Wii Fit....Anyone?

I was shopping this afternoon when I came across THIS.... it was either Fit or Fitness.. (whats the difference?)

I know I sound like a small child when I say

I REALLY REALLY want this... for the kids (of course...)

The kids would F R E A K O U T... because we are pretty much against video games... They would NEVER in a million years think we would get one...

How fun to wake up Christmas morning & watch mommy do pilates? I mean, open THEIR new WII... (its even fun to say the name.... WIIIII isn't it?)

Now comes the fun part...trying to talk Bjørn into it. He has his heart set on skiis for the family this year...

Had they been downhill skiis I would be all for it... but he want's to do the

cross (YAWN) country skiis... OK I have never been cross crountry skiiing, but it seems like an awful lot of hard work... for what?

I thought I had read on someone's blog that they had dropped a lot of weight & got into really good shape with the Wii... anyone? ..... Hello?


Jen said…
I know, this looks so cool. It is no my or I mean the kids, Christmas list.
jewelstreet said…
I was just saying how I want this! I don't know anyone who actually has one, but I hear it's very cool. Way better than cross country skiis.
MsTypo said…
I was about to vote skis until i saw they were for cross country. Bleh. The whole fun of skiing is the fact that you're plummeting down a hill at rates that should terrify and yet you are somehow lulled into believing that you're in charge.

Go with the Wii. Your children will worship you and after a month of working out with video games so will your husband! :p
Ash said…
I'm thinking that was me, maybe? (http://eminpursuit.blogspot.com/2008/09/just-how-skinny-are-those-bitches.html)

Yes, my hubby is down 32 pounds!! I'm down 13. All it takes is to see your little Mii show up, all round and squatty and oh so cute, to motivate.

It's very cool. My 6-year-old loves it. My 2-year-old tries to do it. Totally worth every penny.

But your blogging time will go way down - warning: the Wii is just about as addictive.

What A Card said…
2) I hit enter by mistake :)

3) I haven't lost any weight with my wii, though it really wasn't my goal, so who knows!
We bought the wii over the summer - and it's in the box in my bedroom. Kinda hiding in plain sight before Santa hooks it up to the TV on Christmas eve. We didn't get the wii fit - but we have wii sports. I think that they will be fun...and give us a lot of exercise. I have friends who talk about working up a sweat playing tennis on it.

And they have done news pieces about having a wii in the nursing homes here. That they get them playing lots of things - because they can do it from their wheel chairs - and still get some exercise - work on coordination - that sort of thing.

I can't think of any other game system that could do that for you. Which is why we are getting it. And not an xbox.
Anonymous said…
We're buying the Wii for Christmas and of course getting the Fit to go with it! We're totally anti - video game too but thought that this would not only give the kids something to do on rainy/too hot days but also be an incentive for their friends to come HERE.
I've heard so many good things about it!! :)
Debie Napoleon said…
I have one - check out my blog for reviews on different things...

I loooovvveee it.
Laural Out Loud said…
I have a Wii Fit!! I haven't used it ONCE. I'm never alone in my house, and there is no way I'm standing on that platform board thing and getting weighed in front of my whole family. It's just not going to happen. The next time I'm alone, I plan to check it out, but it might be a while.
Diane Mandy said…
For the kids..of course (wink)
Anonymous said…
"OK I have never been cross crountry skiiing, but it seems like an awful lot of hard work... for what?"

For the same reason anyone would use Wii Fit - to become fit ;-)
Tiff said…
I am soooo with you on this...we are going to get one..hopefully!!! And I cannot wait to get the fitness that goes along with it....I will be very happy on xmas morning if we get it.... :)
Allison said…
Oh I have the wii fit and LOVE it!! It really does work you out! I work out for an hour and by the end I feel like I really had a great work out!!
WheresMyAngels said…
The Wii Fit is fun for all the family! My husband and I were in contest against each other. I will say that this last month, I haven't used it much but it is a fun way to excercise! And the skiing on it is a blast!
Anonymous said…
Ok so maybe I need to look into the Wii Fit. We have one here (the Wii) but no Fit. Though we DO have Mario Kart. Now that is one FUN game! Im so excited for my other two sisters to be here over xmas so we can all play together!!
I heard a lady lost 50 pounds doing the hula hoop on the Wii.
Frizzy said…
I've heard a lot of great things about WII fit. My girlfriend lost weight doing the yoga workout. Good luck on the gift.
Cristin said…
So cool that you posted about this today! I can't blog about it... but I was given a Wii by my sister today... She knew I wanted one, and knew I wouldn't buy one for myself so she got me one!!! I have to get the Fit part myself... and I WILL!!

I kicked hubby's ass at bowling on the first try!! It's tons of fun...
Anonymous said…
Wii Fit is great fun - we do it for the fun factor, not the weight factor. A word of warning - it weighs in everyone and is not really meant for kids, so can be a bit distressing when it says they are overweight because you haven't updated their height. I mean - they grow all the time unlike us adults...

Once you get the Wii Fit board thingy - you can then buy Wii Family Ski.. this allows you to practise snowboarding, slalom, downhill skiing and is also a lot of fun!

Cross country skiing in GREAT!! You've got to give it a try! It's a really good workout, and as long as you do it somewhere flat, it's fairly easy (do NOT try in uphill...) You get to be outside in the snow and sun and have a snow picnic with hot chocolate.. it's just lovely!
LuckyMe said…
I admire your nonvideo goals. We were that family until the Wii. My oldest is 21 and we never bought a game system of any type (computer games only, educational, of course) until last summer. I never met another family who held out as long as we did, especially with 3 boys.

I played Wii tennis at my SIL's house. The rest is history. I bought it for ME. My 13 year old thinks it's for him. It's like a ball rolling downhill. Now we have Guitar Hero World Tour. We spend hours? playing together instead of watching TV. I was supposed to get Wii Fit first but it's been too hard to find. We think the snowboarding game would be fun. I guess I'm hooked! But it's better than sitting by myself in front of my computer or watching reruns of King of Queens.

PS. Family skiing? Our favorite pasttime. No Disney for us. When we go away, we love to ski/snowboard! So How long have you lived in Norway?? Is this your husband's birthplace?
Robbi said…
Cross country skiing is a tough workout, especially up hill. Why not get both the skis and Wii?

Ha det!
binks said…
This is so on my Christmas list!
Shannon said…
I read somewhere that the Wii is on its way of outselling the Xbox, PS3 and something else (maybe the Nintendo-whatchamacallit)... COMBINED.

We got a Wii this past spring, then in May I bought the Wii Fit for hubby as a bday gift. He has been more apt to workout on it than I am... but we all love it. We've got a few fun games, our kids like playing it... its totally worth it!

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