Valerie said…
I'd love to read your diet blog. Got to know your secret!

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