I'm S O R R Y...

I would like to take this moment to publicly apologize for the past few days....

For leaving your 4 -9 year old out on the side of the road to hitch hike home after I could no longer take the bickering & teasing....

For smashing your birthday cake in the your brothers face...& after 3 bottles of wine, walking out on your birthday dinner... Geeze...SORRY... we all have those kind of days right?...

OK I jest.... but i THOUGHT about this... oh ya... & the running away to Greece fantasy...sigh...

the SNL "Annuale" Skit would fit PERFECTLY ...r.i.g.h.t h.e.r.e....

but of course, I am unable to find it on YOUTUBE... cause that is how the week has been rolling...

I managed to make it through the birthday party with a smile on my face & only 1 bottle of wine.

But on the BRIGHT side...I have started walking again.... I walked for an HOUR yesterday...in the RAIN... yea for me...

Sorry people...Got NOTHING for ya today.....


The housewife said…
ROFL - yip "follow me I'm right behind you".
Kelli Nørgaard said…
This reminds me of that scene from Steel Magnolias when Dolly Parton says " I got so mad when I couldn´t figure out how to turn the damn radio on.... only to discover I was suffering from P R E M E N S T R U A L syndrome." Not sure how to type it so that Premenstrual has a drawn out southern drawl..... lol

we all have those days...even Dolly!
MsTypo said…
Everyone has those days! I like to claim that the P in PMS stands for both pre and post which means that i get two weeks of b!tchiness both before *and* after! :p
I hate those days and so does my hubby! haha

Yay for you walking and in the rain for that matter!!! I've been in a funk lately with my exercise. I'm actually going to blog about that tomorrow. haha
Debz said…
Sometimes just revelling in the fantasy of throwing cake in someone's face is enough to get us through the PMS.

Hope it gets better soon - see you on the other side!
Anonymous said…
This affliction seems to be going around!

I love what Kelli said - Steel Magnolias is one of my all time favs!
Anonymous said…
Oh Mrs PMS, I do thank my lucky stars she and I are no longer acquainted (however she did come in handy for getting out of stuff I just didn't want to do).

Anyway, I hope you are feeling better. Have some non-fat chocolate. They make that right?
Ash said…
I hear you. I hear you.

It's raining here - maybe I'll join you. This misery could use the company!

Wow, I would love to know the details behind the birthday party though - sounds like something I've experienced with my In Laws. I'll have to remember the wine next time.

Skogkjerring said…
Walking in the rain in Norway is no big phenomen...an American walking in the rain in Norway...or anywhere for that matter...BIG NEWS! Congrats!!! I'd love to pick up my walking again...but it's SO DARK!!!! ARGH!!!!
Suzanne said…
What do you mean you got nothing? That was something!!!! You go sister.

It will get better. HA - you'll slide right into menopause. So you think PMS is something? Just wait darlin'.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
My Choice said…
Hope ya feeling better...
Dr. Wifey said…
thanks for stopping by my blog! love yours - adding you to my reader :)
Those kinds of weeks happen sister! Way to go on the walking!!!! If you ever do go through with the smashing of the cake, whatever you do...get a picture so we can benefit from it! hahaha
Anonymous said…
hehehehehe thats funny! Not your week though, I hope that gets better :)
Debbie said…
We all know those feelings.
Your daughter is so cute in the post after the election. Good stuff.
Gutsy Living said…
You lucky lady. See how many of us can relate and care about you. I'm in a house with 4 males. They all run away and I'm left with no female bu the dog to talk to when I'm PMS'ing.
Glad the wine and walk helped.
EmmaP said…
that was sooo funny! and yes we all have days like that! thanks for visiting over at my place today!
Erin said…
Ok, this has made my day today! You just reminded me of that SNL commercial and I need to find it! I remember the first time I watch that I actually got tears in my eyes from laughing so hard!

Hope your week gets better!
Frizzy said…
Sounds like we're in the same boat. I'll take any advice you can give to keep myself from going over the edge. Bottle of wine sounds like a good start. Plus, lots and lots of prayers.
silverdot said…
oh I love that SNL commercial. I have those days too. I love your blog! I've always fantasized about visiting Norway.
Jen said…
Let me just say, that I so know how you feel and today my children learned some color new language because of it.
hexe said…
Must be the time of year as I have been in a total funk and stopped exercising which makes life much better (insert sarcasm here).
Khadra said…
what I wouldnt do for a bottle of wine right now lol!!!
Anonymous said…
Well, you didn't get nothing ... at least you got 26 comments!
I've been there and done that...sucks bad!
Mammatalk said…
I blogged about my monthly dragon just last week. Looks like he wandered over to your neck of the woods! :->
Jennifer said…
LOL--we all have our "Annuele" moments! That SNL skit makes me laugh no matter how many times I've seen it!

Hope you're feeling better and thanks for stopping by my blog!!
Tiff said…
lol..funny post! :)

BTW I have something for you on my blog! :)

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