Post Election Bash...

I agreed to host my own little post Election Bash for Martinis For Two
Let's Party! The Virtual Post Election Bash Kick-off

To say I am BEAMING with pride is an understatement.... Today I feel like one of those CRAZY European Soccer Fans... You know the ones, who drive around with flags waving from their cars...honking their horns demanding everyone to notice them & the pride they have for their THAT IS ME.... If I could have figured out a way to attach my American Flag to my car to drive around town honking I would have....

I am THAT PROUD.... Instead, I dressed my daughter like this....

With the big old Texas Pony Tail & Bow to boot.... dang it... I want EVERYONE to know

my babies are American too....

I awoke this morning to several text messages from Norwegian friends CONGRATULATING me... Flowers from my MIL..... well wishes from everyone at Eva's preschool.... Just talking about the election with them gave me goosebumps... I ALMOST even started crying... (OK, I have a SERIOUS case of PMS right now but still...)

So y'all wonder if the world is watching & really care about this election... THEY DO...

I snapped this at the grocery store in Sweden today...Here we have OBAMA in both Swedish & Norwegian.... (yes, I am SOO international...)

I have ALWAYS been PROUD to be an AMERICAN.. ALWAYS... but there have been alot of times that I would rather not advertise the fact that we are American because of concern for our safety...

Today i felt like I could shout it from the roof tops & be greeted with well wishes & hugs as opposed to dirty looks & snide remarks....

Oh y'all i could go on..& on...& on.... but just a quick little story...

We awoke this morning with Bjørn rolling over & checking his cell phone for the latest news... "Obama won" he yawned... Yea! but Damn it Bjørn, thanks for ruining the surprise... I wanted to watch the news with a nice cup of coffee. We roll into the family room & click on the news... out comes Dane... my 9 year old.... "Who won?" he asks.... "Obama" i gleefully reply ... I look over at him & his eyes are brimming with tears.... (I seriously think he is ready to start crying...) But I don't WANT CHANGE.... He's going to raise taxes...

Umm... I am just wondering who dropped this kid off on my doorstep.... (maybe he is channeling my dad?)

let me just remind you that the CHILD is 9. On the bright side, at least I know he is thinking for himself...

I try not to be political on my blog... Everyone is entitled to their opinion... But I am sure we can all agree the US needs a break...we need to flip this thing around

I had several comments on my last post in regards to whether or not we "deserve" Obama...

OF COURSE we DESERVE OBAMA... We are a land of GOOD PEOPLE.. we are... PEACE....
***the article above this is ME & some American Buddies from Town.. we did an interview last week which basically says we have Voters Fever, after 8 hard years, we are ready for a change & that we as Americans living in Norway feel like we are sometimes blamed for the Bush admin.***


Ivanhoe said…
I'm still on cloud nine this morning and cannot stop smiling :o) Stopping by from 2 Martinis that I found on Forks of the Moment. Enjoy your day :o)
Dianne said…
Coming by to say WOO-HOO!!! from Diane's place.

I often see your comments on her blog and love them, now we get to meet during a really really wonderful moment.

I work with a lot of people from all over the world - and my mailbox is full of wonderful messages.

I keep telling everyone - the world always believed in the American people, it was the man/people who misrepresented us - that was the problem for all these years.

I love your photos - the news stand brought tears to my eyes (again!) and your daughter is beautiful.
Scary Mommy said…
I, too, woke up on cloud nine this morning. It's so amazing!!!
Jen said…
it is just so cool!!!!
I am proud to be an AMERICAN!!! I am emotional today too.....I cried throughout your post!

This country DOES need a change, it has been wreaked enough, and Obama will do that!
Khadra said…
I am SO happy!! The only bad thing, I feel asleep right before his speech. I recorded it though.
What A Card said…
It's just so interesting, reading your blog and seeing the response of people outside America.

It's an exciting day. Like you, I missed the official moment the race was called. Living on the east coast, these part few elections it's been LATE before results were in, so I just tucked in around 10. If I'd known how early they could call it, I would have stayed up to see the excitement unfold!
Debz said…
It was an exciting night I will not soon forget.

And another cool thing?! Right under those newspapers at the grocery store - ICE CREAM!!! YAY!! That's like celebration food isn't it??
MoMo 2.0 said…
Ok at the sprogcenter this morning, everyone kept telling me Tillykke (Danish congrats) was sooo cool.. congratulating me for my new president. I felt very proud...
and I will gladly join in the virtual martini election bash... except with a
Yes, I am a Texas girl..prefer a good beer over any other alcohol! LOL
Cristin said…
Amazing!! Still get the chills with every post I read!!!
scargosun said…
I love that pic in the paper! It's a new day!!
Frizzy said…
Thank you for sharing! It's the dawn of a new day for sure.
Anonymous said…
Yes, proud American here! I was so excited to get up at 6:15 (quite a change) and run down and log on to see who won. And I like what I see!
I am excited as well! LOVE IT!

What's funny is I looked at the photo of all the newspapers and magazines and my eyes INSTANTLY went for the candy and sweets at the bottom of the rack! ha!!
Anonymous said…
Hi, I'm one of the fellow post election bash bloggers--your kid looks great wearing the flag...

I've always been proud to be an American, just not necessarily proud of my president...
Rebecca Jo said…
I love the different paper covers....very interesting!
Anonymous said…
Were you able/allowed to vote?
Great post! It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?! I want to share the excitement with all my fellow American expats... WHOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! I'm SOOOOO happy!!!!
Diane Mandy said…
Hey you! GReat post with such a party feel. I love the newspaper headings. It's such a wonderful day. I'm still pinching myself.
I'm glad people were celebrating! I was tearing my hair out! I was sick inside!

But I hope I'm proven wrong...


Your 9yearold and I wouldd get along famously! :)
Michelle said…
I loved your post today. It made me tear up all over again.

Sending you tons of American hugs today!
What an historic election. I am excited about the thoughts of changes ahead.

And seeing how everyone over there is excited - and the newspapers - how can the feeling not be contagious?!
Anonymous said…
It is an amazing time for americans!! that is for sure!! I am sooo excited!
I *adore* the pic of your daughter! What a way to celebrate!
Kelly said…
I'm glad things turned out the way they did and I am proud to by from a "blue state" again!!

Love the Texanized Eva...she's so adorable!!!

I am a little surprised by Dane's remarks (unless of course he just hung up with "Godammit Bill")but doesn't Norway take a huge tax percentage? I would think that he wouldn't think a raise in taxes (no where close to where he currently lives) would be that big a deal.
Unknown said…
I too am proud to be American. Wonderful to read your perspective, seeing how others really think of us. Great post, thanks for sharing the pics.
Christelle said…
I'm Canadian but I even felt emotional watching PRESIDENT Obama (yay!) giving his speech after he won.
Amy said…
I love that you wrote this from your European standpoint. We are so so so happy here too! Most of us. It's like breathing for the first time in years. I traveled abroad a lot this summer and felt the same way, didn't want to advertise that I was American. I have a renewed pride in my citizenship. :)
SabrinaT said…
I tried to get a picture of the Japanese paper. By the time I got there they were sold out! WOOOHOO!!
Skogkjerring said…
I didn't vote...I know shame on me, but I am glad Obama won. I hope he will give us the change he's promised and not just more empty political promises. I think the world is waiting for those changes as much as I am! Everyone I have spoken with was so glad Obama won..just my dad was disappointed and didn't want to talk about it....
Rhea said…
This post reminded me of how patriotic I feel when I'm out of the country. How much more I love my country when I'm away.

Love the sweater you put your daughter in and the Texas ponytail.
Tiff said…
Great post..thank you for sharing the pictures of the newspapers..its crazy to think that the whole world was waiting to see what maybe I can go visit my relatives in Canada and not get so many hate looks when I open my southern mouth while

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