The World is Watching.....

Wow! Today has been almost surreal... from the moment i left my house today, people have been stopping me... those who know I am American..& those who overheard me talking...

Everyone wanting to know what I think about the election today... ( 7 of us Americans were interviewed for the paper this weekend... kindda cool people actually value my opinion TODAY....I realize that this is a one shot deal.)

I don't know if most Americans realize that the ENTIRE WORLD is watching
THIS election... I know here in Norway they will be broadcasting the election all night long... BBC as well.... this is BIG TIME folks!

Can you imagine ABC CBS or NBC broadcasting the French or German or British elections ALL NIGHT LONG? Or even more.. EVERYONE I have talked to today has an opinion in regards to today's election....

Now granted, Eva's pre-school teacher went a little far this morning when she suggested

that the "rest" of the world should be allowed to vote in the US election...----crickets----. What do you say to something so STUPID... except "lady, could you be a BIGGER &%#"?" but alas, I was late for work & just shook my head at her...

Today's vote is going to felt around the world... amazing isn't it?

They can't both be winners... but here is hoping for good things to come in the US... with whatever the outcome... (my gosh, i am sitting on the edge of my seat....)

Just wanted to let y'all know... I couldn't be prouder to call myself an American....


Anonymous said…
Yep, I'm all voted up! I can't wait to see how this comes out and i hope the best man (cough cough) wins :)

I'll be checking the BBC- I didn't think of them. I was going to watch the SKY feed of FOX!
Khadra said…
Im anxious to see how this plays out. I so wish I could vote.
scargosun said…
I can't believe the teacher said that! I really wonder what her justification is.
Anonymous said…
i voted and i was so excited because it was my first time at the actual poll! it is surreal the entire world is waiting on pins and needles! i wish they would give us the day off though, my high for voting subsided when i had to drag my behind to work after waiting for two hours. haha!
Scary Mommy said…
I'm on the edge of my seat too!!!
Diane Mandy said…
Hey lady! I'm glad you'll be doing a post-election post. :-) Do anything you want to commemorate the election. I'll link to you!
Jen said…
Wow, I had no idea! It is a very big day.
and what is up with that teacher!?!
Unknown said…
Wow, I wonder what on earth was going through that teacher's head to say something like that.
Ken took off work (2nd shift) so he could be glued to the tv and I am pretty sure Kyra's coming over... history will be made however it turns out.
The housewife said…
I'm so excited I wanna vote - somewhere, anywhere just let me vote on something!

Oh and ahh.. - Eva's teacher.....are you sure she should be your daughter's teacher? A little bit concerning that one.....
It is a huge day...and I sort of understand where the teacher was coming from...because what the US does has so many ramifications on the rest of the world. But yeah...not gonna happen. Do you still vote? Do you have citizenship in Norway too?
Ash said…
Pressure!! And I didn't even take a shower. Get out you peeping toms - I can't handle it.

And I'd love to see who the rest of the world thinks would be best for America. I can only imagine.

Ronnica said…
Being overseas makes you a little ashamed of how little you know about foreign issues. I was in Turkey the summer before the last presidential election and many people wanted to talk (American) politics with us. I tried to artfully dodge questions as much as possible, because I had planned (and did) vote for Bush, which I knew they wouldn't like.
Anonymous said…
Many Americans think they are the ENTIRE WORLD.

They even named their beloved national baseball torunament the World series.
KimmyJ said…
We're proud to have you representing us abroad!
MsTypo said…
People here are the same way. They want to know how we (or Hubby rather) voted. What we think of the politics going on right now. Locals seem more concerned with american politics at the moment than local goings on.
Tiff said…
I know I can't wait to see who wins..just hope he keeps his the comment from your pre-school funny... :)
Linda Sue said…
OBAMA! What a gift! Does the USA deserve him- don't know...some scary people live in them thar backwoods...
Seriously? That teacher has a problem!
I voted last week and am so glad I did. Now I can sit back and watch history unfold on my TV!
Suzanne said…
My question is this.....can you vote in this election? An absentee ballot? You are still an American citizen even though you're living overseas. Certainly those in the diplomatic corps can vote.

Do you have dual citizenship?

Enquiring minds want to know.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Jodi said…
This is certainly an interesting election! Regarding the teacher's comments though...hopefully, she just meant that the USA has such a worldwide presence and whoever gets elected will affect the entire world. Otherwise, I don't know what to say!
What a perspective!!! I had NO idea! :) That IS neat to know!
Anonymous said…
Call me naive but I seriously had no idea it was THAT big! Very cool...and you're right...what a weird thing of the teacher to say. Um, yeah right, much? :)

VERY cool that you were interviewed! you'll have to post it when it's published or NOW if it's already been published ;)
We have a friend in India who is saying the same thing about the whole world watching.

Interesting that this is projected to be the biggest voter turnout EVER.

They're even offering free Starbucks coffee! Not that anybody needs a bribe to get out & vote ....
Kelly said…
Wow, I didn't know that much emphasis was putting on this election worldwide. It does make me proud that American have been out to vote for this election in record more of 30% of the population choosing anymore!
I think you should link the newspaper article or reprint it on your will have to translate, of course ;)
Frizzy said…
It's exciting and scary to know the world is watching us so closely. Exciting that they see where we've been and where we are now. Exciting to see they realize how much we all are impacted by this election. NOT just in the US but around the world. Living outside of the US for a short time gave me a whole new perspective on our influences both good and bad on the world around us. I hope that the decision American's made today brings new hope and faith in our nation as well as those around the world. Thank you for helping us see this election isn't just ours but the world's. Even if they don't officially get a say.
Laural Out Loud said…
Well, we now know who's going to be our next President! And I'm dying to know how the world is reacting. Or Norwegians a happy bunch?
Laural Out Loud said…
I meant, ARE Norwegians a happy bunch?
Anonymous said…
I'm so proud today, too, Tressa. It's just been a wonderful day. I hope we deserve him, Linda Sue!
Diane Mandy said…
It's just so amazing, isn't it?
Connie said…
That's been my biggest wonder - if people in America, truly understand HOW much people outside America have been watching??

Yay Obama!!
Anonymous said…
I think that the teacher said this because what happens in the US affects ALL of us, not just you Americans. For example, when the US economy went down the pan, it affected the rest of the world - even to the extent of nearly bringing a whole country (Iceland) to the edge of bankruptcy.

All I can say is thank goodness you guys voted for change. It was about time! (A Brit in Sweden...)
The housewife said…
I have give you an award - please collect(yeah yeah I know you get loads of them - but this on is special coz it's from me!)
J said…
Well put. Everyone I've seen today who knows I'm American has also asked my opinion and was glad not to have to be ashamed of my country like I was in 2004.

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