Friday Foto Fiesta..Winter on the way

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!!
(Oh darn... just remembered I will be working ALL weekend)

YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!

As the dark Norwegian WINTER is fast approaching... I give thanks for morning's & sunrises like the one pictured...

(today was rainy, & crapy & cold & DARK...but I walked anyway.... : ) )

I seem to take a lot of pictures of the sky... I don't remember ever doing thatwhen I lived in the states... maybe I never caught these kind of sunrises. Or maybe I never took the time to look?

Hope y'all have a super duper weekend! : )


MsTypo said…
Great photo! That's the kind of sunrise that inspires poetry. :)
Skogkjerring said…
Gorgeous photo..almost reminds me of a Texas sunset...really lovely....hard to take a bad nature photo in this country!!!
Anonymous said…
Lovely photo! At least it stopped raining enough for you to take the shot...
Anonymous said…
TGIF for sure!!

That is a gorgeous picture! The colors are amazing!
hexe said…
Great photo and you walked this morning - a good start to Friday.
Gutsy Living said…
The sky is on fire. Perhaps you take more photos because everything is clean and fresh. No LA pollution!
Great photo.
Khadra said…
wow, that is amazing!
Hope you have a good weekend :)
Simple Answer said…
Wow. I don't think I've ever seen a sunrise like that.
JWilson said…
Wow that is a great sunrise!
Jen said…
Beautiful, thanks for sharing.
scargosun said…
That is am amazing sunrise. I have never seen anything close to it before.
Jill said…
Great photo ... and you're gorgeous and don't need to loose an ounce of weight! Walking, shmalking.
Anonymous said…
Ah, now that is a blood red sky!!! Its beautiful!!!
Mammatalk said…
What a gorgeous sight. Amazing.
careysue said…
Love your photo...also on your other blog the pictures of your kids they're beautiful!! Especially there eyes!
Ash said…
Absolutely incredible.

This morning was my last outside boot camp session until Spring. It was awesome to workout under the full moon. Nothing beats the fresh air.

Sorry you have to work all weekend. Bum.

Anonymous said…
Hello from Springfield. Uncle John, Kathy, your mom and dad are just spending a nice weekend in the great state of Illinois. Your dad and Uncle John are ging to the Illinois/Ohio game tomorrow.

Your uncle John calls the new president Robin Hood.
Rhea said…
What a cool photo! Are the winters really dark? Do tell.
RBK's Realm said…
That is indeed a great picture. Would love to know more about the Norwegian pictures and any other interesting facts as I love to travel vicariously.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you will visit again.
Shanda said…
What a gorgeous photo! You did a wonderful job capturing the whole effect!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
the pic is great, but more importantly, you walked.. and I am proud of you!!!:o)
WheresMyAngels said…
I hate the darkness of winter. Makes me sad and not want to leave my home.
What A Card said…
How beautiful! But I miss your posts and hope you're well!

I know, it's only been a few days. What can I say? I'm greedy for fun new posts to read!

I left you something on my blog :)
binks said…
Great photo.
You are lucky to have that view. Beautiful!

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