Winter Family Fun

I know y'all THINK we haven't been doing any fun family things because I haven't been posting pictures... but we have really...

On Sunday we decided to take a family walk & then the rest of the family talked me into taking a little boat ride on Dane's boat...
My being the only NON NORWEGIAN in the bunch, was not real crazy about being on the water in the dark, in FREEZING weather, the mommy in me kept playing the "what if" seeing how far it was to shore...

But I sucked it up & went along with the gang... (Funny, I LIVED on the sea for several years, but I still have this fear...)
Dane & I had a good time shooting all of the lights as we drove by, looks pretty cool doesn't it?

After the walk home from the dock, we all snuggled up & had hot chocolate.... Fun, & yum...

Can you believe these pictures are taken at 5:00 in the afternoon?

Welcome to the DARK Norwegian Winter


Simple Answer said…
Love that last pic! It says brrrrrr. Do you have to sit in front of a lamp to keep yourself happy? I suspect I would.

BTW- warm enough here to wear flip-flops. Want my sweaters? They'll be out of style by the time I need them again!
MsTypo said…
That was at 5pm? Wow! When does the sun rise?

We got used to very regulated days and nights living on the equator in Kenya.
The Blonde Duck said…
I would be so depressed!!! I need sunlight!
Debie Napoleon said…
How do you get used to all that dark? However the boys look adorable all bundled up.
Suzanne said…
I've got the perfect nickname for your daughter - Mini-me, because she is your spitting image.She's you shrunk down to kid size.

It sounds like you had a great time, but I'm one that's not found of being out on the water in the dark. I'm a scaredy cat.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Anonymous said…
cute pictures!!

holy cow and I complain about the darkness as I drive home!!
Brrrr. Have you gotten used to how cold it gets there? I think about my thin Florida blood...and I can't imagine :-)'s beautiful. And your kids - all bundled up - so cute!
binks said…
Ditto on everything Kat said.
We are 80 here today.
"Cool" front tonight so we may see 75 tomorrow.
Don't think I could handle it. I hate to wear shoes.
Anonymous said…
Loved the lights! And it's that dark over here in Sweden by 15.30!!
Oh my it looks so COLD!!!!

What fun family times!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
even though it is dark, it looks totally cozy and hyggelig!

and every time I see your pics, I am just amazed at how GORGEOUS your kiddoes are!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
even though it is dark, it looks totally cozy and hyggelig!

and every time I see your pics, I am just amazed at how GORGEOUS your kiddoes are!
Khadra said…
great pics! I couldnt do the dark like that though. Id be a depressed mess!! How do you do it?
Unknown said…

I AM a depressed mess.
Just kidding, but I do have to keep myself busy or it is easy to get down in the DARKNESS... UGH
Jen said…
Awesome photos!
Rebecca Jo said…
THose lights are beautiful! And is it always that dark at 5? When does the sun rise - or does it?
Tiff said…
Besides looking very chilly....looks like you all had a great time!! Love the pics!! Love the pic of you and your friends at 19...I hope no one puts pics up of me from that hair would knock people out it was sooo big...lolol... :)
Liza said…
I have always been freaked out by being in the water at night too. And I play "what if" too. Thank god I am not the only one :)
Those lights are so cool. I think I'd develop a fear of the water if I was on it at night in the freezing cold! What time does it get dark there? I lived in Alaska as a child and remember going to and from school in the dark during the winter.
Mammatalk said…
Your kids are so beautiful!
WheresMyAngels said…
No way, I do not want to be out on the water in the dark and cold! Yuk! Better you than me. What time does it get dark there? By 5:30 pm now it is dark in Missouri
Kelly said…
Looks like the kids were having a good time...Looks very, very, very cold!!!
Briya said…
Now that's dark! And to think I hate it when sky is gloomy....
Diane Mandy said…
WOW. It's 5pm? Crazy dark. And I thought it was bad here!
Anonymous said…
Very nice pics! I would have been a bit unsure about the water in the dark, really unsure about in the cold!

Hubby joking (not joking) asked me what I thought about Finland - as in the office there is really nice...
And I thought of you and your dark winters in Norway, I turned to him and said 'You be jokin' right??'

Lets hope or I'll be seeking tips for surviving without sunlight in another year or so.
Lizzie said…
my goodness your kids look so snuggley and warm. and hot chocolate afterward? good times :)
Jill said…
Uh... that looks mighty darn cold. Even here with our cycle it's in the mid-80's!

Crazy weather lady - I couldn't do it!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photos! :-) In Trondheim the snow has come, so the nature is not so dark any longer. It is nice being given an impression of God's mercy (by the snow), and it really lightens up the season.


Invited hereby to my site
please be. You see I poems write
and knight like fight and youth alight.
This poem says it. Godly, right?

I want more readers. I want you
to come as if out from the blue
and tell me what I write is true
and make my motivation new.

Why you? This is not spam, God’s dear.
I stand by what I do. I care.
Your senseless love to me I fear.
I mean it. I am good. Take care.

Visit: Poems of A.W.E.
Ritch in Love said…
What time does the sun rise and what time does it set there (these days?) Wow! Happy Thanksgiving from the states!
Rhea said…
You guys look majorly bundled up. It must be really cold. Love the night photos on the water.
I would have done the same thing with having the what if fears. It's the mommy in us. Hope to get to know you. I know you left a comment on my blog once. I would love to share my family with you. Have a good day.
ps...your kids are beautiful and your daughter does look alot like you. :-)
RBK's Realm said…
Kudos for your great attitude because this darkness would really get to me... I need light and more light or I start feeling blue.

But I love the pictures and I am learning a lot about Norway. So please keep telling us more...
Leisha Camden said…
lol! At least in this part of the country we do get some daylight during the day all year round ... imagine if you lived up north, then you could really talk about winter darkness. :-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I think we are the only one's in our neighborhood with a Christmas tree up. haha. And this is a very festive neighborhood. We got started early this year. My c-sec is scheduled for December 8th. Only 10 days. I love your blog. TTYL.
Scary Mommy said…
OK, I am FREEZING just looking at those!!!! The kids are so cute & rosy!
Cristin said…
Great pics! I'm with Scary.. I got a chill looking at those!

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