Winter Family Fun

I know y'all THINK we haven't been doing any fun family things because I haven't been posting pictures... but we have really...
On Sunday we decided to take a family walk & then the rest of the family talked me into taking a little boat ride on Dane's boat...

My being the only NON NORWEGIAN in the bunch, was not real crazy about being on the water in the dark, in FREEZING weather, the mommy in me kept playing the "what if" seeing how far it was to shore...
But I sucked it up & went along with the gang... (Funny, I LIVED on the sea for several years, but I still have this fear...)

Dane & I had a good time shooting all of the lights as we drove by, looks pretty cool doesn't it?

After the walk home from the dock, we all snuggled up & had hot chocolate.... Fun, & yum...
Can you believe these pictures are taken at 5:00 in the afternoon?
Welcome to the DARK Norwegian Winter
BTW- warm enough here to wear flip-flops. Want my sweaters? They'll be out of style by the time I need them again!
We got used to very regulated days and nights living on the equator in Kenya.
It sounds like you had a great time, but I'm one that's not found of being out on the water in the dark. I'm a scaredy cat.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
holy cow and I complain about the darkness as I drive home!!'s beautiful. And your kids - all bundled up - so cute!
We are 80 here today.
"Cool" front tonight so we may see 75 tomorrow.
Don't think I could handle it. I hate to wear shoes.
What fun family times!
and every time I see your pics, I am just amazed at how GORGEOUS your kiddoes are!
and every time I see your pics, I am just amazed at how GORGEOUS your kiddoes are!
I AM a depressed mess.
Just kidding, but I do have to keep myself busy or it is easy to get down in the DARKNESS... UGH
Hubby joking (not joking) asked me what I thought about Finland - as in the office there is really nice...
And I thought of you and your dark winters in Norway, I turned to him and said 'You be jokin' right??'
Lets hope or I'll be seeking tips for surviving without sunlight in another year or so.
Crazy weather lady - I couldn't do it!
Invited hereby to my site
please be. You see I poems write
and knight like fight and youth alight.
This poem says it. Godly, right?
I want more readers. I want you
to come as if out from the blue
and tell me what I write is true
and make my motivation new.
Why you? This is not spam, God’s dear.
I stand by what I do. I care.
Your senseless love to me I fear.
I mean it. I am good. Take care.
Visit: Poems of A.W.E.
But I love the pictures and I am learning a lot about Norway. So please keep telling us more...