Friday Foto Fiesta..those were the days...

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!!YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again (& I have a 3 day weekend!) .

So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!

So you all know about my addiction to FACE BOOK... one of the best parts of facebook are all of the OLD pictures everyone posts... the good, the bad, the ugly....

then there are the pictures that make you sigh & think


This picture is from when I was 19...
camping out on a ferry from Greece to Italy...

laying out under the stars (freezing our butts off) meeting people backpacking from all over the world.

This was one of the best summers I have ever had... being young, backpacking through Europe with my sister & our friends....

SIGH.... Hope y'all have a great weekend!


jewelstreet said…
Great picture! It's nice to see your past. I bet backpacking was one of the best trips/times of your life. Wish I had done it.
Lisa said…
just stopping by from candid carrie. great picture that is so cool to have troubled to all those places.
Susie said… be 19 again:-) That looks like so much fun! The world was our oyster:-) Looks like we both made few pearls along the way:-)
MsTypo said…
Great pic! I wish i knew where all my photos were from back then.
Anonymous said…
Looks like a lot of fun!

*ahem* I'm officially signed onto Facebook.
If you're interested in being my friend, how do I find you?
And if you're not, well just don't tell me so I don't cry.

Scary Mommy said…
Oh, those WERE the days!! Great picture!
Amy said…
I love looking at old pics. But none of mine are quite as exoctic as a ferry between Italy and Greece. Hoe cool! what a great picture too!
Ronda's Rants said…
That looks cool!'s like I missed a whole cool stage of my life...the sleeping on ferries, backpacking around Europe stage!
It does look like it was fun!
Wow that sounds like alot of fun. You have traveled all over the world. I think that is the coolest. Thanks for coming to my blog and leaving a comment. I hope to get to know you better. I love your blog!
~Trish~ said…
Looks like so much fun oh and I'm a Facebook addict too :)
I think the "good old days " is the theme of this weeks friday fiesta...
Jennifer said…
Wow--looks like some good times!! I can tell you guys were having so much fun!!
Khadra said…
I remember 19. I was skinny then. sigh....

Love the pic!
Frizzy said…
What a wonderful memory and time in your life. I miss those days of travel myself. Just think, you're still livin a life abroad that many of us envy. I so wish I could be back in Europe living and traveling again.
debi9kids said…
You can just tell how much fun you were having. Just great photo!
Skogkjerring said…
Yeah, photos are memories we can see and enjoy and remember great times gone by! You had a charmed life as a teen/young adult...I'm sure your life is just as charmed now and your photos from now will be just as wonderful to look back on down the line!

On a personal note, since digital cameras I have not made paper photos...everything is on the computer and I've had two computers crash and lost all my'd think I'd learn but I haven't...ugh...can we say SLOW?????
jen721 said…
Looks like it was a lot of fun! Too bad you were freezing.
Anonymous said…
What a great picture! It sounds like fun to me, freezing or not.
Linda said…
That sounds like an absolute blast!
Some people have ALL the FUN :D

I wanna see Norway some day. It's on my bucket list!
Jen said…
Wow, you had some really cool, 'those were the days' My memories just involve me going shopping alone. ;)
KimmyJ said…
Ahhh, to be so carefree again!
Ah........those were the days. My two summers spent in Europe were my best ever, too. What a great photo. You still look just as young!
larkswing said…
Now that sounds like fun! The group looks like life was good!

Thanks for stopping by today . . .have a great weekend!
Gutsy Living said…
Lucky guy, plus he's cute.
Teri said…
That looks like to so much fun. Great memories!
binks said…
Looks like you had boatloads of fun.
Lizzie said…
what a great experience!

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