Am I ready for this?

OK, first off... HI...I've missed y'all!
What a week.... I feel like I have been working 24/7... it has been a hectic few days at work... then with the kids... & the house... heck, I don't need to tell y'all... I am sure you know how it is...

So for the big news... in our house anyway... my BABY BOY came home tonight & announced he HAS A GIRLFRIEND...? he's 9....

he was sooo stinken cute when I picked him up from Scouts tonight... (the boys & girls do Scouts together) he was so excited to tell me all about her.... Awww, how cute... love it...

then he told me that she wanted him to kiss her.... (not so much loving it.... am I an old fart or what?)

He already wanted to know if he could invite her to his birthday party... (in May...) I suggested we wait a little closer to May to see how it was going with the two of them....
"But mom, shes the ONE... " I have a little drama king on my hands.... (it is my payback for all of the drama I had during my teen days...)

it is so exciting to watch your little ones grow up... but kissing & breaking up & crushes... I don't think I am ready for this....

Promise a better/longer post tomorrow... cause I am OFF! Yippee...


scargosun said…
That's too cute. :) You are about to enter a whole new world.
sues2u2 said…
Brace yourself! My son was asked out on 3 dates last year! Talk about a heart attack. He was 10. Crushes are one thing but Dates?

All I can say is enjoy the cute stage while it lasts! 'Cause your daughter (& mine) are next !! ha,ha,he,he!
What A Card said…
Aw sweet! Hope she's gentle with his heart!

And welcome back!
Jen said…
that is so cute and scary all at the same time. Watch out!
Scary Mommy said…
Welcome back!!

So cute!! It starts early, huh? "The one"-- love it!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
can I just say that I LOVE reading posts that have the word Y'ALL in them?!?!?!
Simple Answer said…
The one? Have you met her yet? Did you tell him that YOU'LL decide when it's the one? :)
Liza said…
So cute about being "the one"! My oldest got a ring (plastic) from a boy when she was 4! She still talks about it. Young love :)
Dr. Wifey said…
she's THE ONE, huh? too cute
Ash said…
OMG - my heart just skipped a beat.

Think of it as a compliment - he sees how happy his parents are and thinks married life is bliss.

"The one" - oh, my heart!

Frizzy said…
Oh, first love. Could it get any better than that? Innocence at it's best.
I just think that is precious that he is telling you about her! Oh girl. From those pics I have seen...get ready! He looks like a future heartbreaker!!! :)
Anonymous said…
that it so stinkin cute!! :)
Diane Mandy said…
AWWWWWW! A girlfriend! That's so cute!
MsTypo said…
Awwww That's so sweet. True love! :)
Anonymous said…
That's too cute. I'm with ya' on the kissing though. Convince him to wait until AFTER flu season!
Anonymous said…
We obviously start a lot earlier here in Sweden - both kids have had little ones chasing them and kissing them from about age 3!!
Anonymous said…
I remember when I was about 7 or 8 and Darlene kissed me unexpectedly. I was not real happy about that. I was certain she had cooties.
KimmyJ said…
we missed you too! Crushes and kisses so soon...awww!!
Gutsy Living said…
You're lucky he tells you. None of my 3 boys ever told me they had a crush on a girl. They just did and kept it to themselves.
Khadra said…
that is so cute!!!
She is the ONE! LOL!!

Im so not looking forward to this either.
binks said…
Maybe he can give my 18yo some pointers. He is having trouble in the girlfriend department.

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